The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1901, Image 1

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    ---. T."
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Tfhe Daily Nebraskan
S 7"
VOL. I. NO. li.
Kall on tlic Campus well Attended
( 11 Time Knt hiisiamii
liow ii Rumors l :i
Low cr Rate The
Yestinlav's piny was sn:ipp The
weather was cooler and It nd its ef
fect on tin- men Tlic 'Vault ,, scored
t-.-ie torn li-downs on tin i .'ls in
v'irit onler. Two goals v. cm- !ci ked.
Xtuial new plajs weie I'.m! and
I lived all Coach Booth could .isl foi
Tnc senilis woio powerless when the
list tinks wcic used Ra. was
l.s.cK on the hold and replaced I Main
.H quarter the latter part of play.
1-:.'il'(i and Mulligan relieved Crandall
-and Hender at halves, while Bell wus
ghen a try at full. All of the sub
hacks showed up in tine shape. Bell
especially making some fine gains.
Ringer was In the field in citizen's
clothes, wearing a cane and bent knee.
He will be in the game next week
Malony is doing well at guard, but has
hardly had the experience of Ringei
Captain Westover and "Stub" Crandall
are limping around as a rehiilt of the
Kirksville game The Osteopathic
sluggeis almost proved too much for
Nebrask i, not in football, but pugil
ism. The whole team is sore and
bruised, but in no case is anything
The rooters collected on the south
bleacheis, and under the tutoring of
Prof. Wyer Taid the foundation of the
main support of successful athletics
a rooters" club. Nebraskans were dis
tributed with the yells on the back and
the fun began. Captain Teach of com
pany C was chosen as one Bquad yell
. leader. Tonight and tomorrow night
yCllng will continue at 1 30 on Ne
braska held. Wilson and Hall have a
line of megaphones for twenty-five
cents that the rooters agreed to get
They hae ordered two hundred Ne
braska will be equipped entirely new
toi their tilp north. New sweaters,
new jersics, new suits, new everything
The appearance of a team counts much
in the impression it makes
Last night there was a rumor to the
effect that the five-dollar rate had
been cut by the Burlington and met
by theij Rock Island, but It could not be
confirmed. Manager Cowgill went to
Omaha yesterday to dicker on rates.
Ennston Among the most promis
ing men .aie the Ranger brothers of
the l'nieisil of Kansas and Johnson
Hanson, who plaved on the piep
t'-irn seeial .eais ago The practice
was light and was intend d to develop
sliced IM Hollister has appointed a
loinmittee to cam ass the students con
cerning going to Ann Arbor on Octo
ber IT the da of the game between
Michigan and the purple It is ex
pected "20(1 students will go
Cioni Mondaj s practice it would
sei m Coach King is not satisfied with
the woik at full back Instead of
plaing Abeiciornhle there, as he has
eer since practice staited, he played
HaTnmeison, the big sub tackle of last
ear's team Hamlin icon's work,
nowevei. was not quite up to standaid.
and Alien lonible was called in for
the last few minutes of play At present
full back seems to be the most doubt
ful position on the team Holstein,
although lather new at the game, Is
by far the moat likely candidate for
Jeiry Riordan's old position at left
guard Schreiber at left tackle also
looks like a certalnt He is a hard,
aggiessive player, and gets into the
Seniors and . I Minors Choose OHii-eirt
Ileal ie ami Straer" the
Sui-ei ssful ( '.uididates
Other Oflii-cs
A Inch session of the senioi class
v ,u hi Id . stei da. i ' not :i 'I lie
aiiM of the stir w.s the le '.').i of
cl i-s ct'h i , foi lh" fiist serri"-tei
Tli" pi in pal contest wa.i ovc the
. ho i of itsldent There wet three
(mm r I'eattie, Home an.! dil'k
Council l i.ldi elei t iotieei ing had l I 11
done befoiehand and when the proper
time tame Mi B. -attic was able to
maishal his fo-ces and tarrv off the
The meeting was called to order by
the piesldent, F K Nellson. who made
a brief talk He extolled the class for
past achievements and deplored what
he called "peanut politics." The three
candidates for president were then put
In nomination The result of the bal
lot was as follows Milek, 10, Beat
tie. 12. Home U:i
Learn Them.
l' of N, Rah, rail, rah,
I' of N, Kali, rarj,, rah.
Iloo-rali, Hoo-rah!
Varsity, Varsity, Nebraskali!
Nebraska, Nebraska, Nebraska!
Repeat at least three tinicH and coiitiinii
as long as the leader desires.
The Chicago Tribune of yesterday
gives the following resume of two
teams Nebraska Is Interested In-
Five new candidates and Shock and
Hansen of last year's line vere the re
cruits received by Coach Hollister at
Sheppard field yesterday afternoon.
