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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1902)
14 Che Conservative * Trees and Plants That Grow and Boar Flno Fruit. Wo erow that kind. Largo stock. Honest dealing. Low prices. Wo pay freight. Budded Peach es 6c. ; Grafted Apples Sc. : Concord Grapes 2c. , Russ. Mulberries 30c. per 100 ; Ash 75c. per 1000 ; Black LbcUSt J1.35 per 1000. English -German Illustrated Catalogues FREE. CARL SOHDEBEOGEB , Proprietor , Box 34 Beatrice , Heb , WEARE COMMISSION CO. GRAINS , PROVISIONS , STOCKS AND BONDS , OLD COLONY BUILDING. CHICAGO. INDIANA , ILLINOIS AND IOWA RAILROAD. THE CONNECTING TRUNK LINE , EXTKNI-S FROM ST. JOSEPH , MICH. TO FOy/TON , IM , . , THROUGH SOUTH I1KND , IND. , KANKAKKE , IM , . , STREATOR , IIA. CONNECTIONS AND JUNCTION POINTS. Direct Connections. Junction Polnti A.T. & .H.F By . Streator , HI. B.&O.R. R . Walkertm , Ind. B.C. R. & N. Ry . Clinton , la. Chicago & Alton Ry . Streator , 111. Chicago & Alton Ry . D wight , 111. Streator , 111. Zearlng , 111. Walnut , 111. Denrock , 111. Clev. Gin. Chic. & St. L. Ry. .Kankakeo , 111. Chicago & East. HI. R. R. . . . Momence , 111. Chicago & East. HI. R. R . Wheatfleld , Ind. Chicago , ld. & Louisville j Shelby , Ind. Ry. Co. ( Mcnon ) . { San Pierre , Ind. Chicago & krie R. R . North Judson , Ino ( Fulton , 111. C.M.&St.P. Ry . ] East Clinton , 111 ( Clinton , la. ( Fulton , 111. Chicago * Northwest. Ry- { churchUhm'.111' I Clinton , la. Chicago & So. Bone' Ry. . South Bend , Ind C.R.I. &P.Ry . .DoPuo , Ind. Chic. & WabaHh Val. R. R. . .Kersey , Ind. "Javenp. R. I. & N.Y. \ . Ry. . . .Clinton , la. Jrand Trunk Ry. System. . .South Bend.Ind. Illinois Contra ! R. R. . : . . . . ( Kankakee. 111. iLo = tant , 111. Indiana Northern Ry . South Bond , Ind. Lake Shore & Mich. So. Ry. j fg $ In < L Lake Erie & Western R. R. . .Walkertou , Ind. \ Michigan Central R. R . j N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R . Knox , Ind. Pere Marquette Ry . St. Joseph , Mich. Lake Mich. Boat Lines . St. Joseph , Mich. P. O. O & 8t.L . North Judsonjnd P.P. W. & C. Ry . Hamlet. Ind. Vandalia Line . South Bcud , Ind. Operating Fast Freight Service between the EiiHt and West. North and South , in connection with all the principal railroad systems and fast frt'icht lines , thus avoiding the delays to which t raffle passing through Chicago is sub jected. General Ofllcos , BOG The Kookory , Chicago , 111. T. P. SHONTS , 6EO. H. ROSS , Pros. & Gen. Mjr. Traffic MET Parties writing to advertiser * will pleaao mention The Conservative. ( NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERS- ! CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE ( CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE J. F. HAKRIS STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON PROVISIONS COFFEE No. i BOARD OP TRADE PRIVATE WIRES CHICAGO Worcester Salt has the largest sale of any Dairy Salt , because the progressive butter makers will have the BEST , o * At the National Butter Makers' Convention , held at St. Paul in February , users of WORCESTER secured MORE HIGH SCORES and Premiums , than ALL OTHER dairy salts combined. Worcester Salt can be had with Michigan grades or in full car lots from Worcester Salt Company , 168 Duane St. , NEW YORK , Also JOY MORTON & CO. , I. C. , Pier 1 , CHICAGO , ILL. Wells Fargo _ & Company BANK. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. President , JOHN J. VALENTINE , San Francisco Manager , - HO.MEK S. KING , San Francisco Jashier , - - II. WADSWOUTII , San Francisco Asst. Cashier - F. L. LIPMAN , San Francisco id Asr-t. Cashier , H. L. MILLER , San Francisco BRANCHES. NEW YORK , - H. B. PARSONS , Cashier SALT LAKE , - .T. E. DOOLEV , "Jashier PORTLAND , On. , - R. LEA BARNES , Cashier STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT CLOSE : OF BUSINESS , JULY 31 , 1901. ASSETS Loans $10,042,400.61 Bonds , and Stocks and Warrants. . 2,191,127.10 BealEstate 1,665,030.77 Miscellaneous Assets 12,415.5 ! ! Due from Banks and Bankers . . . . 1,104,308.12 Cash 8,973,676.04 $10,589,558.17 LIABILITIES Capital , paid up | 500,000.00 Surplus 5,750,000.00 Undivided Profits 8,311,290.28 Deposits , Banks and Bankers. . . 1,124,165.27 " Individual 8,004,102.62 $19,589,658.17 General Banking Business in all its branches. Correspondents throughout the World. Ac counts received on favorable terms. Use Rock Salt for Brine , Pickles , Hides , Meats , Ice Cream , Ice Making , Fertilizing , and Refrigeration. USE Kansas Lump Rock Salt GROUND ROCK SALT PflD OTflPlf MINES AND WORKS FOR STOCK. rUn O I UUIVi LYONS &KANOPOLIS , KAN , PUREST , MOST HEALTHFUL , BEST. HIGHEST AWARDS AHD MEDALS FOR PURITY , WORLD'S EXPOSITION , CHICAGO , 1893 , TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION , OMAHA , 1899 , WESTERN ROCK SALT CO. , ST. LOUIS , MO. ROMBllLLTOHEN fcjtreiieth nii'l ' security are combined In ELLWOOD FENCES. Made of best Btoel wire , heavily galvnn Ized. Small mesh at bottom , larger mesh nt top , make them hccure lor larce and small stock. Farms , ranches , orchards , nurseries are safest fenced with ELLWOOD sro'FENCES The standard of strength , dnraWHty nnd economy Inwoven wire noes. Heavy steel wire , heavily galvanized. MX heights ; styles ror jurnoses. Sold everywhere. 1 your dealer hasn't them , write to A * Zil " " " " " "n" ' AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE CO , , S" r-r