The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, April 17, 1902, Page 12, Image 12
The Conservative * BURYING THE FALSE PROPHETS. As Dr. Bryau sits iu his $ { 5,000 stable and rubs the nook of his $300 heifer while fcho carpenters are work ing upou his $35,000 residence , ho can , no doubt , truly sympathize with his prophet , Senator J. K. Jones , of Arkansas , who was buried out of sight by an almost unanimous vote of the democrats of his state last Saturday at the primary elections when candidates for the next legisla ture were selected and who will elect Jones' successor to the United States senate. Ex-Governor Olarke was Jones' opponent and Olarko will have 90 out of 132 votes on joint ballot. Surely Dr. Bryan ought to begin to understand the signs of the times that the democratic party has written upon the political wall. Bryan and Jones have each worked the demo cratic party for a pretty good sized fortune \vhilo denouncing the wrongs of the downtrodden masses from the roar end of a Pullman , making frantic swings for the under jaw of all kinds of plutocracy and combines except those controlled by them selves. Slowly , but with great certainty , the ro-oslablishment of the old demo cratic party is coming , and before the campaign of 1904 is inaugurated the party will be fairly back again to the point whore the kidnaping took place in 1898 and the contaminating , belittling and sacrificing influences of corrupt fusion will have boon na tionally condemned , damned and kicked out. Populism and fusion is decently dead and expunged from democratic doctrines except in a few benighted localities in Nebraska , and its burial here would have taken place a year ago had it not boon for the persevering qualities of Dr. Bryan who has been constantly ap plying his electric battery to the corpse , making it wiggle and kick oc casionally. These antics the good Doctor believes resemble life suffi ciently to fool both populists and democrats. The great leaders and the great papers of the party are aligning themselves with the tradi tions of the democratic party , and the time is rapidly approaching for a general overturning and wiping out of the false doctrines and imprac tical notions of popism that have- boon pasted onto the principles of tru government by the manipulation of the Nebraska Doctor Throughout the south , the east , the north and the great west the tide is rapidly changing and iu 1904 Doctor Bryan's popism will hold about the same relation to the demo cratic party as does Jim Weavorism. Lot the glad day appear. Kearney ( Neb. ) Democrat. AS USUAL. The Quill acknowledges the receipt of ouo measly package of garden seed , retail prioo about 8 cents , from the department of agriculture through the pull our congressman has at Washington. Thanks. Our gar den was planted long before the seed arrived and as it is past planting time they are worthless. If Con gressman Robinson will induce the department to send a stamp wo will gladly "report the results" as re quested. Sohuylor ( Nob. ) Quill. CORRECTLY ANSWERED. Up at the High School , they have adopted the plan of calling the pupils Mr. and Miss. The other day one of the teachers called one of the pupils Mr. Ooldhammer. The teacher called the name several times , but the boy paid no attention. At last he asked the boy what was the matter ; why ho didn't answer when called. This is what the boy said : "My name is not Mr. Ooldhammer ; my name is Honry. My father's name is Mr. Ooldhammer , and he is at homo , and sends mo here to study. ' ' Atohison Globe. THE PRESIDENT IN THE SOUTH. The welcome which Mr. Roosevelt has received at Charleston and the impression produced by his presence and his finely conceived remarks there will remain among the notable events in the history of the present administration. There is no more doubt of the sincerity of the presi dent's welcome by the South Carolinians linians than there is of the sincerity of his utterances to them. It was an occasion which brought the heart of the North and the heart of the South nearer together. Now YorK * Sun. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Parties writing to advertisers will please mention The Conservative. Rain and sweat have no effect on harness treated with Eureka Har ness Oil. It resists - sists the damp , keepstheleath- cr soft and pli able. Stitches do not break. No rough sur face to chafe and cut. The harness not only keeps looking like new , but wears twice as longby the use of Eureka Harness Oil. Sold everywhere in cans all sizes. Made by Standard Oil Company Wou/dYou knowingly buy unclean groceries for your tableT How under the sun can bulk coffees constantly exposed to dirt and dust be clean ) Lion Coffee comes in sealed pound packages only , thus in suring freshness , strength , flavor and uniformity. PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Donald Mac- Cuaig , deceased. Notice is hereby given , that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executrix of said estate , before mo , County Judge of Otoe County , Nebraska , at the county court room , in said county , on the 4th day of Juno , 1002 , on the 4th dev of August , 1002 , on the 4th day of October , 1002 , at 2 o'clock p. m. each day , for the purpose of presenting thefr claims for ex amination , adjustment and allowance. And the executrix is hereby ordered to post a copy of this notice at the following places in said county , to-wit : One at the court house in Nebraska City , one at office of National Starch Company , one at Merchants National Bank , one at Otoe County National Bank , and file due proof of the same with the County Judge , on or before the first day of hearing above given. Six months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims , and one year for the exe cutrix to settle said estate , from the 3rd day of April , 1902. This notice will be published in The Con servative for four weeks successively , prior to the 4th day of June , 1903. < * * ? * Dated at Nebraska City. Neb. . April'Brd , 1002. WM. HAYWARD , Apr 10 4w County Judge. ROM Strength and security are combined in ELLWOOD FENUEd. Made of beat steel wire , heavily galvan ized. Small nieah at bottom , larger mesh at top , make them secure for large and small stock. Farms , ranches , orchards , nurseries are safest fenced with ELLWOOD SS FENCES The standard of strength , durability and eoonomy In woven wire fences. Heavy steel wire , heavily galvanized. Six heights ; styles for all purposes. Sold everywhere. It your dealer hasn't them , wrlto to AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE CO , ,