fft t-"' 3 ""Xr : W"33fe V'" ' - v THE DAILY NBRASKAN. w - ( r, . r i H, T S v V Ry n j KK i h , ,". V rJ ft b- w k. fr V THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 'A Newspaper devoted to tho Interests of the UQlToriltr of Nebraska. - - Published at J3iHorthllth St., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. (Incorporated.) DIRECTORS: i J. W. Crabtree, President. Q. L. Tovrne. Beorotar.Troaiuror. - J, I. Wyor, T.J. Hewett, E. W. Washbarn. 8TMMMO H. MoCaw - Managing Editor" J. A. Manning - Asst. Manager Oeoboe P. Sbidlbk ... - Atbletio Editor The subscription price of tho Dally Nebras kan ! 12 for tho college year with o "regular do liTory before chapel each day. Notices, com Mnnfoatloni, and other matter Intended far pub llcation. mutt be handed In at the Nebraskan office beforo 7 p. m., or mailed to tho editor bo fore 8 p. m., of the day pretlous to that day on "hlchthoy are expected to appear. Subscriptions may be loft at tho Npbraskan ofilco, at tho Co.Op., or with Baslness Manager. Subscribers will confer a fayor by reporting promptly at this ofllo'o any failure to recolre the PaAU changes in adTorttslng matter must be in the office by 8 p. m. on tho day proTlous to that on which they are to appear. Address all communications to the Dally No braskan, 134 N. 11th 8t., Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 479 Owing to the Borvicos In memory of the lato President McKlnley, and to tho fact that the University will be closed all day, there will bo no Issue of 'tho dally tomorrow. Instead the paper will bo Issued next Saturday. In its Initial rpimber oh-the yeap tho management of the Dally Nebras kan desires briefly to outline the pol icy and purpose of the paper. It waB Btarted because there wa& thought to be a distinct need for it In tho Uni versity. Other institutions with no larger registration than Nebraska sup port good dally papers and roport them valuable adjuncts to the -school. One by one our western colleges have grown and developed and established dally papers. The latter are as much a matter of evolution as daily papers In the outside world. When the need for such a paper 1b felt tho question arose as to the best method of managing it. Whether it should be done by the subscribers,' by stock company or by private individ uals was a question vital to the Inter ests of the paper and the University at, large. The second method, an incorporated Btock company, was chosen because It provided stability and insured wide spread interest in the paper among students, faculty and alumni. Th capital stock was placed at $1,500 and the number of shareB at 300 In order to give the paper a firm standing and at tho same time lnsuro its democracy by putting it under tho control of a large and representative body of peo ple. Those who argued laBt Bprlng that so largo a number of shares could not be disposed of may bo con vinced of their mistake by the fact that only a very small number of -tho shares remain unsold and fire going at the rate of two or three a day without solicitation on the part of the manage ment. In regard to the policy of the paper it may- be Bald briefly that the Inter est8 of the University .and of student -finterprJaes. Mill be .paramount in th minds of the managers. The paper "will exert what Influence it has to place Nebraska at the head of west ern colleges In nil kinds of student en terprises, whether athletic or forensic. - The staff of the paper will be made up of the very best material in tbe Un verelty. Places will he open to all students who show their energy and ability in newspaper lines. No favor itism will be Bhown. There Is no "pull" except that obtained by con scientious work. Advancements In the staff will be made from time to time, and the work of each member of the staff will be the basis for advancement. Every student in the- Institution who desires to do newspaper work is in vited to join tho staff of the Dally NebTaskan..- A note mailed to tho mangalng editor or a call at tho ofilco will be sufllclont. The progressive ones at the State University of Iowa got together the other day and decided that they must havo a daily, too. It will not be long until the weekly newspaper in a large university-will be as much a back number as it is In the outside world. College news gets Btale as quickly as any other kind." In order to be inter est it must bo fresh every day. All young mon are cordially Invit ed to tho reception to students to be glv n in the Armory Saturday eve, September 21, 8 to 10 o'clock. Come yourself and bring as many x others aB you can. It will givo you a good oppor tunity to get acquainted with the lead ing young men in the University. On Sunday after noon tho Y. M. C. A. will hold their first religious ser vice. Rev. Mr. Wkarton will address the young men on the subject, "A Right Man.' Don't fall -to watch the bulletin board for a more complete notice of this meeting. Sigma Alpha Eplsilon is situated at 321 north 16th streot. Their new chap tor house promises to be a pleasant home for this year. Milwaukee Sentinel: Now that the prettiest girl In Porto Rico' has been discovered, .the public will wait breath lessly for the announcement of the namo of the advertiser who obtains her indorsement for the best brand of toilet soap. IiaWEBER 5UIT0RIUM Is the Up-to-Date Place where La dles and Gentlemen can get their CLOTHINO CLEANED, PRESSED, DYED, PRI IKED AND REFITTED. N. E. Cor. nth and O. Phone 708 UNIVERSITY . BOOK STORE . . Successor to tht University Book Co, HISTORY, THEME, m d NOTE BOOK PAPER AND COVERS ALL SIZES STUDENTS' x SUPPLIES WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN ... PHONE 68. - - ia7 SOUTH nTH Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. sfau$in&n tfink aad JLmicifc nwttgrftjfcer las 5ottUi nth. Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. QALLBRYfeSTABLUHED 1871. Do you kmw B. & T? You ought to. "Tiny Main Glitkit." 1141 O lt Lincoln, Nt. wammmmmmmmmmmmm The University Book Store The latest and best in all respects. A. A. WATERMAN & CO. Modern Fountain , Pens Made in the greatest variety f forms; Guaranteed unconditionally, and sold-at very MODERATE PRICES. To get the best value offered in Fountain Pens, see that your Pen is stamped plainly A. A. WATERMAN (Note tho Initials.) See the Improved Forms that Protect the Fingers From Stains at the Ink Joint. Special Offer. . . For a limited time we will make liberal allow ances for any other Fountain Pen offered in exv change for one of A. A. WATERMAN & CO.'S Modern Fountain Pens. Under this offer it will be found far better to make an exchange than to re pair an old pen. A SPECIALIST For a limited time at the beginning of the year an experienced Fountain Pen Demonstrator will have, charge of our Pen De partment. You also find the most complete stock of STA TIONERY, History Paper, History Covers, Text Books, Pencils, and Pens. Cash for Second-Hand Books. Give us a trial. 340 No. nth 1 T' bLO -v j V L.