The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, April 24, 1902, Image 1
fit t * * * Che Conservative.F VOL. IV. NO. 42. NEBRASKA CITY. NEBRASKA , APRIL 24 , 1902. SffleiE COPIES , 5 CESTS PUBLISHED WEEKLY. | I OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATER BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE DISCUSSION OF POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year In advance , postpaid to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Nebraska. Advertising rates made known apon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter. July 29 , 1898. It is a , matter of ARBOR DAY. extreme gratification to the Conservative to know that Arbor Day is observed more generally each succeeding year. To a pioneer Nebraskan , who iu the early 50's saw the undulating , windswept prairies , dotted with the little cabins unshaded in summer , and exposed to the full force of fierce winds iu winter , and now sees them adorned with hedges , groves and orchards , which shade and pro tect the comfortable homes , the transformation of a barren wilder ness into the lovely Nebraska of to day seems one of the most wonder ful works of the century. . Nor lias Nebraska alone been bene fited by Arbor Day , though to her must go the credit for inaugurating the beneficent work. As J. Sterling Morton , editor of this paper , was the originator of Arbor Day , as every school boy knows , The Conserva tive will perhaps be pardoned bv friends , and not severely condemned by enemies , for republishing the following literature relative , to the subject : "What is now known almost throughout the civilised world as ' Arbor Day , ' orig- Arbor Day inated in Ne- Its Origin. braska. At an an nual meeting of the Nebraska State Board of Agricul ture , held in the city of Lincoln , January 4 , 1872 , J. Sterling Morton , of Arbor Lodge , introduced the fol lowing resolution , which was unani mously adopted , after some little de bate as to the name , some present contending for the term 'Sylvan' in stead of ' Arbor. ' ' ' 'Resolved , That Wednesday , the lth ( ) day of April , 1872 , be and the same is hereby especially set apart and consecrated for tree planting n the 'state of Nebraska , and ; he State Board of Agriculture lereby name it Arbor Day ; and , to urge upon the people of the state the vital importance of tree plant ing , hereby offer a special premium of one hundred dollars to the agri cultural society of that county in Nebraska which shall , upon that day , plant properly the largest uum- Der of trees ; and a farm library of twenty-five dollars' worth of books to that person who , on that day , shall plant properly in Nebraska the greatest number of trees. ' "Mr. J. T. Allen offered the fol lowing resolution , which was also adopted unanimously : " 'Resolved , That the newspapers of the state be requested by the State Board of Agriculture to keep the resolution in regard to the an niversary day for tree planting stand ing in their columns until April 10th next , and to call especial attention of the people to the importance of the matter from time to time. ' "The newspapers of the state wore generous , and kept Arbor Day well before the people. The result was that over a million trees were planted iu Nebraska on the first Arbor Day , April 10th , 1872. The day was agaii r- observed in 1878 with inoreasVd interest - | g terest and results. " j y ) Since 1878 there has been no abate ment of popular interest. On the contrary the move- Popularized , rnent grew and spread until in 1901 nearly every state observed the day , and this year many enquiries iu regard to it were received from other countries. It would be impossible to estimate the number of trees that have been , planted as a result of Arbor Day , and now stand grand monuments to the foresi { ht of early-day husbandmen throughout the west. Those planted iu later years are fast attaining gigantic proportions , and many a desolate place has been made glad , many a home and heart made cheer ful as a result of this work. Nor was the East or South far be hind the West in taking up Arbor Day , and in old New England and the Sunny South observance is quite general. Tuesday , April 22ud , Nebraska planted thousands of trees to enhance the comfort , and add to the material 1 wealth of posterity ; upon different days the various states do the same. Can. anyone estimate the amount of > good accomplished by the hordes of tree planters during nearly a third of a century ? Can the joy and com fort of living in a country where every house is a bower , and every road a shady lane , be measured- money ? Abroad , interest in Arbor Day is growing rapidly. Mr. Elliott Downs Till , who was A British awarded first prize Enthusiast. by the London So ciety for the Pro tection of Birds , upon his essay on "The Best Means of Establishing 'a Bird and ' Arbor Day in the British Isles , " writes as follows : "J. Sterling Morton , Nebraska City , U. S. A. "Dear Sir : I take the liberty of send ing , for your kind acceptance , an essay on the 'Best Means of Establishing a Bird and Arbor Day in the British Isles , ' and at the same time , I desire to express my thankfulness for the example set by the people of your country , and my admiration ot your public spirit in initiating so beneficent a movement as that of the Arbor Day custom. "I am pleased to .say that we have at-