"v ' jt The Daily Nebraskan VOL. I. NO. 8. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 20, 1901. THREE CENTS fe 7 N ( ) O .si . f w W V SCRUB TEAM IMPROVING, ConBtant Coaching Adding Daily to its Strength Punter Needed on the First Team Now KieTcors Developing. There were five captnlnB of the foot ball team on Nebraska field laat even ing at practice: Shedd, '97, Melford, '98, Williams, '99, BVew, '00, and West over, 01. Tho play was encouraging, full of spirit and life. The forepart of the practice was given over to coaching Kingsbury, Bender and Bell at kicking. Kingsbury punts well, but 1b not sure and steady. Bender and Bell are bdth developing distance and speed on the punt. Here Is where tho team will lose or win. If Nebraska can develop a kicker at present It looks like the game was hers. If not, with Knowlton's leg to depend pn, Minne sota will win. The advantage of a fifty or sixty yards punt at a critical point can bo seen by a blind man. About thirty men were out In suits. Both Bcrub and 'Varsity played swift, clean ball. Tho 'Varsity, although closely held, scored twice during play. The scrubs have tho best team in the history of Nebraska football. Coach Melford devoted most of his time teaching tho under 'Varsity and his work Is telling. The roll of the Becond team includes Williams, Bell, Bally, Martin, Tobln and othor 8ky-llghts. The good derived from this every night's Btrong opposition can hardly be Imagined by any one not a football player. When a game does come it will be like tackling a common pro position. The men will fall into their work like machinery. Captain West over praises tho work of both 'Var sity and scrub. He says the kind of play presented by both Is by far tho best ever seen hero at this season. Westover is playing star ball ut. tackle. Stringer and ho make the strongest tiuot of tackles in the west. Captain Wostovor is a veteran at the colloge game. He played for years on the Lincoln high school team boforo en tering the University. This Is hlB third year on the 'Varsity and ho is reckoned nsono of tho finest players who ever wore Scarlet and Cream. Tho side llneB wore well blackened with students last evening. It is thought that Nebraska cannot want support this fall. What she needs to top off enthusiasm is rooting. Not spasmodic gutteral gusts of Bqueak and jibber, but whole-souled, boister ous, noisy, patriotic cheers the Bort that has and always will win any thing. An organized rooters' club Ib the one thing demanded of tho student body. Catchy songs and yells can be learned and delivered with effect. Tho football candidates take their pun ishment for tho 'Varsity. Other stu donts should throttle their falsa mod esty and come around and shout a little. "When ho sees a notice posted ,to gather for a' rooting organization, the loyal student will move his chair near tho flro and help yell The UnU verslty Cadot band started last even ing and tho probabilities aro that Ne braska will not go wanting for horns and music. Manager Cowgil wont to Omaha yes terday to confer with, railroad mag nates as to the rates. He1' has an eight-dollar rate and oxpects five ,or flve-flfty before the halr-pulllng ends. It's up to the. students now to pull long and strong, in unison. If they do: Nebraska will land first in west- era football. The University School of Music will glye its first recital of the. year on October 8. The members of.'the fac ulty will give the program. ' ORGAN RECITAL. An organ recital will be glvon to morrow evening in tho University chapel by J. E. Butler ' of Trinity Cathedral, Omaha" assisted by Miss Bessie Turner. The proceeds will go to tho University Y. W. C. A. Tho program will be as follows: Prelude and Fugue J. S. Bach VorBplel to Lohengrin Wagner To Sevllla J. DoBsauer Miss B'csbIo Turner. Overture, Semiramidi Rossini I ntermezzo, Forget-me-not ... Macbeth March Funebro , Chopin Stars Franco Leonl Miss Bessie Turner. Pilgrim's Chorus Wagner March Mllltalre Oounod-Arohor Les Preludes . Liszt CHANGES IN THE DOMESTIC SCIENCE DEPARTMENT. Quite a change has taken place In the Domestic Science Department since last year. Miss Jones of tho teachers' school at Columbia univer sity has taken tho place of Miss Phil brick In tho cooking department. - Through the liberality of tho board of regents another large room has been CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS. Plana for the Year Being Completed Extensive Work to be Done Among Students Y. W. v C. A. Outlook Good. The association cabinet members mot In session last night for general business. As this was tho first rogiilar meeting of the year considerable work was expected to bo done. Owing, how ever to ground necessary to bo covered and genural conference work, but lit tle actual business was done. It was loft for some future 'meeting which will probably bo hold In conjunction with tho members of tho advisory board. The cabinet and board will lunch together no doubt as planned on next Wednesday evening. At that time they will spend a social time to gether and transactsome business. Mr. Hubble, tho now secretary, will bo SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIa CAPTAIN WESTOVER. "One of the greatest helps wo will have In our work this year Is our new room. Wo aro vory grateful to tho Chancellor and othor frlonds who havo boon so kind in looking aftor our in terests. Their thoughtfulnoss in look ing after details Is appreciated. Tho room has many advantages over tho old one and will prove wo hopo a re sort for many of ho girls