KiLSt-Sn r-aFTgs ) Y 'jyt""1"1 --Ar r'rr THE DAILY NEBJtASKAN. k)l M M TO ' Lv . v . LOCAL ANiy PERSONAL Tfie Co-Op. Eat nt Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Pine fr, Steele, 143 So. 12th. &&&&&& Get your Uni. pin at the Co-Op. Steele, the furrier, 143 So 12th. Don Cameron lunch counter, 114 S.ll. Dr. Woodward, occullat, Richards Block, 0, H. Ransom returns to the Uni versity. Roy Sflhlck, law01, 18 practicing law a Seward, feb. Why not take your baths at Chris', 11th and P streets. We buy, exchange or sell books on commission. The Co-Op. I Visit Qco. Constancor's five chair barber shop, 1010 O street. Charles Stewart Is principle of ths High school at Humphrey, Neb. Blackman accompanied Chas. Rains back to Northwestern Medical.. wand Are you looking for second books. All kinds at the Co-Op. The Misses Burruls gave a breakfast to PI Beta Phi Tuesday morning. George Shcdd will take Harry Shedd's position as Instructor In English. Register first, then "talk with .Jud- " '"wlBbouryonrbTotfies. "T03TO St. ' Miss Barker of Portland, Oregon, is In the city seeing her Kappa sisters. Phi Kappa Psl are moving into their new chapter house, corner 15th and K.. Doc Everett goes to Creighton Med ical this year. He rooms with Ed. Mor rill. ,WWWv "Miss Nell Holbrook, of Austin, Tex as, Is visiting Miss Edmlnlsten, in East Lincoln. See TT. E. Chevront, 1324 O, blue front estaurant, for reasonable rates on board. The best place In the city to buy good shoes cheap is nt Sanderson's, 1213 O street. Miss Darleene -Woodward entertained aTew friends Monday evening at a chafing dish jparty. ,-Afli. Brown, -commandant of cadets lastyear, is now tn the employ of the Burlington rail'roadTn Lincoln. Do not buy a cheap tailor-made suit until you look at the Alfred Benjamin anUrokow pijos. ready-to-wear gar mTaisat3aine,Br Professor Wilson will bo the lec-i turer before the University class of th'6 first Congregational church. Sub ject: Deutero Isaiah. dlgma Alpha JJpsllon has pledged Brute Funko and Bud Slier of Lin cow. Both attended Shadrock Mili tary academy lastyear. , ?The "U. o$&:' Fountain Petf at $1.00 5-Hind the "Sigh School" Fountain Pen Atc'ffeiid. only at. the Lin, coin; Bp6ki$ae;I26p street. T x C. C. Xorlh wept to Crete last night to examine the. Y, Mr C. A. association in Doane College. He is stao college visitor. .- vJohn A. WoodTaroSof Aurora, wtffl nominated for superintendent of Ham ilton cojinty -oh-the fusloh ticket. Al though but a young man.ho is vory popular and well liked. His friends are confident of his election. He was a student in the University forhrjee years. Ours is a brand new stock of station ery and school supplies, everything uto-to-dater and department store prices prevail. H. Herpolshmeimer & Co, You'll Have some change loft If you supply your school needs in H. Herpol- rsheimer & Co's. now stationery depart ment. Everything new, everything properly priced. John Cameron, an aluminus of the University, was recently chosen First Lletenant of a now company of the National Guard mustered in at Teha mah. He was a Sargeant Major In the Third Nebraska during the Spanish-American war. Frank Edgerton, '00, principal of the high school a tFremont was offered a position In the Leadvllo, Colo., schools at a salary of $1,000 per year. He was unable to accept owing to a pre vious contract at Frmeont. For many years other dealers have wondered why so many students found their way to Palne's Clothing Btore. Nothing strange about It. The kind of goods put out, the manner of doing business, the report 'handed down from one claBS to another ex plains it. Beta Theta PI have removed from their chapter rooms on O to the now quarters at 1630 G street recently va cated by Phi Kappa Psl. This 18 a large house and has recently been re paper, painted and generally over hauled. It will make the Betas a chapter house to be proud of. University books, new and second hand, and supplies of all kinds may be had at the Co-Op., block south of the library. You will find courteous and efficient service. When In doubt us to books needed, consult the Cp-pp. If