t,u jRlZjE5s?iS pT?r'''t'ii'"'' "TasJZLa ' '.S3KTP5, --nWJtJ !'- -- --. , .' ." ;" ..-...-- ,.';; v .;-'.rjt .,vi f- ' '- v f "t ' J- r1" THE DAILY NEBRASftAN. . l. ' : I- r If V & & - fcV.w -. N i7 lV- " P y i: ' THP n All V wpDDAClfAM1 lnt0 thIngB wh,ch would bc of harm I HE, UAILrl llEDHAJIVAlV:oHhcn, u iB n c00(1 thinn; t0 bo n A ccwRpnper derotod to tbo Interest of tho , Unlrerilly of Nobrnskn. . f Publishod at 134 North 11th St., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. (Incorporated.) DIRECTORS: J. W. Crnbtroo, President. 0. L.TownoLSecrotnnr-Treiisuror. J. I. Wyer, T. .1. Howott, K. W. Washburn. Btbblino H. McCaw J. A. MANNfNO Geobob P. Suidlbb Managing Editor Asst. Manngor - Atulotlc Editor REPORTERS. R. C. PollnrdV - Clifton Carter, NorrlsHnMj, K. T Hill, J. R. Farnoy, CHIT Crooks. Tho subscription prlco of tho Dolly Nobran kan In ft for tho colfogo your with n roftulnr do llrery before- chnpel oach day. Notices, com munications, and other matter Intended for pub lication, must be handod in nt tho Nehraskan ofllco beforo 7 p. m., or mallod to tho editor bo fore H p. m., of the day previous to that day on Nthlch thoy nro cxnectouto npponr. Subscriptions mny bd loft at tho Nobrnnknn ofllco, at tho Co.Op.,tr with BuilnoBs Mnnngor. Bubncrlborn will confer n favor by reporting promptly nt this ofllco any falluro to rocolvo tho paper All on which thoy nro to npponr ohanaeH In advertising ninttor must bo in tho ofllco by II p. m. on tho day previous to that Addreis all communications to the Dnily No brftskan, I'M N. 11th St., Lincoln, Nobrnwkn. Telcphono 479. J Tlo"l)ally Nobrnsknn l bo I tig sent 3; je to nil uhnorlbom on tho old Nelrn.- t knii-IIonparlnn list. Tlioan iibtrrili- 5 3c ois to tho Nolirnaknn-IIesparlnii li fe who do not deslro tho Daily ivTU & C plenso notify tho innnnwr by rnrl j as noon as possible. "Whoro no notl- gjj je Mention Is received It Is understood 5 5 that tho subscriber wishes tho pa- fc j per to continue. 3 This is a critical yonr in Nebraska football. A successful sonson will placo us on a par with tho best schools of tho west in athletics. An unsuccessful soti- son will lose us practicnlly all that wo gained last year. Whether tho season is successful or not doponds on the sup port afforded by tho student body. Every man and woman in tho university ought to feel that there is a responsi bility directly 00 hie or her shoulders. Tho toam wo hnvo this yonr can win if you will do your part. Como out U) watch tho practico, como out to tho games; when there is any rooting to bo done como out and help do it. Y. M. C. A. RECEPTLON. The annual reception of tho Y. M. C. A. for young men students was held in the Art rooms In the Library on Sat urday evening from eight to ton thirty, und In many ways was the most suc cessful gathering of the kind at tempted fof. some time In tho Uni versity. About three hundred men gathered for tho evening and became acquainted In an Informal way. The hall had been very tastefully draped in tho Univers ity colors and decorated with potted plants. The Ideal Mandolin Club fur nished music and Ices and light wafers were served by the young ladles of the Y. W. C. A. Dean Ringer, President of the As sociation, presided over tho Bhort pro gram and Introduced the speakers. Ho extended to all tho young men In tho name of the Association a hearty wel come and especially greotod tho new iXhrber of a largo University body, but It has its ovlls and one could mot be too careful as to the way In which ho takes caro of himself while thoro. It Is easy to go astray and so one must guard himself. Dr. Andrews then Bhowed the value of taking care of the body to obtain tho best results nnd make th6 true man. Man Is tho temple of tho Holy Ohost and if ono abUBed tho body he abused tho Spirit. Art to the religious Idea he said that the tendency In a largo University body was to drift away from good and 80 one had to guard himself. Work should bo done In the heart as well as In the class room and In tho laboratory. During the progress of the Chancel lor's addresB the lights suddenly fail ed and caused trouble during the en tire evening. They are connected with the Lincoln plant which had a break down In Its machinery. Coach