who want a qulot place for rest or study. "Wo havo been handicapped In tho start by tho resignation of tho secre tary who had promised. Tho Ameri can committee have rocommondod an othor young woman and wo expect to hear from her soon. In spito of this drawback work has begun, committees have met, and plans have boon made for the year. Tho chairman of tho membership committee is making plans to lntorvlew each girl In tho Univer sity, and 1b armed with unanswerable arguments why Uiobo aho moots should Join tho Y. W. C. A. "There will bo special meetings each Sunday in our new room at 4 o'clock. Bible study and missionary rallios and a Geneva meeting will bo among tho first. We wish to urge all the girls to take up Borne part of the associa tion work. To cut off Christian work when one goes away to school is to lessen one's work at the wrong end, especially when there is an association that offers Christian work for girls to do along all lines." -NOTES. All girls aro Invited to attend a ro coption at MrB. Hodgman's, 700 No. 16th st., Saturday afternoon from 8 to 5. Y. W. C. A. members of former years aro especially urged to bring some now students with them to in troduce to other girls and make these first dayB brighter because of friend ship and hospitality. Sunday afternoon there will be a Bible study rally of the Y. W. C. A. Since tho organization id a Christian association this part should be em phasized especially. Every girl in tho Y. W. C. A. should enroll herself in one of the classes. Scharman's Life of Clirlst, Bosworth's Acts and tho Epistles, besides other courses will bo offered. added to the comfort of tho depart ment. ThiB room has been fitted up with all modern appliances for cook ing. Down tho center and across ono end Js a large maple table which is so arranged as to accomtdodato sixteen students. Four feet of table space is given to the ubo of two girls, the table being divided In the center by means of three shelves. Just beneath the top is a moulding board and. imier this is a Jargo drawer which contains all tho cooking utensils. Each gift is provided with a small gas stove which is used for cooking soups, etc. The baking is done in a large range. The old kitchen on the east sidfr Is arranged In about the same order as the new one. By the accommodations of the two, thirty-four girls are en abled to work at one time. i THE MANDOLIN CLUB. A Mandolin club is being organized by Theo. C. Rude of the University School of MubIc. Mr. Rude will be .in structor and Ipader of the club. A meeting has been called of those who wish , to Join, to be held in .the recital room this evening. Those de siring to play with the club should be present in order to begin with the club. A good club is assured if the students will take enough interest in the work. present and more thoroughly familiar ize himself with tho work. At tho same timo tho final appor tioning of tho yearly budget will be completed as well as tho porsonel of the committees. J. S. Moore, on leaving last spring, started the movement for the pur chase of property for the erection of an association building: near the cam pus. As yet the plan and movement Is in embryo, but the student body may hear of it at some later date. Special Sunday afternoon meetings held in the interest of the work nf missions; membership, and Blble-study- wiu do neia on Bunaays following this date. Mr. Bailey, the new state secretary, is expected to be present at' some meet ing in tho Dear future and speak. The budget of one thousand dollars as made out last spring Is practically covered except by a few5 dollars which will be raised In, a short time. A special movements on hand to in crease membership which will be pushed with considerable enthusiasm and force during the next few weeks. Y. W O, A. QnTJvQQK. The "outlook for a successful year for the Y. W. O. A. ls'Try-bright, One of the members made this statement1' of the work thus far and plans for the year: Buy your tickets for the organ re cital Friday of a University Y. W. O. A. girl. Mr. Butler is higiilyrocoia mondod and his program promises to be a good one. , u v? DEBATING OLUBS. The debating clubs will meet Sat urday evening in their respective halls. The questions for debate and the par ticipants are as follows: UNIONS Resolved, That government by in junction is contrary to tho ends of Jus tice. Affirmative, Messrs. Overturf,' Paul, Baldwin; negative, Messrs. Tay lor, Hawthorn, Buokner. PALLADIANJ y Resolved, That tho suppression of anarchism would be contrary to tho spirit of free government. Affirma tive, Messrs. Doubt, Vossr negative, Messrs. Hamilton, Lee. DELI AN jl " Itesolved, That the present indus trial system of the .United States makes labor organizations necessary. Affirma tive. Messrs. Lefier. Flshnr. ffanlrln! negative, Messrs. Sargent, Turner, Dale. THE BATTALION. The campus was covered with.awk ward squads last night for the first ' time this year. jpne hundred and, eighty new men reported for duty, Setting-up exercises will be contin- ' uod for some time until all the men are limbered up. They will then be' sized up and.aeslgned'tO'thelr respec-' tlve companies. . : : ' ,C " ' ' "" ' v Mrs. George, W. Qerwig-ot Allegheny, Pa.? died a few weeks ago Mr, Ger wlg' Jsan alumnus jof the "University; He is secretary Tof the board of school controllers, or that clty.: i" V ' i' VJJ rl, : , ,' ' T! m wVK l "VJ u?' v. 31 r " J3. vH .-o' ft. f. i ' t .. ' .. '"1--J r . . r-.yffi v-: '..,:. KiZL '.?! A1 't ' j:. Laa&i rf"-v ,1.7 -' . &, .J-f.. it V 1 L ."