i. -a " f" rr "fw MMfWl ;"- vr i- T" fc- . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. L m THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A newHpniKir ilovotetl to tlio lntoreat of tho Unlvornlly of NobriiRka. Publlshod nt 1!U North lltli 8t by THE HESPERIAN VJi. CO. (Incorporatrwl.) DIRECTORS: J. W. CCnotroe, President. 0. L. Townn, rtocrotnry-TrBBHuror, J. I. Wynr, T. J. Howntt. K. W. Wnnlifjurn. Htbrlino H. MrC.w J. A. Manning Or.onoE P. Uiiiolkr Mnii(iln Editor Aunt. Mnnngn - Atlilotlc Edltor REPORTERS. R.C. Pollanl. (',!U.tp0n(i!,,rt',r' NorrlH HMn. r Hill, .1. H. Kurnny, T-lilT ( rook .John A. WiNoii. LlniiM Muntlnjcton lorn 1 ! m., hi mo uiiy iiimmun .........., .... lilcli iLoyjiro rxportiMito npponr Subscription mny bo loft ut tlm NohrnBkun olilriv nt tlm ('A. Op., or with HtninnHH Mnnnor. Suli-r'rihortt will i-orifor a ftnnr by riKrtmir promptly at thii ollli-ii any fnilurn to receive tho imper . , . i All rhnnns In inlvnrlixniK rnniinr mum i m tlm oHlro b :t p. ni . on tho tiny provloun to that on w hich thiy aro to appnnr. AddroiK all roinnuiniclitiotiM to tho Daily No hniMkitii, l: N 11th St., Lincoln. Nnhnnkn. Telephone 479. 4; Tin' Dully Ni'lmnkmi n lining mint 5; 5 to all milmrrllMTn on tlm old Nelirim- ? . kitii-Ili'niMrliin Hut. ThoMi Hiilmorili- jf cm to tlu NolirnHUnii-Ili'HpnrlHii 2; who do not denim tlio Dally will 2- C iiWmikk nollTy tlio iiinimjjer by riird 5 nit noon ii h poHnlblc. Whom no nwtl- Z-. 3 Mention U reoolvixl It In iimlrrMnotl 3; S tluit tlit Niilmcrlhoi' wInIh'b tlio ,- j? - per to mint in tic. 3 New yells and sours are needed for he rooteis. The NobruHkun presents two" jtew ones today. Why not try otir hand at It. The turnout at the rally yesterday wan eneoiiniRliiK. but at the same time the attendance should have been larg er. Every man In the University should have been there. Kenorts fiom other schools of a thousand students turning- out at such meetings are common. There is no reason why Ne braska should not do as well. The seniors at their meeting yester day started a movement looking to ward the organization of class teams. It Is now time for other classes to take the same action. A Berlcs of inter-class games would not only increase inter est In football, but it would serve to bring out much new material that Is now lost to the I'niveiHlty. The great objection to these games as they have been played in the I'niversity is that they ate not thoroughly prepared for. Men go into them who are not fit to play football. The enthusiasm aroused by them would be imili greater if "a longer course of training were gone through with. Other . colleges have their class games with neighboring in--HtiUiUoii& Sojll such innovation might be introduced here-wJUi ollt COMMUNICATION. Editor Dally Nebraskan- For the last three years it has been the prac tice of some of the engineering stu dents to make an annual trip to some city of importance and see the large electric and teani plants in operation. The first year they made n study of the plants In Lincoln; their next trip was to Omaha and last year a small crowd went to Kansas City. This year we want a big crowd to go to Minneapolis and St. Paul with the team. The trip last year cost probably two or three times as much aB thlB will and yet the boys felt amply repaid for their time and money. Another thing, Prof. Morse is a nutlve of the Twin Cities and he will be able to pilot us around much better than he could in a Btrange place. Manager Cowglll saya if we get fully organized, that Is, know Just how many are going, how many want Bleeplern, etc., that we can go with the team Thursday at 7 p. m., In stead of Friday, when the whole school goes. That will give ub a day and a half to do the two towna, and still leave time tor the game. All engineering students, especially the new men, are urged to come out to our first meeting Wednesday at 7:30 In Mechanic Arts hall, room 211, and hear what Professors. Morse and Richards have to say on the value of Biich a trip. S. D. CLINTON. EXCHANGES. Theie is gloom in the Maroon camp on account of the determination of Remp. the big substitute center on last year's Wisconsin team, to leave tin'' Midway school and enter the Uni versity of Iowa. The reason is that he could not get along with the coaches, claiming that he was Ill treated and it is said that Hersh herger is the man with whom he had trouble Remp played in the game with Lombard and made such a good showing that Stagg was counting on him to play one of the line positions. Remp left last nlsht for Iowa City -Daily Iowan. One of Minnesota's stiongest op ponents on the gridiron this fali will he Nebraska. According to the latest report eight of last year's men are on hand, and some strong players who were not in the game last year will don their moleskins and do their best to make the team. Big prepara tions are being made for the contest with the (iophers. Manager Cowglll is at ranging to secure special trains to carry several hundred rooters to Minneapolis to see the big contest October 11!. -'Minnesota Daily. The Associated .Students met at 11 o'clock last Friday morning in the gymnasium. In response to a special meeting called by President Echle man, at the request of twenty-five members. Owing to the condition of the gymnasium, an adjournment was taken to Stiles hall, where the meeting was called to order. M. R. Newmark. 