Booth on boing introduced ex pressed his pleasure at being at such a gathering, and having the opportunity of emphasizing the remarks of the Chancellor in regard to the care of the bbdy He recommended to the young men the Y. M. C. A. Ideal of a young man. that he should keep him self clean and pure. A man should be an all-around man. Ho expressed his Idea that there Is almost too much Indoor athletic work In the University and advised the young men to get out In the open air and do track and field work. Ho spoke of his intention to have an outdoor field meet this fall and' urged the men to got out to do something. Mr. Hubble, tho now Association Secretary, was then Introduced and said that although he was a young man among them, yet welcomed them all and especially tho new men. He was glad to join hands with them all bo cause he was a student himself. AH need to join hands and work together for each other's help and Influence. He expressed a desire to become bet ter acquainted with all the young men, and in his capacity offered hjs sor need of them. The Y. M. C. A. stands for and is Interested in everything that Is good -n, the University nnd in Its name ho solicited all atudents to Interest- themselves In. everything good In collego and also In tlie Association. Minnesota If sho wins from Nebraska this year." Another Issue of the Minnesota Dai ly says: "Nebraska plays Princeton football.Wisconsin uses the same style. Nebraska will give us a taste of what wo may expect when we meet Wisconsin." RESULTS OF LAST WEEK'S REGISTRATION. (Continued from lnt page.) rnenr Often pna is in iniiaco -where i break flown Mlmicsota'sdefenso and he would like to have some help and thossoclatlon extended to every one tho helping hand. Chancellor Androws was then intro duced and he expressed tho pleasuro of again extending to both old and new men tho hand of welcome both as an officer of the University and as a. Christian man Interested in those about him. He went on to say that It is a crisis in a man's life when he leaves' his home and entered into a now sphere of work, and especially us ho entered collego vlth Its manifold ovlls and temptations. He warned tlvo men COMMENTS ON NEBRASKA. The following comments on thq Ne braska football team will ho intorcKt lng as showing the feeling of outside persons toward the team. "There Is a great rush at Iowa City for heavy- men this year. They are looking for old material also. Unlike Nebraslta, thoy cannot boast of a doz en veterans who have played in years past. This means that Nebraska will be the harder proposition to meet." Minnesota Daily. Tho Minneapolis Journal speaks as follows: "Having familiarized themselves with Minnesota's gamp, the work now 4s to prepare a system of attack to wtnTUDENT HUNGRY. V 11 1 J If) MMsMBiiassWMMMsstaMMB' Wo can satisfy, Lady or Gontlomnn, at 1418 0 St., E. H. MUHSOH. ance for some time after that and wero registered. At the present time there IspMrop in the number of registrations nnd the deficiency is still increasing and will increase every day. It is estimat ed by some that the total registration this year will fall at least two hundred below that of last year If not more. By November it is estimated that tho shortage will amount to about ono hundred. There are several things which are responsible for this, and among the most rtotlcable ones aro the hard times in this section of the" country occas ioned by the general failure of crops, the higher cost of living, especially In a college tow n.the extra tuition fee of three dollars each semester, and the increase In the amount of work re quired to matriculate In the University. There has beon trouble experienced In getting tho credit. system adjusted In regard to the new students and con stant friction has been experienced. It is confidently expected that In a short time that trouble will be done away with. There lias been a raise of between ten and twenty points re quired In some Instances and it all has a discouraging effect on the new stu dent. As to the Increase in the expenses of living it is worthy of note that It costs almost one dollar more per week for board than it did four years ago. Rooms are worth from twenty-five to 'fifty cents more per week. It