"BBHHBW * * * 12 Conservative , Wticn the Sweet Snp Drlpn , Once more they're making ready for the drip , drip , drip Of the sugary sap that trickles from the bare limbed maple trees ; Ere long the farmer boys'll turn ihe bucKets - ets up and sip The nectar Nature gives to thejn she wishes most to please. I can see the wood smoke curling , I can hear the brook that's purling Past the sugar house that's standing on the little grassy knoll ; In my fancy I can hear The first robin singing near , And on old , delightful longing takes pos session of my soul. Ah , those were happy mornings when the old mare dragged the sled , With the barrel standing on it , where the leaves lay thick and wet , When the clear drops fell from branches lightly swaying overhead And I whistled out so loudly that the tunes may echo yet ! How I slopped the sap around On myself and on the ground , How the barrel used to teeter as the old sled bumped along ! Oh , I wonder where the mare Is. And I wonder If out there is Still some bo.\ who gathers sap and makes the woods ring with his song ! My brother , do you ever In your fancy seem to see The wet snow on the bushes where we crossed the little stream ? Do you ever hear the simmer of the sweets that seemed to be Bo glad to tender freedom to the vagrant clouds of steam ? And the sirup dripped In snow That was spotless long ago , Can you fancy that you taste It as it ta&ted to you then ? Oh , to see the embers brightly Glowing where wo watched them nightly. And to hear you playing on your old ac cordion again ! Once more they hear the music of the drip , drip , < lrlp , Where the pails , propped up on billets. lean agninst the maple trunks ; There are marks that wooden runners leave behind them as they slip Where the woodland ways are soggy and the moss comes loose In chunks. Ah , the soft west winds are blowing , And the sap is flowing , flowing. Where the farmer's boy goes spilling sweet elixir here and there ; The bmoke Is drifting blue , And the brooks are singing through The woods wheie once I whistled , full ol visions that were fair. S E. Kiser In Chicago Record-II jrald , Australian blue-guni timber has beeii chosen by British enpineors for harbor works because it will sink if washed away , and will not endanger ship ping. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. SHIPPED ON APPROVAL anil Ten Days FreeTrial. . Kot a cent dtpoait ifaulted on our wln-Us in advance. 19O2 Models , $9 to $15 1900 & ' 01 Models , best makes , $7 to $11 BUO Secondhand Wheels all nialccs and models , good as new , $ Z 'o$8. Orcat Faetorti Clfartna Sale. A UIDKlt AGKNT WANTED In each town. You can Kara. aUloyclodla strlhutlriK catalogs & make money fast * Wrlteutonce forneprfres&ouri' MEAD CYCLE CO. and back CONVENTION , Federation of Women's Olubs at Los NATIONAL Angeles , May IJbo 8. Round-trip tickets to Los Angeles or San Francisco , $50 irom Chicago , $47.60 from St. Louis , $45 from Kansas City. Corresponding rates from all points east. On sale April F 20 to 27 ; return limit , June 25 ; open to everybody ; choice of direct routes returning. Ticket rate cut in two. The journey to California , through New Mexico and Arizona , over the Santa Fe , is a memorable one. En route see Grand Canyon of Arizona , world's greatest scenic wonder. The California Limited best train for best travelers , daily , Chicago to Los Angeles , San Diego and San Francisco. Also , two other first-class , through California trains , daily , Harvey meals. Tor descriptive books enclose ton cents postage to G. W. HAGENBAOH , Gen. Agt. , N .E. Cor. Santa Te Tenth and Main Sts. , KANSAS CITY , MO. This signature is on every box of fho genuine Laxative Brome = Quinine Tablets the remedy that cures n cold in one day Soft Harness You can make your harness - ness oa soft as a glove and as tough as wire by using EUREKA Harness - ness Oil. You can lengthen Its life make It lust twice as long as It ordinarily would. EUREKA Harness Oil makes a poor looking har ness like new. Made of pure , heavy bodied oil , es pecially prepared to with stand tb.5wither. . Bold everywhere In cans all sizes. Made b STANDARD OIL CO. IN STYLE QUALITY , WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH THE LEADING CARRIAGE AND HARNESS BUILDERS * - rOF AMERICA. * rr < ) . P. KIMBALL & GO , 315,316,317 MICHIGAN AVE. , CHICAGO , ILL. FOR OUT OF TOWN PATRONS , A HAKDSOME , - f CATALOGUE CONTAINING OVER ONE SNORED BEAUTIFUL HALF-TONE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CAR RIAGES , HARNESS , COACHMEN'S LIVERY , SAD > QLES , ETC. FURNISHED UPON BEQUEST. 'S SEEDS NEVER BEFORE have we introduced such SUPERB NOVELTIES of unusual merit. Six choicest Vegetables and five finest Flowers are shown painted from nature , others illustrated from photographs and all honestly described in BURPEE'S FARM ANNUAL for 1902. This "leading American Seed Catalogue" is mealed FREE to all who intend to buy , Write to-day , & postal card will do. W. ATLEE BURPEE & , CO. , Seed Growers , PHILADELPHIA.