- . . * Conservative * 11 r GALENA-SIGNAL OIL COMPANY , FRANKLIN , PENNA. , SUCCESSOR TO GALENA OIL COMPANY AND SIGNAL OIL COMPANY SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED Galena Coach , Engine and Car Oils and Sibley's Perfection Valve and Signal Oils. CHARLES MILLER , President. Mr. Vrooman , of MODEL INDEED ! Kansas City , is to establish a model town n ° ar there. Everything will bo operated on the co-operative plan , and each man is to stand upon a level with his neighbor. To carry out this scheme the houses will necessarily be just alike , though it is difficult i to see how the locations can bo > equally suitable the same menu must bo observed at each table , and all males must labor a certain num ber of hours in the factories. So far this is very simple , but the crucial test of the system will come when the dross dispensers , in order to bo entirely impartial , attempt to adorn all the women with the same style of hats , or are forced to drag the country far and near in order to sup- j ply all the children with the officially , endorsed brand of spotted pups. The fact is that man's chief ambi tion is to surpass his neighbor. He who would sit tamely down and say "I am a man and my fellows are simply other 'men. Like cattle wo should be content to eat from the trough and sloop in our stalls , " is not entirely a man , and a city with fa such citizenship would bo far from a model. It is the man who has confidence in himself , and is willing to stand upon " , Jiis own merits , the man who , without - ' " , * out being offensively conceited , believes - lioves himself capable of attending to ft- his own affairs , choosing his own work and his own working hears , and training his children to adopt the vocations for which by nature and in clination they are most fitted , that would mate a model town if his efforts were not offset by the whin ing , snivelling incompetent whs , in stead of attempting to rise to the level of those above him , attempts to drag them down to his plane. Men who speak for the co-oporativo plan are naturally the ones who disbelieve - believe in their ability to progress by their own efforts. Imagine a town filled with such creatures ! THE WISE MEN OF NEW YORK. The wisest person in America is the New York man who has never traveled a hundred miles beyond the borders of his own city. To him travel is unneces sary , for whither would he travel ? His city is at once the Alpha and Omega of human ken. The sun , for him , rises each morning just beyond the Brooklyn Bridge and sets each evening in the North River. In short , Now York is America. To live outside of its domain is simply to camp out. And the few the seventy and odd millions who do live "beyond the pale" simply live to watch what New Yorkers do , how Now Yorkers dress , what books New Yorkers read , what New Yorkers say. Edward Bok , in the May Ladies' Home Journal. THE CHICAGO NATIONAL BANK No. 152 Monroe Street , CHICAGO * CAPITAL - - $1,000,000 SURPLUS - 1,000,000 PROFITS - - - 250,000 INTEREST PAID ON ACCOUNTS , interest is paid on the checking accounts of Individuals , Firms and Corporations. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. Deposits received for fixed periods , on which interest is allowed at current rates. Bums of fifty dollars or more received , repayable on demand without interest. LETTERS OF CREDIT. Letters of credit for travelers issued , available in the principal cities of the world. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Foreign Exchange bought and sold. Cable transfers made. BONDS. Municipal , railroad , gas and other corporate : , bonds bought and sold. CORRESPONDENCE or a personal Interview with a view to business relations respectfully invited. DIRECTORS ! C. K. O. BILLINGS , J. R. WALSH , ANDREW McNALLY. F. M. BLOUNT , MAURICE ROSENFELD , JOHN M.SMYTH. WILLIAM BEST. J. R. WALSH. President. A. McNALLY , VIoe-Presldent. F. M. BLOUNT , Vice-President. T. M. JACKSON , Cashier. F. W. McLEAN , Assistant Cashier. A. UHRLAUB , Assistant Cashier. _ _ Parties writing to advertisers will please mention The Conservative.