The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 01, 1901, Image 1

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VOL. I. NO. 11.
Manager Cowgil Gets an Kxlrqmcly
Low Fare to HTnlTeBota
Prospects for Crowd
Yesterday's Practice.
A five dollar rate to Minnesota has
been assured. The Rock Island made
an agreement with Manager Cowglll
to carry .everybody over their road for
live dollars for the round trip. Not
only that, but the Rdck Island la pro
pared to go as much lower as any other
road will go. The football team, the
excursions, all, go over the Rock Isl
and to Minneapolis. The train leaves
Lincoln at seven Friday evening and
reaches Minneapolis about nine or ten
"Saturday-morning and leaves at eight
Saturday evening after the game. Tour
ist sleepers will be furnished for two
dollars for the round trip. vTwo men
can combine and make both ways for a
dollar apiece. Most Minnesotans last
year, however, made a night of it,
roughing it down and sorrowing "It
Students, and In fact all who Intend
making the trip, should notify Man
ager Cowglll or Assistant Manager
Raymond. Two hundred are necessary
for the rates. People from, over the
state will make tho trip In large num
bers. Yesterday's practice was soul
lnsplrlng. A Quaker would have re
joiced at the kind of football Nebras.
ka put up. Several of tho men were
stiff and sore. Captain Westover has
a Charley-horse and carries a limp.
Ringer has a game knee and won't be
in tho game for another week. But to
counteract these misfortunes, George
Shcdd appeared on the field in suit and
toggery. Shedd played half and full
on the team's of '96, '97 and '98. He en
tered tho law school yesterday and af
ter considerable persuasion agreed to
help the 'Varsity all ho could. He
will strengthen the team at full. By
the way, Pillsbury is in college. The
team needs Pill, and the boys feel that
he should get out. Captain Westover is
anxious that everybody should try for
tho team.
Three teams were out lumbering over
the gridiron. Two scrub teams and the
'-Varsity. Scrub fought scrub awhile,
Coaches Booth and Melford directing
Boveralpr5mlBliig--menr Tho-LVaxsitZ.
practlcedIgnalworkanjLeyeral new
plays of B'ooth's. Later whmtflo
scrubs lined up against Nebraska they
worked with amazing rapidity and suc
cess. Tho 'Varsity had no trouble In
scoring on the scrubs. The latter could
make nothing andvCoaoh Booth called
his men In. They were tired and sore
from the Klrksville game. The foot
ball men are very much dissatisfied
with' the account of Saturday's game
sent to the city papers. It Is said that
the account was written by a' Klrksville
man, sent to the Kansas City Journal
and resent from there to Lincoln. The
report In question' gave Nebraska de
cidedly the slim side of the argument
not mentioning that the Klrksville'
Osteopaths were hired placers and
that they have been In training since
the middle of August. At no time dur
ing the' game was Nebraska's twenty-flve-yard
line crossed and only twice
did Klrksville make over five yards.,
-(Tho bone-rubbers were- penalized three ,
iiuicn, no iiiu icjuiv nuyof uui vuuiun
ka got the same dose five times. Tho
Varsity struck a hard, well trained
team of experienced players who puf
up clean cut, swift team work and
good ball. The Missouri coach saw the
game and said that Klrksville would
beafthe tigers about twenty to noth
ing. The two halves and full weighed
over two hundred and the quarter one
hundred ninety-four pounds. Coach
Booth sayp ho is more than pleased
with the game Nebraska put up. Tho
next two weeks will see 'a wonderful
development in Nebraska's work.
Now that rates' are secured that in
sure a crowd for Minnesota, the next
thing is rooting. Tonight on, Nebraska
field at 4:30 a rooters club will be or
ganized. Yell leaders will be elected
and a few of the yells practiced. R. D.
Andresen has offered his services.
Doane college plays here next Satur
day. The rooting section can .work a
little on them.
The Minnesota team is doing some
hard practice as the following'from the
Minnesota Daily will show:
The team has been put through some
good hard work"latoly by Coach Wlll--iams
and the men begin to play tho
Football Rally w
1 his Afternoon at 4:30
A Rooters Club will be Organized.
Everyone Urged to be Przsznt.e$eee?eeeeeeeee
game as of old. Thore are sovewl po
sitions on the team which at present do
not seem to belong to any one In par
ticular. All of the men on both teams
seem to go into the practice games
with vim and spirit and thore is little
doubt inTlioTnindfl-of-4ho-W)otexBJthaj.
thehonor of-MlnnesQlawlll be strong
ly championed on the gridiron Ihls fa!17
With both Rogers and Auno out of
the gamo because of Injuries, the nat
ural inference would be that the first
team would be seriously handicapped,
yet at the practice last night they ap
peared able to score almost at will.
The whole team appeared to get Into
tho game and, never lost the, ball on,
downs before scoring two touch-downs,
FJynn was in his old-time form and
broke throughfcho line repeatedly ioi;
long rims, which brought vigorous
cheers from "the grand-stand. Dr. Will
iams seems to have inspired .the team
with some of his own enthusiasm and
the rooters are feeling more hopeful
after last night's work.
