The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, March 20, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
9 senator and we must remember that a change from the present system would mean not necessarily a larger partici pation by individual voters in the choice of senators , but rather the sub stitution of the party convention for the legislature. This might result iii the selection of a different class of men for senators , but whether this class wouldbe superior to such as are now generally chosen is , at least , doubtful. The party conventioneven under-the most favorable conditions i.'o. when , the result is doubtful and the parties evenly balanced select's its candidates with reference , chiefly to their availability the prospect of [ securing the support of this or that > body of voters. Such a system when applied to senators would prevent the selection of an unpopular man , but it might not , any more than the present system , result in sending great states men to. the senate. On the -other hand , should the present in vement toward the direct primary result in the general adoption of that method , wo might realize the popular elec tion of- , senators and attain a system iu which the will of the individual voter would bo more effectual. . . > Arguments from the Standpoint of the Legislature. A stronger argument for the change may "bo made , I think , from the stand point of the legislature. It is con ceded by most thouehtful observers , that the present system of choosing United States senators affects a legis lature" unfavorably in at least two particulars. (1) ( ) As to its personnel , and (2) ( ) as to its workings. The sys tem interferes with securing the best material for legislators , because it imposes tests which have no relation to fitness for legislative duties. In a keen contest for the sonatorship , can didates for the legislature are apt to bo selected almost entirely with re gard to their senatorial preferences , while their familiarity with the legis lative needs of a state- and even with' the mechanics of legislation , " is too often lost sight of. This is the fault , not of the men , but of the sys- " tern. Again , the present system tends to obliterate the distinction between state and national issues and requires the selection with reference to the latter of legislators who ore to deal exclusively with the - former , except so far as their choice of a senator may influence national affairs. A' state legislature-deals with subjects which are nearest to us direct taxation , property rights , contracts , marriage and divorce and public education. But the criterion by which wo are often called pen to choose men to legislate on these subjects is what they-may think about the currency , the tariff or our foreign policy , none of which are within the scope of statey legislation.j This anomaly would "not bo entirely removed by relieving legislatures of the duty of selecting senators , but such a change would be * a long step toward the sep-- aratiou'of state from national-affairs and the consideration of each group1 of questions on their own merits. The change would also remove one of- the chief incentives for that acknowl edged legislative evil ; the gerrymand er. Prolonged Contests and Deadlocks. But the most generally , recognized evil of the present system is its inter ruption of ordinary legislative busi ness. Instances appear to have multi plied in recent years where a long and bitter senatorial , contest lias frit tered away a largo part of a legisla tive session.or. where , even after this result , the legislature has adjourned in a deadlock. Such object lessons more than any other cause probably have brought the subject of popular election into prominence. * Counter Arguments. ij > Among the arguments against the change 'is the claim that it would bo a stop toward destroying the equal representation of the > spates in the senate - ate that after-popular election would como apportionment according to pop ulation as wo have in the lower house. This was in brief the argument of Sen ator Hoar when the question was be fore the senate the other day. Whatever the. merits or demerits of the proposed change , it is not likely to como hastily or soon. The conserv atism of our people is provprbial , and as the states now stand , at leas thirty must concur in demanding , Jind thirty- four in ratifying , a constitutional amendment. But the country will bo the gainer from the study and dis cussion which uiust follow. Benefits of Discussion. The United States senate now ranks as one of the greatrdeliberativo bodies of the world , after the ' supreme court and the presidency , perhaps even before the latter , it occupies the Highest place among our institu tions. Important as are its lawmaking ing functions , 'itJs more than a legis lative body. Under its treaty-making prerogative it may determine our for eign policy. By its own power to con firm appointments .it may practically decide the success or failure of an ad ministration" . As court'-of ' a - impeachment - ment it may try a .president. . Truly we may say as did the ambassador of Pyrrhns to the Romans that the senate - ate is an assembly of kings. Only we' should seeto it that-our senators arc not merely .mining kings or kings of the caucus- but kings of statecraft. The best traditions of American statesmanship belong to the senate. The workof Webster and Olay , of Benton and So ward , men who failed to reach the presidency , are part of the glory of the senate. Surely any discussion which maintains popular interest in this great body is to be welcomed. ' Any plan which promises to p'reserve its ideals , elevate its membership , make it more responsive to the needs of the Re public , more efficient iu solving the great problems of the day , deserves the best thought of the college men'and women of America. ORDER OF HEARING ON ORIGINAL PRO- A BATE OF WILL. State of Nebraska , Otoe County , es. At a County Court , held at the County Court Room , in and for said County , Thursday Feb ruary 27th A. D. 1002. Present , William Hay ward , County Judge. In the matter of the estate of Donald Maccuaig deceased. On reading and filing the petition of D. A. Maccuaig , praying that the instrument , filed on the-27th day of February 1902 , and purport ing to be the last Will and Testament of the said deceased , may bo proved , approved , pro bated , allowed ; and recorded as the last Will and Testament of the said Donald Maccuaig , deceased , and that the execution of said instru ment may be committed and the administra tion of said estate may be granted to Elizabeth Maccuaig as executrix. Ordered , 'that March 27th A. D. 1002 , at 2 o'clock p.m. , is assigned for hearing said petition , when all persons inter ested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county , and show .causo why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted ; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof , be given to all persons interested in 'said matter by publishing a copy of this order , in'The Conservative , a weelcly newspaper printed in said county , for three successive weeks7 prior to said day of hearing. WM. Hayward .County. Judge. This signature is on every box of cbo genuine Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets Mu remedy that cnres a cold in one day iSS Strength and security are combined In ELLWOOD FENCES. Made of best steel wire , heavily galvan ized. Small mesh at bottom , larger mesh at top , make them secure for large and small stock. Farms , ranches , orchards , nurseries are safest fenced with ' ' " ' ELLWOOD'w''FENCES Thf standard of strength , durability-and economy in woven wire V fences. Heavy steel wlreriicavlly galvanized.Hlx , hclKhts ; Styles for . rail purposes. Sold everywhere. If your dealer liasn't thorn , write to AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE CO , , S CO ER. \