'OH, presented the tollowing motion. whiCt was carried with very little opposition That a committee of thirteen, which commit tee shall include the president of the A. S. U. C and the president of the A W. S , be appointed to confer with Piesidenl Wheeler concerning the feasibility of establishing in this uni versity an honor system; and, further, that this committee be empowered to make any suggestions which It may deem fit in regard to a method for the execution of such system if It be con sidered feasible. Daily California!!. It should hardly be necessary to ask students to keep away from Northrop Field while secret practice is taking place, yet whenever even the gates aro closed at every hole In the fence are several persons. And these are students, too, not mere small boys. Dr. Williams has ordered the gates closed so that tlLe practice may go on lii strictest secrecy, yet In the jam which Is about the fence anyone could watch the play almost as well as if seated in the grand stand, and with no more fear of defection. If the students will only stay away until the gates are opened any outsider can easily he discovered, but If the crowd keeps up as It has begun the secret practice will be useless and any college In thecounj.ry can learn our plays as well as the team learns them and our chances for the championship will suffer accordingly. Minnesota Dally. To Make His A Student should use Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens For Sale by all Dealers, or L. K. WATERMAN CO., 5T) 157 Broadway, NBW YORK. Largest Fountain Pen Manufacturer In the World Students If you want the Best, place your Orders for Dance and Society Pro grams with The New Century PHONE 365 1123 N Street Legislative Gallery . - BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. Portrait and lansdcape Photographer I3q South nth Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. OALLBRY ESTABLISHED 1871. Capital Novelty Works NEW and SECOND HAN'D Bicycles BICYCLE SUNDRIES, REPAIRING OE ALL KINDS. TEL L-)).-). 317 South 11th St. J. S. DeVore, 317 S. nth St. Pure Wool Pants. (Medium or Heavy Weight.) Made to Your (pQ flfl Measure uJiUU ELIAS BAKER PANTS CO., 118 S. 10th Street. pilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll DR.T. O'CONNOR cures CVM'EHS. EE j TUMORS, WENS and FI.STUI AS - without tho mo of knifu, chloroform ZZZ ZZZ or Ether SS OFFICE UWO St., LINCOLN, NEH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHll Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan 111 iiTnp rT . hmcimm. .. . STOP DAT A-PUSHIN' OAR BHIIINU 1 An ni ft moke from L.oozeclnn. An1 rah tkln't at brack u ciowi Man hooey 1 Mary Ann, An' ah Joan care oho know. Say. yeh ought tuh ee ut glldln'. An' a KllJIn', an' a-glldin'. At upon our bikes arldln', Yehj, a-rldln', bolli a-fUlIn' I We Je' ulc clch copj de taik. When tliuli win' Is at our Uait O stop dal i (Kahili' dar behlnc I .Clioaug. -T Um u U U. uu, t, la.kMd,,. U stop dat puihin' dar belilne I O top dat puihln' dar behlnc I Au" ef alnybody knows Happy nlKKuhs I Deere are dore I L) SIOD Clat IMilhin' .1.. I.l.l..- 1 I lThelove. and many other NHW bONG!., all the co. H - T leue favorites, and popular OLD FAMILIAK TUNIi In 1 ww.,Uvj vr' nnv lixa ViULilitHiao ""-. n rru, HJO, fiotttatJ. m loa HINDS ft N6BLE. PuilMer,. RTw York City mmwm aiiiooiuouKt 01 all publishers at one store. I Hark James Hearn J 237 So. nth street And hns his measure taken for tho Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, TYlnmtlacturtd by Vbe f)endersonJltm3 Co. h'alamazoo, Ttlich. HvJ 472-478 Ilroariwuy MWWfiBiJB Makers of the Caps,Gowns and Hoods To tin' American Collfircs uiid I'liivi'i-Hitii-H. IlhiHtratod Manual, Hunijili' prices, etc., on request. Gowns for the pulpit and bench. The Daily Nebraskan Wants Solicitors. e WEBER SUITORIUM Is the Up-to-Date Ptoce where La dles und Gentlemen can get their CLOTHING CLEANED, PRESSED, DYED, RELINED AND REFITTED. N.E. Cor. 11 th ami (). Phone 7(J8 Take Your Shoe Repairing to JOSEPH KOLBACH, 1326 O STREET LL WORK GUARANTEED r ,- 1 L 1 0) i Ly n'l'ti'n rT'i' ' f g'f