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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1901)
sv ffiE DAILY NEBRASKAN. r Vol. I. No. 1 THE UNIVERSITY OF .NEBRASKA, JUNE 13, 1901, Five Cent's. r . M COMMENCEMENT DAY. Chancellor Andrews took as his text Kings 9 13 HIh theme was the life of Elijah Elijah lived In sur- ALUMNI ADDRESS. rightly use those essontials which all men hovo In common, and which arc therefore the ground of fellowship? , Order of Exercises for Today-The Summer I foundings that were purely physical , Rev. R. L Marsh, '84, Speaks on "The Ground And what is this but educating mon; " Clinn1 f"ntlrfi r( I mtf A fir1r 1 hff t- 1 . . . r fl If IP II ! "! I HL! n.i l...i .11 ii.. it a At. I lli. i 4 j ' School-College of Law Address-Class Day Collegia tc Aluminae. The commencement program will bi held this morning in the Auditor ium at 10 o'clock. The commencement piocession will form at the Library gate and will proceed lo the Audi toriuna in tho following order: 1. University" Band. lSr$rIleg6ntfif, Chancellor, and guests ot -vt-X- tho UniyerBKy. -3. Administration officers and mem bers of the faculties. (The above iorm at the main entrance, Univer sity Hall.) 4. Alumni and former students (form at Soldiers' Memorial Hall en trance). ' 5 Candidates for degrees dorm at Library entrance). G. Students and friondB The commencement oration will be delivered by Hon. Brooks Adams of Qulncy, Mass. His subject will be "The Philosophy or Constitutional Development." rnose wno win receive tne mgner degrees will be as follows Doctor of Philosophy: Wilbur Clinton Knight and Geology. Master of Arts. John Van Zandt Cortelyou. German Nellie Leota Dean, Latin. Robert Dale Elliott, Greek Jennie Leonoio. Fox, EukHhIi Littei ature. Geo. Grant Hedgecock, Botany: Phoebe May Hopper, English Lit erature. Ira Jasper Hunt, Engl'sh Literature. -JolTnL"ontB Kind, German. Fred Kuhlmann, Philosophy. Robert Cheek Lansing, English. Eugenia Mackin, Greek. Maria Catherine Mahy, English. Andrew Jackson Mercer, American History. Cornelius Rlchert, Semetic Lan guages. John Lewis Sheldon, Botany. Cora Francis Smith, Botany. Claudius McClave Story, Greek. Roscoe Wilfred Thatcher, Chem istry. John James Thornber, Botany. Myrtle Isabella Wheeler, English Literature. Force and brute strength were tho characteristics of the people among ' whom ho livod. His soul yearned for higher things, for the spiritual. He . was out of harmony with IiIh environ ment, therefore h became a recluse Tho chancellor advised the mnmbets Of the class to go out and mingle with the world, and not to withdraw from it because there aiu objectionable features in it. F COLLEGE OF LAW ADDRESS. The annual address before the Col lege of Law was delivered Monday evening at the Oliver by Gov Chas S. Thomas of Colorado HIh subjee of Fellowship'-Alumnl Banquet-Phi Beta Kappa Initiation Ivy Day. The annual alumni uddresn was In stituted that those university alumni who had achieved success in their callings may be secured to speak to their lellow graduates. The address lor this year was given in University Soldiers' Memorial Hall last night. There was not as largo an. audience present as might have been desired, but those who did attend 'were given a rare treat. The exercises opened with two organ selections by Director Kimball. This" "is the first time tho alumni havo had tho opportunity of hearing their organ in its new quar but adjusting them to their spiritual possessions?" After the nddroHH tho alumni passed Into the armory and seated thomsolvon at the banqueting tables. was "The Modern Lawyer." Governor J ters. s Chemist r Thomas is one of the most successful lawyers in the west. His address was both witty and logical and he held the close attention of his audience throughout. He traced the differences between the lawyer