Conservative , and fouutains and summer-houses , the last-uamod constructed to hold but two persons at a time. They often build little oruameutal bridges , not strong enough to hold a Dutchman of low de gree. These features of suburban life in the Netherlands loolc strange when win ter has stripped the surrounding triiri- cut , little trees of all the leaves , frozen the lakelets , turned the fountains into images of ice , and covered the summer houses with snow. In the warm weather , the Dutchman may be seen moving about his garden accompanied by his wife and children ; all of them are as happy as are so many babies at play. As they take tea in the afternoon , they look inexpressible words of felicity at one another. The summer-house is usually at the disposal of the eldest daughter of the house and her "best young man , " unless , as is sometimes the case , more than one adult cannot get in side of it. In that event it is probably given up to the younger children. To watch a Dutch family , especially on Sunday , is a good lesson in domestic de votion a lesson which cannot fail to beef of value to all of us. LAWRENCE IRWELL. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. The EGGS the coffee roaster uses to glaze his coffee with would vou eat that kind of eggs ? Then why drink them ? Lion Coffee has no coating of storage eggs , glue , etc. It's coffee pure , unadulterated , fresh , strong 1 and of delightful flavor and aroma. Uniform Quality and f reslmesH are Insured by the sealed package. Saves time and runaways. En- dorscdby the best farmers. Sales at factory price , in reach of every home. RIDER AGENTS WANTED to ride and exhibit sample bicycle. . 1902 MODELS , $9 to $15 1900 and 1901 Models , high grade , $710 $11 BOO Second-hand Wheels nil mokes and models , good as now CS to 28. Great Factory Clearing Sale. Wo SHIP OH APPROVAL and 10 DAYH THIAL without a cent tn tulcance. Kara alllcyclo dletrlbutlnfjcatnlorrs. Wrllr at once for net prices and spoclnl off or. MEA'D'tiYGLEnd . IMIX. eir 392.8 ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION. ' EXECUTIVE CHAMBER , LINCOLN - COLN , Neb. By virtue of the authority vested in me by law , I , Ezra P. Savage , governor of Nebraska , do hereby proclaim * claim Tuesday , . April 22 , ' 1902 , Arbor , day. day.The The extensive use of timber in manu facture and in public and private im provements is and for some years has been a heavy drain upon the forest re sources and unless expansion along this line keeps pace with devastation serious consequences must ultimately be the legacy. Forestry is both useful aud'oruameu- tal. While , strictly speaking , forestry may not be indigenous , still splendid re sults have attended every substantial ef fort to develop our resources in this re spect. Experience has demonstrated that tree culture may be prosecuted as successfully in Nebraska as in any of the so-called timber states. Both soil and climate are adapted to it. For tins reason there should be relaxation . in the planting of trees. Each succeeding Arbor day should add at least a half million trees aiid shrubs to our wood- laud estate. It means wealth , pictur- esqneness and comfort and eventually will be a powerful magnet in the at traction of capital and population to Ne braska. In the observance of Arbor day on this occasion I do earnestly and respect fully request that the day be specially observed by the children of the public schools and by citizens generally , and that in addition to faithfully discharg ing the obligations of Arbor day a tree be planted commemorative of our late and greatly beloved president , William McKinley. A McKinley memorial tree will furnish food in after years for both solemn' and impressive reflection , and will bo a merited tribute to one who dur ing his life exhausted his best efforts and taxed his best energies to promote tue welfare and happiness of his coun try and countrymen. In testimony whereof , I' have here unto set my hand and caused the great seal of the state to be affixed. Done at Lincoln , this loth day of March , A. D. , 1902. ( Seal. ) EZRA P. SAVAGE , By the Governor. GEORGE W. MARSH , Secretary of State. By Frank McCartney , Deputy. Parties writing to advertisers will please mention The Conservative. , t- > ' ' -V : * * y 532 A good looking . , ' " ! ' horse nnd poor lookIng - - > > _ , Ing horncBH Is the . & ill worst kind of ft comy. . blnatlon. - H < Eureka Harness Oil" not only makes the harness nnd the horse lock better , but sunken the ' leather soft nnd puablc.-putaltln con- " dltlon to last twice r.a loni ordinarily would , ll every where , lies. Ukda by STANDARD OIL CO. Give Your Horse a Chance ! EARN MORE by doing better work For tpn years we have trained ambitious men and women over 800,000 of them to become spec ialists and earn large salaries. I. C. 8. Text Hooka make it easy for husy people to LEARN BY MAIL. Courses' in Mechanical ; Steam ) Electrical ; Civil Engineering ; Mechanical Drawing ; Architecture ; Chemistry ) Bookkeeping ; Hlenogrn- phy ; German ) Bpunlih ; French ; etc. Write for elrailar , mentioning Btudy that Interests you. Inte rattlonil Correspondence Schools Box 1200 , Seriolon , I' . IN STYLE QUALITY , WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH THE LEADING CARRIAGE AND HARNESS BUILDER * AMERICA. ( J. P. KIMBALL & GO. r i 315,316,317 MICHIQAN AYE , ! . - CHICAGO , ILL. * ' FOR OUT OF TOWN PATRONS , A HANDSOME 'ATALOBUE CONTAINING OVER ONE K' NDRED BEAUTIFUL HALF-TONE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CAR RIAGES , HARNESS , COACHMEN'S LIVERY , SAD DLES , ETC. FURNISHED UPON REQUEST. irfcrfcT rUJC Largest Mail-Order Seed House I J | cr Ij I" ! in * World"In buyjnB Bf * V * * - 4BURPEE'S SEEDS direct by mail you get your money's worth in the Best Seeds that Grow and1 you have your choice of Rare Novelties for 1902 , which cannot be had else where. Write to-day ( a postal card will do ) for our complete Catalogue FREE to all who intend to purchase seeds. J W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. , Philadelphia *