Northwestern now has all of last vjar'a
team back except Hunter, and the
coach is puzzled to know who will
make the team. He says not oer five
men of last year are certain to hold
their positions because of the new men.
Enough men were on Sheppard field to
make three toams and have enough
substitutes to meet the usual number
of accidents. The coach will arrange
another schedule for the second team.
He is now corresponding with several
of- the smaller colleges for dates.
Most of the games will be played In
interference in excellent shape At
quarter Fogg is showing up strong,
and will probably hold the position.
Both Hammerson and Abeicromblo
ate fast, heuy men. but neither Is
able to kick as the badger full backs
ot past years have. It Is possible this
ditllculty will be solved by calling back
Schreiber or Juneau when any punting
or drop kicking is necessary. The
men were not lined up for scrlmmage
v ork, the who'" time being devoted to
running through formations.
A part of the appointments of cadet
ofilcers for the ensuing year have been
made. The remainder of them will
be announced luter.
Those so far announced are as fol
lows Burke Hall, captain company
A, A K. Barnes, captain company D;
Chas. Teach, captain company C;
James R. Farney, first lieutenant and
adjutant; W. P. Wallace, first lieu
tenant company B. Until the appoint
ment of the captain of B, the company
will he In charge of Lieutenant Wal
lace. .
ness meeting of this year In the new
chapel yesterday nfternoon at one
o'clock with about seventy members
Some i let tioneerlng had been done
dining the last few days and consider
able interest was shown In the rc-mll
of the election, particularly In the case
of the piesldent who has the power of
appointing the chulrmarr, master o'
celt monies and committee of the Jun
loi pi'oni.
Thiee candidates ran for that olllce
.lames Fiugeson. (J A. Lee and II. (1
Strajei The supporteiH of Htiayer
showed thili hand and the result of
the fli st foi mat ballot was his elec
tion to the office of piesldent of the
The remainder of the elections re
sulted as follows First vice presi
dent, Fred Llpp, second vice presi
dent, Ocorge Shidler, secretary, Miss
Edith Hess, treaBiuer, MIhs Emily
Jenkins, sergeant-at-arms, Ray Pol
lard, senator. DeWitt HailHcn. It is
worthy of note that this is the third
time Miss Jenkins has been elected to
the office of treasurer.
No other business coming before
the class, the meeting was adjourned.
Following the usual custom the retir
ing presiding officer was chosen as
Mr Beattie was introduced as the
m' president and In a brief speech
outlined his plans for the semester.
He especially emphasized his desire to
maki the semester one of activity.
Messrs Peyoon and Stir II were placed
in nomination for vice president. On
motion It was decided to make the one
receiving the most votes first vice
president and the other second. The
result of the ballot made Mr. Pepoon
first vice president and Mr. Stull sec
ond vice president.
Miss Pollock was chosen secretary
and Miss Barrett historian.
There was something of a fight for
class senator. J. D. Dassenhrock and
Carroll Powers were the candidates.
The vote was close, Mr. Powers re
ceiving 28 votes to Mr. Dassenbrock's
The debating clubs will meet as
luual Saturday evening, October 5, at
ttfelr respective halls. New students
are always welcome at these meetings.
The questions and debaters are as fol
lows UNIONS .
Resolved, That as a preventive of
the spread of anarchy, the Immigration
laws of this country should be mado
more stringent. Affirmative, North,
Milek, Strayer; negative, Chase, Wea
er, Rulla.
Resolved, That the United States
should maintain her position as the
fourth naval power of the world. Af
firmative, Clarke, Keyser; negative,
Wright, Johnson.
Resolved, That It Is for the best In
terest of Cuba that It be annexed to the
United States. Affirmative, Furgeson,
Davis, Johnson; negative, Nye, Mor
row, James.
Quite a Hurry was caused last night
by the rumor that a three-dollar rate
to Minneapolis had been made by
some of the competing roads. No con
firmation of the repqrtcould be se
cured. At the D. & M. office nothing
definite was known except that the ru
mor was abroad. The Northwestern
officials professed ignorance of the cut,
but said they did not know what they
might do. They oxpressed the opinion
Ex-President Nellson was made ser--hat they could carry people to Mln-
F. W. Brown, '00, has accepted a po
sition as principal of the Humboldt
schools and will teach there this year.
fter the election the president was
cr-pnwered to appoint a football man
ager iind captain. He was also ordered
to f.ppolnt a committee, Including the
class senator, to confer with the Chan
cellor regarding a commencement or
ator This early action is taken in
order to Insure getting a good one.
The juniors held their first busl-
neapolls as cheaply as anybody. There
is evidently a war on between the
roads that may result In a reduction
to less than five dollars.
The Dally Nebraskan comes to us
from the University of Nebraska, Lin
coln, Neb. The paper is now published
by a corporation and from the ap
pearance of the new sheet it will bo
a success. The Collegian Reporter.
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