The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, March 27, 1902, Image 1
Che Coneervac. VOL IV. NO. 38. NEBRASKA CITY , NEBRASKA , MARCH 27 , 1902 SINGLE COPIES , 5 CENTS' PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. i A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE DISCUSSION OF POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year in advance , postpaid to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Nebraska. Advertising rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the post office at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 29 , 1808. A recent decision of ANTI-TRUST the supreme court of LAWS. .the United States threw the anti-trust law of Nebraska into "innocuous desue- \Jude. ; " Evidently Judge Harlan and other members of that judicial body had never heard or' perfectly comprehended the stupendous arguments against the Starch trust in this state , as made by the peerless Bryan , the smithless Smyth and the antique Oldhani. Those dis tinguished populists who in the fall of 1900 , at Syracuse in the state of Nebras ka , originated the brilliant idea that a fight by them against the best material interests of the state would redound to the glory of the conglomerate party which they represented , have awakened from a very bad case of nightmare. They begin to realize now that this ' country does not desire to be Mexioan- ized as to its currency , nor pulverized , as to all of its manufacturing interests. ' The intension of that raid upon the Starch works was to crush out one of the largest , most productive and prom ising industries in the entire common wealth of Nebraska. The idea of the development of a great material indus try never entered into the sconces of those rainbow-chasing statesman , and / therefore its destruction was a matter to them of no consequence , except as a means of advancing and elevating the cause of all the financial and economic v vagaries which they advocated. But the Standard Oil Co. , the Nation al Starch Co. , the Great Western Cereal Co. , and scores of other equally import ant concerns , continue to do business in Nebraska , to extend the field of their ft operations , and to add new glories to the commercial and manufacturing j interests of the commonwealth. If Bryan , Smyth , Oldham and Com- - - ! pany had been successful , every manu facturing wheel in Nebraska would stand still , the puff 0 $ the factory en gine would be heard no more. To those impraoticals the state was created for the purpose of making offices , advancing ignoramuses to emoluments , and certi fying to the statesmanship of blowhards - hards and talkers who have never in any part of the commonwealth by their own efforts added , a single dollar to its pro ductive capabilities. F i n a u ciers of THE OBSTACLE. Missouri and Ne braska arc con sidering ways and means to navigate the Missouri river from St. Louis to Sioux City. Capital and energy are not- wanting , and people along the banks of the turbid stream unani mously favor the scheme to make it bear a burden of products toward the sea , but there is strong opposition from one quarter the river itself , which totally ignores the demands of commerce , and stubbornly refuses to work. There is a sentimentality connected with river steam-boating that surpasses even ocean trips , and the people whose homes line the shores of this turbulent stream have an unaccountable longing to hear again the long-drawn toot of the steamboat siren , but as to the practi cability of the scheme , residents of Nebraska and Iowa , for' once , join with the people of incredulous old in " shown. ' ' Missouri asking to be The man who IMPERTINENCE , twice led his par ty on to victory , in the face of what seemed over whelming defeat , is accused by the man who twice led his party on to overwhelming defeat under circum stances and conditions which seemed to insure a glorious victory , of hav ing " betrayed" the party. Betrayed his party , by making a campaign in a dignified manner becoming to the can didate of a great political power ; be trayed his party by being triumph antly elected in opposition to the strongest candidates of a well-organ ized opposition ; betrayed his party by giving his country a conservative , business-like administration which is just beginning to be appreciated over the laud , and will be looked upon with favor after the last vapid utter ance of school-boy statesmen has been forgotten for a century ; betrayed his party by warning it against dema gogues , political heretics and unsafe leaders who now have the imperti nence to accuse him of betraying the party they have themselves pushed over the precipice by blind , unreas oning adherence to policies and so- called principles which civilization looks upon with abhorrence , and be nighted peoples are striving to rid themselves of as rapidly as possible ; betrayed his party by tearing the mask of hypocrisy from the face of its tradncer , and proving to the world that the democratic party is not the vehicle in which fanatical exhorters or unprincipled political adventurers - I I may take passage for the White House ; betrayed his party by walking to the polls and depositing an honest ballot for honest government , and ' . with probably 2,000,000 other demo crats who loved their country above mere party victory , administering to one certain boy orator of the shallow , placid , smiling , useless , treacherous , wasteful , and crooked Platte , the worst political drubbing ever inflict ed upon an American candidate. If that be treason , make the most of it. It has heretofore COMPLICATIONS , been supp9sed that the patriots who founded the American republic did their work well , and that later gen erations have strengthened , rather tlian weakened the structure. But complications have arisenand a crisis is at hand. We have been forced to the conclusion that after the year 1904 , the country will either be with out an executive , or an inferior person will fill that important position. The prospective candidates for this office have in turn submitted their creden tials to the wiseacre at Lincoln , and he has spurned them all. In turn he has submitted his name to the people upon two occasions , and the peop6 have with increasing vehemence de clared him incapable.This "Mene mene tekel upharsin" verdict is be ing delivered with such monotonous frequency that there is ground for a grave apprehension that the people of the United States have grown so good , so great , that no man can be found to instruct or lead them , Sualified an it be that we will bo forced to import an executive from China or some other favored clime where the science of government is better un derstood ? ' ' r