of the past and of today. The profession is being af fected by the spirit of combination and concentration. New conditions have made the modern lawyer more practical perhaps nt the expense of hbi professional side. Honesty, Integrity and self-reliance are the requisites for a good lawyer Expansion ha brought new questions to be decided by th J Judiciary. Whether the republic as founded by our fathers will remain unchanged depends largely on th? law yer of tomorrow. The program for this afternoon Is as follows: 1:30 p. m. Third annual session and luncheon of the university council, Soldiers' Memorial Hall.' 8 to 9:30 p. m. Tho chancellor's re ception to- the faculty, alumni, and friends of the university, Art rooma, University library. 9 p. m. Alumni reunion and banquet of the College of Law, the Llndell hotel. . THE BACCALAUREATE SERMON. The .baccalaureate sermon was de livered Sunday evening at the univer sity auditorium by Chancellor ApH drews. The room was very tastefully decorated with the university colors. Tho members of the graduating class marched luIna body. K. musical program preceded the sermon. CLASS DAY EXERCISES. Tuesday was class day. In the morning the class play was presented at the Oliver. It was called "A House-Boat Party on the Styx." The entire play was excellently rendered. The plot was laid, as the name in dicates, in the lower regions. The peculiarities and Individualities of the different members of the faculty were shown as they applied for admission to the immortals. Among those, who were especially good were Miss An drews as the registrar, T. J. Hewitt as the chancellor, Bruce Benedict as Prof. Taylor, and T. O Rlnkjir as Prof Davis. The committee who wrote and ar ranged the play were; Miss Edith Ab bott, chairman; MIbs Lena Anthony, Miss Rosalind Hess, Mr. J. S. Swen son, Mr. L. H. McKllfip, Miss Edith Jackson. Tho principal characters wore taken as follows: Pluto. E. M. Swain; Char- iira Sleetht Shakespeare, A. 0. Elliott; Mirabeau, E. B. Brooks; Queen Elizabeth, Catherine McLaugh lin; Cleopatra, Amy RoblnBon; Lady Macbeth, Louise Van .Camp. The characters of professors, stu dents and other members of the uni versity . of Nebraska were rep resented by Grace Andrews, Callie Gregory, Ida Taylor, Margaret Hall, Bruce Benedict, W. P. Snyder, W. C. Green, L. J. Marsh, H. H. Roberts. Adolnh Pthnnn f!lvrt Mac- Masters, N. M, Morris, E. E. Brackei Boi. Kainey, t. O. Rinker. T.J. Hewitt W. J. Hunting, S. HThomp son, C. W. Bunker, A. C, Lee. Miss Grace Cook, 00, will teach In the Rapid City, S D high school next year. The speaker of the evening, Rever end R. L. Marsh of Burlington, Iowu, and a graduate in the class of '84, was then introduced by Frank H. Woodrf, the president of the Alumni Associa tion. Mr. Marsh took for his subject "Tho Ground of Fellowship " He compared the experiences of the country boy who travels for the time and sees the world as it is, to the human race as it has come to the realization of its place in the universe In other words, how the human race has for the first time come to feel in a scientific sense "at home." The world has three great teachers u-ience religion, and practical ex perience. Practical experience las boon teaching tho same truths that re ligion and science have been teach ing. Science has enlarged our world for us. It has at the same time em phasized the importance of the Indi vidual. Science has taught tho utility of all things. Religion taught thobo same truths long before they were de duced and shaped by tho mind of tho scientist. Religion is now at least learning to discern between essentials and non essentials. It Is coming to a realiza tion that It must go hand In hand with science and not stand as Its enemy. Science makes literalism In religion impossible. It shows. the poetry of religion. "Creation by calendar