V * " ' > ' # . . j. * * : . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . - ) * * Conservative.&i Conservative. it while in 303 oases the alfalfa seed was sown without that of any other .crop. The use of the nurse crop was largely confined to extreme eastern Nebraska and the irrigated laud of the west. Many persons who used a nurse crop say 'that they would not do so again. It has been recommend ed to use a light seeding of small grain , sown earlier or with the al falfa , to prevent damage by severe winds. When sown in this way the nurse crop is mown when eight or-ton inches high , to prevent it smothering the alfalfa. In 55 cases the seed was put in with a drill , and in 447 cases it was sown broadcast. This is at least an indication that if a drill is not avail able a satisfactory stand can be ob tained by broadcasting and harrowing in , provided the other conditions are favorable. There were 188 reports of loss than twenty pounds of seed per acre be ing used , and 336 reports of twenty pounds or more being sown. The evidence seems to bo in favor of. the use of at least twenty pounds of seed per acre. Of the persons replying to the in quiries , 221 have stands of alfalfa that yield more than four tons of cured hay per acre each season , while 157 do not get as much as four tons of hay per acre. Of persons having practiced disking alfalfa in the spring or at other times , 138 report that beneficial re sults have been obtained , while seven report that disking has been ineffec tive or injurious. By disking alfalfa is meant going over it 'in the spring with a disk harrow before growth starts , or during summer immediately after cutting for hay. It is custom ary to set the disks at a slight angle. This outs the crown root and stirs the soil. Some of the correspondents prefer harrowing to disking. Where positive objection was made to disk ing , it was based on the claim that it caused the crowns to become dis eased. The great bulk of the evi dence was , however , in favor of disk ing. ing.Of Of the persons who have manured alfalfa , * either by plowing in the manure immediately before seeding or by spreading it on the field after a stand had been obtained , 110 ob tained beneficial results , and 13 found it to be ineffective or injuri ous. Objections are based on the claim that plowing in manure causes the soil to dry out , but objections to spreading manure on alfalfa are rather indefinite in their nature , ex cept that on low land it makes the growth too rank , and the alfalfa falls down. Many of those who advocate its use specify that the manure should be rotted and fine. One man suggests harrowing after spreading , to fine it. The reports of beneficial results from plowing under manure come largely from the eastern portion of the state , but the use of fiue manure applied as a top dressing has proven beneficial in all parts. GRATEFUL OFFERING. We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of a globe from Russia. That is as near as we can come to hitting our unknown friend. Hidden somewhere among the unholy looking hieroglyphics on the thine are no doubt his name and address ; but it is beyond us to screw them out of the mess. He may be calling us an Inktum , and wo are none the wiser or worse off. The globe is very pretty. It is made of paper , and will fold fiat or expand into a globe ; and besides the geography it seems to contain a Russian calendar , such as you have heard about , and then it runs off into the most murderous looking gibberish , with the letters all wrong side up and inside out. We will venture to say that the Russian authorities would not allow any such suspicious document to enter their sacred domains through the mails. We are gratified to ob serve that the Russians agree with us as to the general distribution of laud and water on the globe , but we have our opinion of any nation that spells America AMEPNKA , with the N written backwards at that. MORAL TRICES. How far is a man responsible for what ho supposes other people will sup pose he means by what he says ? This starts out like a conundrum , or like the solemn oath of the Tall Cedars of Le banon. But really , is a man less blame worthy for letting another deceive him self than for misleading him directly ? A business man wrote to a correspon dent , in regard to a young man for whom he wanted to get a situation , "he is the average in ability and zeal. " The recipient noticed the queer reading of this sentence and said to himself , "he has left out a word. He meant to say 'above' the average. His typewriter dropped the 'above. ' " That was what the writer had intended him to think. Yet his statement-was literally correct. The young man was only of average ability not a bit above it and that is faint praise. Now did he intentionally deceive his friend ? Mr. Bryan's experience in a barn will probably bo regarded as valu able training if ho accepts a nomina tion for governor. He will make a great impression upon the rural voters by going around with hay in his hair , and a series of photographs showing him asleep in the mow. Beatrice ( Neb. ) Express. Soft Harness You can mnko your har ness us soft AS a glove and as tough as wire by using EUIIEKA Har. ness Oil. You can lengthen its life make it last twice as lone M it ordinarily would. EUREKA Harness Oil makes a poor looking har ness like new. Made of pure , heavy bodied oil , es pecially prepared to with stand tb ? Boid everywhere in cans all sizes. Made t * STANDARD OIL GO. PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Donald Mac- Cuaig. deceased. Notice is hereby given , that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executrix of said estate , before mo , County Judge of Otoo County , Nebraska , at the county court room , in said county , on the 4th day of Juno , 1002 , on the 4th dey of August , 1002 , on the 4th day of October , 1002 , at 2 o'clock p. m. each day , for the purpose of presenting their claims for ex amination , adjustment and allowance. And the executrix is hereby ordered to post a copy of this notice at the following places in said county , to-wit : One at the court house in Nebraska City , one at office of National Starch Company , one at Merchants National Bank , one at Otoe County National Bank , and file duo proof of the same with the County Judge , on or before the first day of hearing above given. Six months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims , and ono year for the exe cutrix to settle said estate , from the 8rd day of April , 1002. This notice will be published in The Con servative for four weeks successively , prior to the 4th day of Juno , 1002. Dated at Nebraska City , Neb. , April .3rd , 1002. WM. HAYWARD , Apr 10 4w , County Judge. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Parties writing to advertisers will please mention The Conservative. This oignaturo is on every box of the genuine Laxative B &iio-Quinine Tablets the remedy that cnron a cold in ono day Benjamin Franklin Said "Empty your ptirst into four head , ana no man can take it from you. " A 1 lulu rioucr , and eucli time n < you riu [ nrc , wlllgl vo \ our Drain a training tltut u III Incrunse your earning power , win promotion , rmillfyfor - better work. I. C. 8. TcxtliooUM muko it cosy for busy people to I cam by mull Council In Engineering , Mcelmnlcnl rnulnff , Architecture. ( Jcriuun , I-'rciK'li , etc. Wrlto for circular , tloulng subject that Interests you. INTERNATIONAL connKsroxDKNCE SCHOOLS , lIoxlSOO ticranton , Ia.