Rogers will probably, be in the game
111 a. day or so, butAuno-has a bad
shoulder and may be compelled to stay
out of the practice for some time. It
is to be hoped Jhat tho extent oshIs
injury haB .been exaggerated
Changes Made in the Old Froahman
Sophomoro Contest An all
Univorsity Handicap Moot
ing Contemplated.
Cbtfch Booth is at present formulat
ing arrangements for an athletic meet
to be hold som6 time Within the next
three weeks.
This meet will take the place of tho
customary freshman-sophomore meet
on account of the conflicting standings
of the men as regards their classes.
The idea is to do away with all this
trouble and establish a meet for all
the University. Any one may enter
either for training or competition.
The usual program of field events
and track work will be carried out in
detail with the objoct of arousing more
general Interest -in such work for tho
winter. The material also for the
spring track team will thus bo devel
oped and further trained during the
winter months.
j3old. silver and bronze medals will
be offered for each event, and will bo
worthy of some effort to obtain besides
the training and Tipnor "Which-are-at--
tacneu to them.
It Is hoped that such a move will
build up Interest generally In Univer
sity athletics and call out more sup
j)grt from the student body.
Tho following extract from tho Dally
Palo Alto will bo interesting as show
ing the Stanford end of the negotia
tions for a debate: .
At the call -of President .Rice, the
executive committee, of the inter-so-
clety debating league met this afte"r-J
noon to consider the question of ar
ranging a debate with the University
of .Nebraska, The subject was brought
up by a letter from' P; B., Weaver,
president of the Nebraska "University
Debating association, of which the .fol
lowing extracts give tho substance!
"Last winter and spring there, was
correspondence between our respective
debating, associations relative to a de
bate between Leland Stanford -'Junior
University and the University of Ne
braska, piglngj to nfprt'unateVdelays;
however, the engagement entered "into
was cancelled by Nebriska'g executive
committee,, for reasoHg ahowa by the.
correspondence j)l Jast spring, namely,
foar of a financial falluro by Bdmo, ow
ing to the necessary conflict of date
with final examinations.
. "Nobraska desires to debato with
your leaguo this year, preforably
thore. Our loaguo now debates with
Colorado, Kansas and Missouri univer
sities, the placo of dobato alternating
each year. This year wo expect to on
tertaln Colorado and Kansas at homo.
Next year we will only have Missouri.
If you could entertain our team this
year we can manage to return the
favor next year." -
After discussing tho letter in tho
meeting, the committee, by a vote, ex
pressed its desire to hold tho Nebras
ka debate, upon condition that it tako
place some timo this semester. Scott
and Cameron wero appointed to lay tho
matter before the executive commit
tee of the associated students, tonight,
to ascertain its attitude. If it is found
feasible, to negotlato an engagement,
place and date for holding It will bo
determined later.
Class work in the law school began
yesterday. Registration occupied all
of Friday and Saturday. Classes met
yesterday for short introductory ses
sions only.
The registration this year will, from
tho present outloook, bo about the same
as last year. Over one hundred had
enrolled, at 5 o'clock last night. This
is practically the samo as last year.
Owing to Dean Reese's absence from
the city the department is In charge of
Professor C. A. Robblns.
1 A more Btrlngcnt rule regarding
men who apply for advanced standing
on tho strength of office experience
has been made this year They
now are required (o tako the reg
ular junior law examinations. This
has cut down the number of offico men
who have registered porceptably.
No new work Is offered this year,, but
a slight change is made In the-evi-,.
dence and equity courses. .Instead of
running tho-two In different torms, one
half of each course will be run through
out the flrBt two terms.
-l'hcfc'cJiooLmaBtcrs' club, an organi
zation of superintendents and""prln
clpnls of high neliools, will hold (ts
annual banquot and meeting -at the
Lincoln hotel next Friday evening..
The banquet will be held at 6 o'clock
and-a.progranxw.Hl follow.
jyJ!! reada paper.
Tho University has received several
calls for principals of schools which It
Dr. Hill I
HI l 'N. J
Is unablo to ffllTHBtulientawhohaye:
Had experience In teaching and arei-
willing ' to accept such a position, ' '
shopld report 'to the Recorder,, atjonce; c
r - .
. , , v
Messrs. R. E; "Smith E. C. Wind- .
mayer, Geo. Mozart ahd'Gqld Williams '
were Initiated Into .Alpha Tau Omega
Saturday evening. ' An informal banV-
uct and smoker followed ,. V
' M
A.' A. Miller, 9g, who' for the' greater
part of (be part three year has been
connected with vthe ' Teatlngfhouse:.
Electric1 -and' Manufacturing 'Co. ,at
Ptti'burgJPa.Wnpactlveiyaa. j
dated with' thorjefgn-bualneig of thtf . i
Company and' makw Wfaport offSTj
lnNew.Ydrkhigt!h6adawirtri..j:' . iSTJl
. m
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