,t " . 4v - JT - "'-'''"- - , rV - r "- J.. ,- , ; THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. fc "' b S P' i" b- r THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A newcpnpnf dovotad to ttio Intorqitta of tbo Ufilromlly of Nobrnnkn. Ptibttsliod at 134 North 11th St., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. ( Incorporated.) DIRECTOHB: J. W. Crnbtroo, Prosldont. G. L. Towno, Soorotnrjr-Tronnuror. J. I. Wyor, T. J. Howott, E. W. Washburn. Sterlino H. McCaw J. A. Mannino GEOKOH P. SlttDLBR Manncrlng Editor ABst. Mnnniror - Athlotlo EHtor REPORTERS. R. 0. Pollard, Clifton Cartor, NorriHHiiBO, R. T. Hill, J. R. Farnoy, Cliff Crooks. J6hn A. Wilson, Linn M. Huntington. Tho subucrlptlon prlco of tlio Dally Nebraa kau 1 82 for tbo collntro year with a roaular do- llTory btforo oliapol oaoh day. NotlcoR, com munfcatlonB, and other matter Intondod for ptib Mention, must be handed In nt tho Nobrnnknn ofllco bforo 7 p. m., or mailed to thp oditor bo fore 3 p. m., of the day previous to that day on vhlch they are oxpoctea to appear. Subscriptions may bo loft at the Nobraskan ofllco, at tho Co. Op., or with BuBlnesB Mnnnsror. Bubftorlbors will confor a favor by reporting promptly nt tit Ih ofllco nny falluro to rooolTatlio pa nor. All ohannoR In advertising mattor munt bo In tho ofllco by .'! p. m. on tho day previous to that on which tfioj nro to apponr. AddreiR all communications to the Dnlly No braslcan, 1114 N. 11th St., Lincoln, Nahraaka. Telephone 470. tTlio Daily Nnhrasknn l being sont 3: to nil mibnorlborn on th old Nlrn- 5-knn-IIoHpnrlnii lint. TIiobo unhurt-lb- 2 or to tho Nobriisknii-Ilunperliiii 2- who do not rirnlrn tho Dnlly will ;- plonso notify tho innniicor by vnrd fi ita noon nit possible. AVhorn no notl- 5 llcntlou I received It Is understood 5 tlmt tho subscriber wishes the pit- j per 10 continue. a- wtwfwmMQWWNmmtm wwm, Tho suggestion has been made that the athletic field bo named and that It hereafter bo designated on all occa sions by Its name. A further sugges tion is that tho chrlstonlngtako place when tho now fenco Is completed. A numbor of men got together on tho bleachers the othor day and Nodded to call It Nebraska field. The Idea la a good one and ought to bo carried out by tho students and faculty. If Nebraska wins at Klrksvlllo to morrow tho student body ought to turn out as a wholo and celobrato tho event. The team goes to Missouri with tho fooling that a hard game Is to bo played. Tho ranging of tho chapel boll or tho rod light on Uni versity hall ought to bo a signal for men to turn out and show their en thusiasm. The gathering, could "bo turned into n football rally and the organization of a rooters' , cluh ef fected. Every one should co:no out and assist by his presence. (Continuod from First Pago) City Star speaks as follows about the team: "Julian Tonklttson, '02, who will play either full or half back on tho K. U. team this year, was unanimous ly olected captain to succeed Algio, resigned, at a meeting yesterday. Jenklnson is a player of oxperienco, and whllo not given to making bril liant plays, ho is noted for his "get there" qualities. Ho is as steady in his playing aB tbo proverbiul grand father's clock was In Its ticking and should make a thoroughly reliable leader for tho Jayhawkers of 1901. "Thirty men were out on McCook field last night and despite the broil ing sun put up a practice game that took the crowd of spectators back to football days of yoro whon tho "over victorious" team of '99 made Its dally meal off the scrubs. Never did men work harder than tho 'varsity for tho new captain After half an hour's brisk signal work ( oach Outland lined tho 'varsity up against tho scrubs and It was then that any gloom felt here tofore over Kansas' '01 prospects was dissipated. The 'varsity tore into tho scrubs, scattering them In every di rection. Around the ends and through tho lino tho rogulars plowed, never resting until Nofslnger made a slxty-flve-yard run for a touchdown. An other kick off and a succession of line bucks tlte 'varsity finally carried the ball over for another touchdown. Then