days, a gen eration of millenarlans, a sun stopped in mid-heavens, tho beginning of lan guage" in a spectacular confusion of tongues these lose the character or historical narratives, cease to be tho occasion of bitter controversy and be come the common possession of 'all students of llterature,and eacbTstory in its degree, sources of religious In spiration." "Science, religion, and practical ex perience unite in proclaiming that no man lives to himself. Every human being has some relation to every oth er human being. "The ground of fellowship Is that which all men have In common." "We have our animal life in com mon. We came into this world by the game door; we travel through It over -tho same road, and we are moving to ward a common goal. The desire for r justice Is also fundamental in human nature and common to all men. "To what better use can universi ties be devoted than the effort to fix jthe thoughts of men upon and teach em to appreciate, appropriate, and ALUMNI BANQUET. The twenty-fifth annual banquet of the University Alumni Association was held laBt night immediately after the alumni address. In Grant Memorial Hall The room was tastefully decor ated with bunting In Hcarlet and cream Covers were laid for one hun dred and eighty Mr. Fred G Ilawxby acted as toast master, and called for responses to the k iwuw wiiik luuHit) i uu ivivuih, mru. Elinor Williams Sisson. 91. "Bould ers," Judge C. M Skiles. '92; "Picnic," Miss Elizabeth C. Fiold, '93; " " Frank G. Fisher, '91; "Old Century Ideals," Miss Katherlno Mollck, '95; "The Benevolent AsBlmllator." Nod C. Abbott, '!)C; "Tho Trials of a Profes sional," Geo. E. Kindler, "98; "Peculiar Prevailing Proclivities," Ralph C. Roper, '00, "Tho First Fruits of tho Century," Miss Edith Abbott, '01. I PHI BETA KAPPA INITIATION. The Initiation of tho recently elect ed members of Phi Beta Kappa oo curred ywtoxday In GrffMifiifiHISSeS Hall At; iorolock ChatogrlfAn rf C jl (11-owb TCitvrneTinpBncntion7un:"rjr&7!r.T7i Nationalism and Homo Tlulo int3SW&rt J Fourth Century "B. 0." The cohdP" tions in Gieece at that time were out lined in pleasing and logical manner. After tho Initiation, which followed tho oration, tho banquet table- was spread. Professor Fosalor was toast master and- Introduced various mem bers of the fraternity, who responded brfeW. The following are tho "Initi ates: Emma Noldhardt, Nettle Smith, EdlthHigglns, J. S. Swonson, H. T, Johnson, C. H. Compton, Ruth Ham ilton, Florence Hallowoll, Bessie But ler, Louise Van Camp, and Edli. Jackson. ! W IVY DAY EXERCI8E8. Ivy day Is an innovation in the Uni versity of Nebraska. At 4 p. m. Tuos day the seniors formed in double col umn and marched to the library binding, whore tho exercise's W6"re held. Class President Swcmson had chargecrt tho program. After a song, .ntrrKnrkflihYckS iLi.i:ii r-- ... i'4L- piUUUMj UteqUBLMBklHM' MUU JM glad lBOKRfaifduci ' T WT' J riCSflEaBT cTfeasB.colltMW. rni spTrll, the lack of which herels duo, largely to the newness of the institu tion. The Ivy bratlon was delivered by N. M. Graham. He skid in part: As Uds vine clings to tho building, so may we cling with fidelity and loyaltjr to our alma mater, and as our oppor tunities to befriend it Increase with the growth, of out Influence, may wo--protect and care for its interests. As the rich green foliage shall embellish this wall, so may we be a credit to thia university, whose children we are. A& we shall in the future take pride ifr what we have done here today, y (Continued on page 3.) A Km J . 'V .7; Yi x-'iY I Y, -,, m 7 'lAtFl ' wm 9 aJ!HH '3K X5fSi: .., .Til T-inzM Tcr?i 9r Ql ii I V,tfm rV3L. im . '(. M 'vtpji ittl xfcw rfr r '-- . .' &9A 'r JV& !- . J " v"l T "3 rtit U8DS ,4Ti 'j f '. b o y s V' 4. trt.' ?r J-wl 'hi T1 -V i ' &f ' "- " - J.. 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