is es-J tlmated that It will cost a student per haps seventy-five dollars more this Vear than It did three years ago and about fifty more than last year. The new ruling in regard to the three dolar tuition fee has had tho ef fect of bringing In the students sooner than formerly so that there will not be the delayed registration that there has been formerly. This too enables one to more easily estimate the total number that will bo in school this year. This effects the old students as well as the new and tho falling off of them is also noticed and remarked. It Is not expected l)y the authorities that thoro will bo tho delayed regis tration that has been experienced here tofore, but that It will, for the most part, be finished on Tuesday night. The only way that the deficiency can be made up In the attendance this year will bo In tho registrations in the College of Law, pr in the short term of the agricultural course. This on the other hand Is hardly expected to meet the lacking number. IbBBbV .SIsBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBkKSBr'lBBBi InUrcolUqtaU Bureau. COTTELtT & LEONARD 47S-478 Broadway Albany, New York Makers of the Caps.Gowns and Hoods To the American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated Manual, sample prices, etc., on request, (owns for the pulpit and ronch. GanounG's Pharmacy (Sccetiorto H. O. Banna.) Drugs, Druggist's Sundries and Statiouery. 1400 O St. LINCOLN, NEB. Every new student calls on James Hearn 237 So. nth street And has his measuro taken for the Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, Manufactured by Zhe FjendersonJJmes Co. Kalamazoo, Wlclj. iHIWEBER S01TORIUM Is the Up-to-Date Place where La dies and Gentlemen can get their CLOTHINO CLEANED, PRESSED, DYED," RELINED AND REFITTED. N. E. ('or. 1 lth andtJ! Phone 708 to build up a system of defense that will meet Minnesota's attack and Btand against It. That la tho work cut ont for Coach Booth this fall. But this is not all that Nebraska has done. Last fall she offered prizes for tho beat punters, realizing that that was ono of her weak points last year. Other weak points havo been looked after as far as they could be In .ad. vance. In short, the Lincoln team "has boon preparing for tho Oct. 12 game with Minnesota with a thoroughness that would be wovthy of a post grad uate in the most difficult of sciences to WAtch themselves that they be- not j There is, therefore, glory In store for For over sixty years Mrs. .Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used, by mothers for their children while teeth lug. Aro you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering iind cryTng wTth pain of Cut ting Tooth? if so send at once and get a bottlo of "Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ing Syrup" for Children Teething. It valuo Is incalculable. It will reliove the poor 'little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cufes diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and' bowels, cures wind colic, soflons the gums, re duces Inflammation, and gives tono and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. WhiBlow's Sootning Syrup" for chil dren teething is pleasant to the taste and it) th? prescription of one of tho oldest aitfXucst female physicians and nurses in tne United States, and is for sale by ail druggists throughout tho world. Price, 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslo t'a Soothing Syrup." UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE . . Successor to the University Book Co. TEXT BOOKS, HISTORY, THEME, and NOTE BOOK PAPER AND COVERS ALL SIZES STUDENTS' ae SUPPLIES WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN . . . ..H. W. BROWN.. Drug and Book Co. PHONE 68. - - 127 SOUTH 11TH Legislative Gallery. BEST OP RATES TO STUDENTS. & Portrait and Lansdcape Photographer 139 South 1 1 tli Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. QALLERY ESTABLISHED 1871. Do you know B. & T-? You ought to. "They Make Clothes." . 1141 O St Lincoln, Neb. T. al i G i 4 ,L LsBBBBmiV U, 'V, " ,. ,:, A nun I 111 1 11 -7, ,, n ' r f '' 'J- m'l .,.-,' . 'i -r- -. J J " " - 1 . v.. ri f i.i", aSh&X ,., f ,, . va .. M&L .M. ' ' ' " - J'l ' i " i1- -r -ti .I..TI ,,,