The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, May 01, 1902, Page 12, Image 12
' ' ? ' ' ' - - - ' - - 12 The Conservative * WEARE COMMISSION CO. GRAINS , PROVISIONS , STOCKS AND BONDS. OLD COLONY BUILDING. CHICAGO. IN STYLE QUALITY , WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH THE LEADING CARRIAGE AND HARNESS BUILDER * AMERICA. * * * * ti. P. KIMBALL & GO , 315,316 , 317 MICHIGAN AVE. , CHICAGO , ILL , FOR OUT OF TOWN PATRONS , A HANDSOME 'ATALOGUE CONTAINING OVER ONE V ' , NDRED BEAUTIFUL HALF-TONE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CAR RIAGES , HARNESS , COACHMEN'S LIVERY , SAD DLES , ETC , FURNISHED UPON REQUEST. This signature is on every box of ( ho genuine Laxative Brome = Quinine Tablets tht remedy that cures it cold in one day Parties writing to advertiser * will please mention The Conservative. MANLOVE Sv , GATE I Thoroughly test- led through uiul I through ; saves I time , temper .tools > UNIOVE GATE CO land teams. TEN DAYS FREE TRIAi k allowed on our bicycles. Wo ship t ) approval tcithout a cent deposit. I9D2 MODELS , $9 to $11 1900 & 1901 Models , best makes. $7 to $1 BOO Second - Hand Wheels all makes and models , good as now $3 U S8. Great Factory Clearing Kale. RIDER AGENTS WANTED to M AexblMtiample. Kirn a bicjcle&raike money ulitrtbutlii ciUloji. Write at once for prices & special off < " ' MEAD CYCLE CO * { . f. - ( NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE ( CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE J. F. HARRIS STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON PROVISIONS COFFEE No. i BOARD OP TRADE PRIVATE WIRES CHICAGO ! Worcester Salt lias the largest sale of any Dairy Salt , because the progressive butter makers will have the I BEST. 'At the National Butter Makers' Convention , hold at St. Paul in February , users of WORCESTER secured MORE HIGE SCORES and Premiums , than ALL OTHER dairy salts combined. < 6 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * Worcester Salt can bo had with Michigan grades or in full car lots from Worcester Salt Company , 168 Duane St. , NEW YORK , Also JOY MORTON & CO. , I. C. , Pier 1 , CHICAGO , ILL. Wells Fargo & Company BANK. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. President , Jon.v , T. VALENTINE , Sun Francisco Manager , IIoMnit S. KINO , San Francisco Cashier , - - II. WAimwouTH , Sap Francisco Asst. Cashier F. L. LtPMAN , San Francisco 3d Asrt. Cashier , H. L. MIIVLEH , San Francisco BRANCHES. NEW YOIIK , H. B. PAHSONB , Cashier BAI/T LAKE , .T. E. DOOI.EV , Cashier PORTLAND , OK. , - R. LEA BAHNES , Cashier STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS , JULY 31 , 1901. ASSETS Loans $10,042,400.01 Bonds , and Stocks and Warrants. . 2,191r(27.10 EealEstato . ' . 1,005,030.77 Miscellaneous Assets 12,415.58 Due from Banks and Bankers 1,104,808.12 Cash 8,073,070.04 $19,589,558.17 MABILITIES Capital , paid up $ 500,000.00 Surplus 5,750,000.00 Undivided Profits 8,811,290.28 Deposits , Banks and Bankers. . . 1,124,105.27 " Individual 8,904,102.02 $19,589,558.17 General Banking Business in all its branches. Correspondents throughout the World. Ao > 'counts ' received on favorable terms. SANTA FE TRAINS Now rim every day to rim of Grand Canyon of Arizona. No stage ride. Side-trip rate only $6.50. Ample Pullman accommoda tions upon resuming trans-continental trip. Open all year. ALL RAIL TO Grand Canyon of Arizona. SANTA FE The only scenery in America that conies up ' to its brag. Earth's armies could be lost in , f this stupendous gulf 217 miles long , 13 miles ; wide , a mile deep. The .chief attraction of a ; ; > California tour. The California limited , daily , ' . | ' Chicago and Kansas City to San Francisco , , * Los Angeles and San Diego. Illustrated * * $ ' books about Grand Canyon and California , . ' 10 cents. " -J Ticket office A. T , & S. F. Ry. , Cor. loth and Main St. , Kansas City , Mo.