12 Cbc Conservative , NEBRASKA'S FAT YEAR. Next to the pleasure of having plenty of moiioy one's self is that of learning that a lot of other people are flourishing , especially if the other people have com plained of poverty in the ueav post. For- innately such opportunities are not in frequent , should any one care to look for them. A case in point , and a very largo one , may bo found in the recent report of the Secretary of the State Banking Board of Nebraska a state which several years ago was most elo quent , touching , and therefore influen tial , in its complaints of poverty and its demands for relief. Last year Nebr'as- ka suffered by the general drought in the west , and had an alarming reduction of her corn yield , corn being a Nebraska staple , as it is of all western states whose industries are principally agricultural. Yet despite a shortage of one hundred million bushels of corn , Nebraska's bank deposits hist year exceeded those of the previous year by nearly twelve million dollars a gain-of about fifteen per cent over those of the previous year. These figures take no account of the many private hoards in cracked teapots , old stock'ings and other time-honored re I positories , of people who have no confi dence in banks or who live far away from , them , Not long ago Nebraska complained bitterly that there was not enough money in the state to make or dinary commercial exchanges , and that farm loans , which when really needed , are as important as the doctor is to per sons dangerously ill , could be had only at destructive rates of interest. ' Yet the secretary reports that within the year farm loans dropped to five percent inter est , which is the average in the best of the older states. Yet besides caring for home interests , the Nebraska banks , according to the secretary's report , have had so much money that at least twenty-five per cent of the loans and discounts have been to eastern financial institutions and on eastern securities. In plain English , Nebraska has become a' 'capitalist state. " States , like individuals , change their manner according to their poverty or wealth. In a very old story , which is not read as much as it should be , the patriarch , Job , wise , good and "wealthy , This signature is on every box of ibo genuine Laxative Brome = Quinine Tablets ( lit remedy tbat cures n cold in ono day rlll I It is the only machine" that will pay for its elf without help Practical and ornamental. is presented by the highest authority as a moclel-"A perfect and upright man" "None like him in the earth" but when , at the suggestion of Satan , Job was deprived of his property and' his children , ' lie became sick in body and niiud , went down into the damps , and found the world so awry that with much eloquence of detail he cursed the day in which he was born , and his wife urged him to make the curse more comprehen sive so as to include the Designer and Manager of all things. From poverty- stricken states , as from men reduced to penury , come too all sorts of financial and social and moral heresies and luna cies , some.of which arc infectious , turn ing the heads of the people .and unset tling business foundations. It would be invidious to name states where this has been the case , for no one can say with certainty that similar disturbances may not begin at scant notice , in one of the oldest and wealthiest. But atf present Nebraska deserves the congratulations of her sister states for having made so haudsomo a showing , and for having proved herself willing and able to spend less than she earned , and thus fortified herself against the bad year's , which are always possible. Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on eaoh box. 25c. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES , FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA. In the matter of Fred D. Sartor , bankrupt. Voluntary petition. Case No. 812. To the creditors of said Fred D. Sartor , bank rupt. You are hereby notified that Fred D. Sartor , bankrupt of Nebraska City , Otoo County , Ne braska , who was adjudged a bankrupt on the 8th day of February , 190.2 , has , on the 20th day of March , 1902 , filed his petition for discharge ; and all persons interested in said estate who have any objections to the discharge in bank ruptcy of said bankrupt are required , and hereby notified to file said objections in my of fice , in Rottmann block , Nebraska City , in said district , on the 3rd day of April , 1902 , and ton days thereafter file specifications to said ob jections. Witness my hand this 21st day of March , 1902. JAMES W. EATON , Referee in Bankruptcy. \ \ Rain nnd sweat have no effect on harness treated . with Eureka Har- I'ness Oil. It re sists the Gimp > , keeps the lc. ; th cr soft nnd pli- able. Stitches do not break. No rough sur face to chafe and cut. The harness not only keeps \ looking like new , but wears twice as lonpby the use of Eureka Harness Oil. Sold r everywhere in cans \ all sires. Made by Standard Oil Company IN STYLE QUALITY , WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH THE LEADING CARRIAGE AND HARNESS BUILDER * rrOF AMERICA. < ! . P. SCO , 315,316,317 MICHIGAN AYE. , CHICAGO , ILL. FOR OUT OF TOWN PATRONS , A HA'nDSOME CATALOGUE CONTAINING OVER ONE SNORED BEAUTIFUL HALF-TONE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CAR RIAGES , HARNESS , COACHMEN'S LIVERY , SAD * ' DIES , ETC. FURNISHED UPON REQUEST. Count tbo cost 'of repairs on nn ordi nary wire fence. Count on a long life time of wear out of the AMERICAN J8 , FENCE Figure the cost of trying fence experi ments and you will see.tbo sense of buying the fence'that fences'It In t'lionn. cst and Best. Every rod'guaranteed. Every user satisfied. Sold everywhere. If your dealer basn't It , write to AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE CO. , Chicago , Now York , San Francisco , Denver. ' ARE THE BEST BURPEE'S THAT CAN BE GROWN Will kin W If you want the t choicest vegetables or most beautiful flowers you should read BURPEE'S FARM ANNUAL FOR 1902-so well known as the " Leading American Seed Catalogue. " It Js mailed FREEi O all. Belter send your address TO-DAY. W. AT LEE BURPEE i CO. PH I LA D E LPH I A. .