The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, April 03, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
< ' V i i i Conservative * The Kaiser has MORE WORK ordered "a torpedo FOR WHEELER , boat in the Gorman navy christened "Alice Roosevelt. " Will" ! the audi ence please face towards Wheeler , of Kentucky. When he indulges in an other anti-flunky speech , will the gentleman kindly tell us who is the flunky now ? It really looks as though the humble Hoheuzollerns were toady ing the mighty Roosevolts. Speaker Hender- DAWN OP son , a protection- REASON. 1st of the old school , must meet opposition in his district for the first time in ten years. This proves that some republicans in this part of Iowa have so far progressed in the study of economics that even the possession ) f the speakership in their district does not tie them to the policies which the republicans are rapidly repudiating. With McKinley's death message still ringing in his ears , it seems strange that Henderson blindly adheres to a policy which works harm to the country , and threatens to result in his own downfall. It is done. Gen- MILES. eral Miles has had his slap at the president , and given the newspapers another excuse for printing his per trait. Of course he might have given congress and the people the benefit of his army experience , without intimat ing that the passage of the army re organization bill would place the country under a military despot. His assertion that should the bill pass he could now name the men who would receive promotions , and the sly hint that favoritism would be shown in making the appointments , were cer tainly not privileged communications. Miles may have suffered indignities during his service as commander in chief of the United States army , but it seems hardly fair to assume that in all cases he has been free from blame. iii It is not probable that each succeeding administration singles him out as a target for censure , unless there is something in his composition which attracts censure. Whatever opinion one may hold with regard to General Miles' qualifications as an army or ganizer , it is difficult to see in his recent tirade anything less than an attempt to even scores with Roosevelt , and at the same time lay by a store of political ammunition to be used to further his own candidacy in 1004. Mr. 0. V. W. RETRIBUTION. Neely , the gentle man who jovially discussed the charges preferred against him in connection with the Havana postofflco frauds , will no doubt be able to restrain his mirth by the time he has served his sentence of ton years behind prison bars , not to mention the flue of $50,701 which was also im posed by the court. It will bo re membered that at the beginning of the prosecution of Mr. Neoly , he was inclined to think that he had the bet ter of the government , and claimed that he could not be convicted. His face beamed with a smile of triumph whenever the case was mentioned , and he seemed to think that he was in a position to sneer at the govern ment , and the law ; but ton long years in a dungeon may give him time to get his laugh over with , and pause to reflect that Ouba , under American guardianship , is a different Ouba from'that unhappy isle which in the days of Spanish rule was openly de spoiled by every officer connected with the insular government. W. H. Reeves with a sentence of ten years and a $30,516 fine , and E. G. Rath- borne , who will be incarcerated for a term of HKO duration and whose fine is fixed at $35,324 , furnish additional testimony that things have changed in Ouba. The cases will be reviewed by the supreme court of Ouba , but there is little reason to believe that the findings will be reversed. Oeoil R h o d e's WASTED LIVES , builded a great- empire , but never lived to see it blessed with peace and contentment. An Omaha hack driver hoarded a fortune of $65,000 and starved himself to death in the effort to acquire more. Both the industrial giant and the thrifty reinsman devot ed the best years of their lives to that which they most adored , and neither enjoyed the fruits of their labor , nor have they left behind them many who will deeply mourn their departure. One life was as wantonly wasted as the other. Horace's rule , CHARITY. ' ' concerning the dead nothing un less it is good" has been pretty gen erally observed by publicists in their treatment of the character and works of Governor Altgeld. Silence ishow ever , all that may be expected of those who sincerely believe that it is the brainy orator , not the violent , ig norant fanatic , who harms a country by advocating dangerous principles. At least it cannot bo out of place to suggest that if Mr. Altgeld had de voted his talents to the upbuilding of his country and sustaining his govern ment , it would not now be necessary for men to measure BO carefully their comments upon his official record. Herein is a moral to be applied , . Because a man NO HALO. lives in a barn , do not let that give you the impression that lie was born in a manger. This barn is not a low ly , thatched building , but a $6,000 modern structure with stained glass in the gable windows , and a green and yellow cupola on the ridge all paid for out of the profits of campaigns against the moneyed class. No fusion i n FORTUNATE Kansas. No , KANSAS. thanks , Ransasjhas been there ; has seen it all ; has adopted every insane idea that a diseased brain could pos sibly conceive ; has followed every freak politician who has come for ward and asked for the leadership ; has had her sockless representative at Washington and her own state house barricaded and besieged. Like the mother whose flock has passed through mumps , measles , chickenpox , whoop ing cough , etc. , Kansas now has nothing to fear. She is immune , and Nebraska well Nebraska is conva lescing. Ouban sugar AS PER must come to the PROGRAM. United States , tariff or no tariff ; it has nowhere else to go. Consequently quently American sugar interests have little at stake in the contro versy. The volume of sugar trade with Ouba will be about the same in one case as in the other , the great difference being that under a free trade arrangement the Ouban planter can sell his wares at a fair profit , and consequently live in peace and con tentment ; while with an excessive import duty levied , his profit will be practically obliterated , and he will feel sullen and revengeful. The duty wilt merely lessen the planter's profit , an'd cause financial depression , uneasiness and possibly rebellion upon the island in which America is supposed to take a neighborly interest if nothing more. This is according to the pro gram , which is to be carried out as advertised. The wording of a repub lican exchange's editorial this week sustains The Conservative's conten tion that justice is not denied to Cuba out of respect for our own agricul tural interests , but in order to force her into the union. The frank editor ' ' There bo of says : can no danger Cuba's starving , so long as she has the alternative of joining the union. Annexation will at any time furnish the solution of her difficulties. ' ' Yes , indeed , Onba can bo ravished , forced to a union with us , starved into hu mility , but will she ever become a willing mistress ? Can there ever be peace in such a household ?