Che Conservative * li i CATALOGUE BUYERS * GUIDEN570 AND , Why Not Start Now ? THIS IS OUH OftIV Spring is at hand and you will need supplies of alt kinds. , loguc I together We hlvr for thirty been on Ihn ytin. Korlinf oti- We f If you are a progressive , upto * date buyer , go slow and place near cOmider Iht ideal thu Buytft number Guide to b u the > your order where you will get biggest returns for your dollar. world h ever Ken We bev done our belt end our iniiUntlhevedone HAVE YOU EVER TRIED MONTGOMERY WARD 8 CO. their urmojUo I H the TRUTH bout everything luted herein of Chicago ? Perhaps you have long intended to , but never knew how to begin. Why not start now ? Our Catalogue No. 7O , revised for Spring and Summer , is fust out , our building is piled from basement to roof with good things the very best our active buyer could gather in 1ONTOOMCRV WARD a CO , the best markets ; every employe in our big establishment is ready and waiting to serve you to the best of his or her ability fust as though you This Is our Famous Catalogue. were shopping over our counters. We've been preparing for this event It can be found In over two all winter , and believe that there never was a better opportunity for million homes of thinking pee * shrewd active to start wholesale , buyers purchasing on our prices no pie. Is It In ? yours middlemen one profit plan. The Spring and Summer edition of CATALOGUE NO. 7O IS NOW READY. Over IOOO pages packed with the good things of life everything you use gathered by our buyers from the markets of the world. Page after page of high grade merchandise , all illustrated and honestly described. SEEMS TO VS THAT YOU OUGHT TO HAVE Jt COPY. We want you to have one so much so that we will furnish the book free and pay one'half the postage If you will pay the rest , fifteen cents. There are so many people In this country bubbling over with curiosity , or trying to get something for nothing , that we are compelled to make this trivial charge. It Is only fifteen cents but It assures us that you are acting In good faith and are Interested In our business. Why not ask for It today , before you forget It ? Montgomery Ward fy Co. , Chicago ammunition , provbious , and astro nomical instruments in a retired place , that they might not bo entirely destitute of resources after the contemplated rencontre with the Span iards should have taken place. At sunset , on the 28th of July , as they were about to encamp , they heard several guns ahead of them , which left no doubt that they had arrived near the Spanish camp. On the en suing morning Captain Sparks , Mr. Freeman , and a favorite Indian walked ahead of the boats , along the sandbeach , with their guns in their hands. The Indian soon discovered some tracks , ran hastily up among the bushes on the bank and then re turning , made signs that the Span iards were there. The party was now halted , the arms examined , and put in readiness for immediate ac tion ; then all went on board the boats' , and they continued their ascent as if they had known nothing of the Spanish troops. The advanced guard which the Indian had dis covered consisted of twenty-two men , stationed a mile and a half below the encampment of the main body. On seeing the boats they fled instantly , and hid themselves in the woods , leaving behind their clothes and pro visions. On turning the next bond they commanded a beautiful view of the river , extending about a mile , with steep banks on both sides , and level sand beaches , occupying more than half the bed of the river. On one of these , at a distance of half a mile , they discovered a sentinel , and soon afterwards saw a detachment of horse gallop from thence through the small cottouwood bushes near the next bend of the river , and shortly after return to their former station. As it was now the middle of the day , the exploring party halted according to custom , and kindled fires to pre pare their dinner. About half an hour after they had halted , a largo detachment from the Spanish corps were seen riding down the sand beach , enveloped in such a cloud of dust that their numbers could not bo accurately estimated. The soldiers belonging to the ex ploring party were sent to take pos session of a thick cane brake on the immediate bank of the river , at a short distance above the boats , to bo in readiness , should there bo occa sion , to attack the advancing party on their flank. A non-commissioned officer and six men were sent still further up the river , and ordered to be in readiness to assail the Spaniards in. the rear. The advancing party of horse came on at full speed , and neglecting the first challenge of the two sentinels stationed in advance of the boats. When the sentinels cried "halt" the second time , they cooked their pieces , and wore in the act of presenting them to fire , when the Spanish squadron halted , and displayed on the beach about one hundred and fifty yards distant. Their officers moved slowly forward , and were mot by Captain Sparks , whom the Spanish commandant politely saluted , and a parley ensued , which continued about three-quarters of an hour. The Spaniards being greatly superior in numbers , and expressing a deter mined resolution to fulfill their orders , which wore to prevent , at all hazards , the farther progress of the exploring expedition , the officers of that party reluctantly consented to relinquish their undertaking. The spot where this interruption took place is two hundred and thirty miles by water above the Coashatay vil lage , consequently six hundred and thirty-five miles above the mouth of Red River. We arc as yet ignorant of the true position of the sources of Red River ; but wo are all assured that the long received opinion , that its principal branch rises "about thirty or forty miles east of Santa Fo , ' ' is erron eous. STOPS THE COUGH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo- Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure , no Pay. . Price 25 cents. _ Parties writing to advertisers Will please mention The Conservative. 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