a short kicking oft practice was gone through and tho men trotted off to quarters. Anderson, tho huge guards from Hiawatha, was out and played on tho scrubs, opposite Dodds. Ho succeeded In getting the Twentieth Kansas man out of tho play almost every tlmo and Is a strong candidate for K. U.'s line. Vincent, quarter back for tho scrubs, was moved to tackle In the 'varsity line, and ho played a stron.g game In Brummage's place. Brummago Is out of the game from a wrenched knee, rocolved jn Monday's scrimmage. Ramsey did some fierce tackling for the scrubs and bids fair to make a namo for himself. Cap tain Jenklnson played a terrific game. Ho was in eyery play and always ad vanced tho ball. "Tho fooling of doubt as to the out come of tho Ottawa game Is gone and overy one is confident of a victory over the beefy Baptist boys." A commendable effort "glee is boing made clnb in connection to organize a with the University. Stops have already been taken to form a mandolin olub. Both of these organizations ought to re ceive the support of t University people. They are aB much college enterprises as athletic teams. The glee club dio'd a fow years ago from lack of support There ought to bo enough college spirit mani fested by the students to warrant its re vival, ttotovory young man who can sing, help the enterprise by enlisting his efforts in Its behalf. Papers will soon be out asking men to pledge themselves to go to the Minnesota game. Now Is the time for students to show their loyalty to the University. Nebraska must make a good showing at Minneapolis. October 12. If 500 persons will go a rate of $5.50 can be secured. This will prac tically cover the expense of the trip with the exception of admission to the grounds as the return train will ldavo shortly after tho game. Every stu dent should show his fidelity to his school by putting down his name. ' v The Daily Nebraskan Wants Solicitors. "Cut it out" Cut this advertisement out, put it in your pocket or your hat and read it carefullyat your leisure time. Wo recommond Ewing Clothing Go's. Fino Tnilorod Clothing to mon who wish to wear fashionable gannonts, but who do not dosiro tho high pricos of first-class to moasuro tailors Because ""V'VT lj Tho Ewing Clothing Co. clothes aro mndo only from vJJi JDi thoroughly tested high-grado fabrics. rTITTTV Most of tho fancy patterns aro oxclusivo with our J . T - houso. nnTT"TI TjTj The tailoring is dono by tho most skilled jour- JL JLJL JLV JOjX-J noymon tailors in tho most scientifically oquipod gK tailoring establishments in tho world. Ii!VILm EwinejClothine JCo5 clothes, are. mQdoJaLoiJtho . Jj v KJ JLV latest fashions and have tho stamp of "correctness" rf in ovory nno. (i l T-P I 7" I j1 You can bo fitted horo with Stoin, Sloch, Knppon SwS 1 ' 1 V I J hnimnr'a nnrl Hnrt.. flnthnu rnnrl V-tn.omnr t.hn mnmnnt. WlW J x,...w. .... --....... . ..., ... , , ...,. ... . .y youwant them, whothor you are of normal or abnormal build, short g43 stout, all or thin, OTi" A good custom tailor cannot mako-toyour-moasuro O-JL-ZV. clothes that will fit as woll or wear ns well as Ewing Cloth ing Co. clothos short of double our pricos. Now Then f&k Why shouldn1 you give Ewing Clothing Co. clothes a trial this season ? The new fall and winter styles are nere ror your selection. EWING CLOTHING CO. 1113, 1115, 11,17, 1119 O street, LINCOLN. 1 "& rn ERCH ANTS' 1 1 LAUNDRY. TRUMAN BROTHERS, Proprietors. Shirts, - 5c Collars, - 2c Cuffs, 4'c 444-S. Tenth St. - 227 N. Eleventh St. 115 NORTH TWELFTH STREET. - PHONE No. 80S NO BUNDLES LESS THAN ioc To Make His fiark A Student should use .Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens For Sale by all Dealers, or L. E. WATERMAN CO., 55-1&7 Broadway, NEW YORK. Largest Fountain Pen Manufacturers In tho World ." TELEPHONE 199 FOR THE WORK THAT MAKES . . .-... THE " EVANS" FAMOUS o fe ... . . . "-' ' " ') 'Mi&f' ,:,i U'Vng"r'"fW ") !fi jl ' ' t 1 JIM"' II 1- HI Tj.i p.. j- 1 hi plli'"1" 'f V. - if ', "'-ht AJ V, . f 1 kH "Si . TT. d !? 'ial&rJ E&7v&M2i eaw"" '... j. ' ".. i'"j'j'.i ')!-imuj" '' -fa "ji'i'i'"itJ,Jir vf , i-t-jt ig ;