you are a new student you will need a fountain pen and the Co-Op. has the best and the cheapest. The Co-Op. is the student's book store. a young lady of great popularity among her friends. She has boon 'a Btudent at the Nebraska Conservatory of Music for several years and Is- a musician of rare talent. They are at homo to their friends at C21 North 16th -street. Stetson Bhoes, finest shoes in the world, at Sanderson's. Stop in and 8eo them. Not Easily Deceived. A young married couple are always interesting, chiefly because 4hey try to conceal the fact that they are young and married. Generally they fool their man nunnnlntntinna Villi tVinv aalrlnm deceive a clever woman. bride and groom tried the old trick recently at a summer resort, but they met a woman who was wiser than they. This woman and the bride were chatting on the hotel veranda, when the formorsuddenly asked: "How longhave you been married?" "Three years.'jpromptly replied the bride. The clever woman looked at the bride's hand. "How is It, then.'she said, "that you wear a ring the design of which is barely a year old?" t Of course, that Bottldr It, and the next day everybody congratulated the young couple on their recent marriage. "-New YorkMajl and Express. v. V .a -; Jlliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllll S DB.T. O'CONNOR curot CANCERS, TUMORS, WENS and FI8TULA8 SS without th uio of knife, chloroform ZS SS or Ether. 52' OFFICE 1300 O St., LINCOLN, NEB HililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIli To tha STUDENT WHO IS ... . :.HUNGRY.. Wo can satisfy, Lady or Gentleman, at 1418 0 Sl.,f H. MUNSON, SCHOOL;, SUPPLIES. -; $ We desire to say to the Students that we carry a full line of Supplies for your College Work. WILSON & HALt, " Bookseller and SUtloierv, 1133 O STREET. - IF YOU WANT History Paper, Fountain Pens, History Covers, Stationery, Note Books, Piotures, Text Books, or Music, Tha Cheap t Placa In TowbIi THE LINCOLN B00KST0BE 1126 0 St. The "U of N." Fountain Pan at $1.00. Btrost to any tt.BO Pen on the market. The "High Pchool " Fountain Pen at 65c ; equal to any $1.00 Pen on the narkat M 'annnnnf BaaaaaaaaLaW Vaaam awf U This Shoe In Patent Kid Enamel Box CaH Telbtirs Calf or Vlcl Kid . . .. $3-50, AA to E. SANMM !SEmBPw'!!fi wsmthiir.Jk DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eye Eaiwlnf(1 Free. Price1 RmmmUi. 1138 O Street, " '8ubtation A," Lincoln, is the of ficial designation of the new postofflce recently opened, in the old Co-Op, room in the basement of University hall. The office is In charge of Chas SJBrowjlw Regular mail dellyerlesVlll be made at 8:30, 11:30, 2:30 and 5:10. Malls out feave a half-and hour before. Office hours are from- 8:80 jr to 12; 30 and 1:30 to 5:30. A general registry and. money order toustnes done. Ltick boxes may be rented at usual ratcs; Mr. Brown reported a rushing busi iiAg on-thpT nM nii i1a if schlibl AH day yestorlay the lobby 'of theof flce held small "groupa of people wait ing :),clr .r:i v. James R. Burleigh, '98, law, '00, was married, July 24, to Miss Dor Tun berg, of Hooper, T,he ceremony Was pe.rofrmed In the presence of friepds and relatives at the home of the bride. The proom is y6 known among tho older students atthe University. Dar ing his collgeourse he took an apt lve part in debating He is atr-presat pracUclnjg law 3n UncqlnitvlHg : offlee"in the Burjfr Block T'eb frdTTi" San Francisco and Return EPISCOPAL CHURCHOJNKl A. .S3i. ? r tJ . . . . J 1 witty $iit$ipkWinm tttjtb - L . - ,:WHimw0mkrKMmi w . .' ,. x r fA v. 'i r.Ai I ANn apt :pi ti i impadm Anr.irtM- W.. - . . , . -Tf ' "( -C .- hi -- t'4.-y o. -i- -'rS CItyTkket(Offke, Coqim jetk MdO Street. T5ifJMaW'a?i ";v ;ia ; 'J 'Him iw BarHttftoM Dt. i : -V 7tliStrt,paIQ. F,"0 . fc 'C I .,.. H. , ' m ' - 1 Vfc 1 "M I '.1 il a 4 -' V..-J .',4 Wbbk 'if . . 4 .- a i. ... f -vftn- - , i O-v f , ,-Hri.tX?, J vw ?A T .-. f " 5rT" ,,V .: m V ft '. o n '.MS I 1 " ""Trniiir:.'-Mi'ii4itMM rj - . y--?- -i. ,- .z " ,. ..-. i . V . " r ; p of.- -. f I'-. .c; V : 0 i v r .vf. , 'v . ;.'.!. .7&yi lVAV T---'' ; r .laa.i7 ,, i. m ."- . .jT"