The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, May 08, 1902, Image 1

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Che Conservative.
A Journal devoted to i he discussion of political , |
economic and sociological questions , j FOUNDED BY J. STERLING
at tlir pnitnjflce tit Kebruxku C//y , Neb. , o Second Clai.i Matter , July 29 , IMS.
Professor Meade ,
REALLY ? of the University
of Pennsylvania ,
declares the steel trust insolvent. The
news has had no disquieting effect upon
the market ; which is the more remark
able in that it proves that the much-
vaunted captains of industry do not
acknowledge the superior business
acumen of a real college professor , a
captain of pedantry.
Alfred Austin , the
LEST WE English poet sd-
FORGET. lyette , has dedicated
a book of his in
tolerable doggerel to President Reese
velt. Americans are a peace-loving
people , nor do they harbor malice
against their ancient enemy for
former insults and oppressions suffered
at his hands , but because of that
shall this fresh insult pass unavenged ?
The Enterprise ,
GOOD SHIP , the first oil-burn -
WELL NAMED. ing steamer to at
tempt an ocean voy
age , made a successful trip from Hilo
to San Francisco , close up to her
record time , and at less expense than
is incurred by the old-fashioned
boatP. The test fully justifies those
mariners who have claimed that oil
is more suitable for fuel than coal ,
being cleaner , less bulky , more easily
shifted to preserve the trim of a
vessel , less liable to shift upon its
own initiative , and much more easily
and quickly loaded.
Patersou , New
IS IT PROVI- Jersey , lias sown
DENCE ? the wind and is
reaping the whirl
wind. Having made the city a haven
i of refuge for anarchists , the citizens
; . cannot justly complain because of the
never-ceasing vice , crime , lawlessness
and labor disturbances which exist
Ravaged by floods , seared by fire and
spattered with blood spilled in riot and
saloon brawl , Patersou seems to be un
dergoing an awful punishment for the
crimes instigated and committed by a
recognized element of its citizenship
- . which should never have been allowed
to attain its present proportions.
Chairman Foss of
THE NAVY , the house naval com
mittee declares that
the American navy is far below those
of other powers. History does not
seem to bear out Mr. Foss' statement ,
b"t as lie made this assertion while
asking for an appropriation of $77-
000,000 , and as it is conceded to be
perfectly proper to say anything you
wish to when asking for an appro
priation , without limitations with
regard to truth or reason , we refrain
from reminding the gentleman that
while the American navy is always
"far below" in time of peace , it is
always on top in time of war. After
all , during a war is the best time
to have a good navy.
Western Nebras-
CHEAP TALKING , ka ranchmen are
telephoning along
the barbed-wire fences , using no insu
lators whatever. A visitor to that sec
tion of the state reports that he tele
phoned a distance of eighty miles fpr
the small sum of ten cents , and that the
system worked perfectly in every way.
So far there has been no organized effort
to place the larger ranches in communi
cation with one another and with the
outer world , the cattleman being con
tent to telephone from one part of his
own ranch to another- with no bother
some central office to delay or interrupt
conversation ; but arrangements might
be made whereby the entire grazing
country could be connected , which
would save a greater part of the time
and horseflesh now expended in track
ing strayed stock , etc.
So long as the
ENFORCED PROSmuchmooted east-
PERITY. ern gold baron , is
willing to pay a
sufficient sum for beef to cause the
western fusionist's cattle to net him
seven cents per pound on the hoof ,
complaints against the beef trust
should emanate from the manufactur
ing , rather than agricultural , com
munities , and garrulous representa
tives of farmer constituencies would
do well to reserve their commeutitious
wrath for use when conditions have
reversed themselves , or have been
reversed by the contravening forces
now being marshalled prominent
among which is Theodore Roosevelt.
In the interval it would become the
stock raiser and farmer to bear their
prosperity as patiently as possible ,
and give no outward sign though
their afflicted hearts sigh in secret
for the dawning of the blessed day of
cheap dressed beef , and cheaper un
dressed cattle.
The author of "A
THE NEW Baron In Rags"
BARON. must have been en
tertaining a mind-
picture of the modern shoddy manu
The rag baron is infinitely worse
than the gold , iron , steel , ice , or
beef baron , as he not only follows
their custom of selling goods at twice
their value , but he treats his mater
ials so artfully that the flimsy stuff
cannot be distinguished from honest ,
all-wool goods , by any other than an
expert. The unsuspecting customer
pays for the American shepherd's
wares , and receives instead filthy
rags , stripped from the backs of lousy
foreigners , and imported to this
country in ship-loads , each pound of
it taking the place of three pounds of
honest American wool. And even
such an industry as this is protected.
Coming immedi-
MUZZLES ately after the
. WANTED1 president had been
forced to punish
loquacious generals , Senator Rawlius'
unmeasured , and to all appearances ,
unjustified , denunciation of General
Chaffee illuminates the fact that a legislator
later may with impunity besmirch the
character of a soldier , and the latter
must meekly offer the other cheek , for
he is forbidden to shatter a lance in his
own behalf , even in self defense.
With remarkable unanimity the
American people have condemned in
flammatory speeches delivered by army
officers ; it is then high time they also
frowned upon denunciatory speeches
delivered at army officers.
It is of no particular benefit to the
service to have continually before the
public the spectacle of a manacled of
ficer submitting to cnstigation inflicted
by whatever legislator may have an
idle hour to spend in this pleasant and
entirely safe pastime.