The Conservative. 13 to the capacity of the pupil. The teamster should drive with the team to the right. When ho cries ' Gee" the team should go from him ; ' Haw'should bring them toward him. The consequence quence is that whenever a piece of rough or difficult road is encoun tered the shouts and cries of 'geeing' and 'hawing' and the cracking of whips are most terrific. ( Ed. The regulation ox gad does not seem to have been adopted. ) ' ' "I saw a most curious little animal * called a prairie dog. It is as much like a squirrel as a dog. It very much resembles a fat puppy of a light fawn color. It burrows in the ground like a rabbit and usully shares its habitation with a rattlesnake and an owl. I have seen owls pop out of sight into dog-holes but I have never seen them together. A Buffalo Hunt. _ "Oiie day the boys raised a cry of ' Buffalo ahead , ' and away scampered men and dogs in pursuit. ' Ah , ' said Elder Miller'let them go , they'll get tired without killing one , I'll "be bound. ' The buffalo did not seem in clined to retreat until they caught the 1 k. , scent of the men , and the dogs were close at their heels. They then started off at a pace that surprised me and in a manner closely resembling the gallop of a hog. The chase did not continue very long until the boys found that for speed and wind they were no match for the buffalo al though so clumsy looking. They therefore scattered themselves and .urging on the dogs succeeded at last in scattering the game. But they were green hunters and bad judges of distance. A very red-headed Wolch- mau was the first to fire , but instead of bringing down the game ho only made him roll away the faster. At / last Elder Cooley got his ambition up a nd taking his Jiorso from the sheep driver , and borrowing Elder Miller's flint-look pistols joined in the chase. Although the buffalo had been chased for some time they had not succeeded l" } ' in getting much further off than at first , as the river was on ono side , the camp on the other , and the hun.- tors at all points. Elder Miller's horse / carried him well , and I saw him over take ono animal , ride round him once o/r twice , then extend his arm with the evident intention of firing , but there was no smoke and no report consequently death did not result. Elder Cooley had in his hurry oithei shaken the powder out of the pan , 61 lip had started without any. Later in the evening one of the boys came in and reported that ho had killed a buffalo , but so far off that it was use- logs to think of going to it. I would have brought in its tongue as evidence if I had shot one , which , however , I : iad no ambition to do. ( Ed. This goes to prove that even "saints" are no more voracious than ordinary sports men ) . "While I was at Winter Quarters a man named Furze asked me to call upon his friends in London and tell them that he was well and on nis way to California. Today I passed his grave which had a board at the head stating that ho had been killed by Indians while on guard. ' ' THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Gives advice and answers , without charge , inquiries about investments. Studies underlying causes of market movements. Determines facts gov erning values of securities. Criti cises , analyses and reviews railroad and industrial reports. Has complete tables of earnings of properties. Quotes active and inactive stocks and bonds. Records the last sale of bonds and the yield on investment at the price. Ono who daily consults The Wall Street Journal is better qualified to invest money safely and profitably and to advise about investments than one who does not do so. Published daily by Dow , Jones & Co. , 44 Broad street , N. Y. The old est news agouoy of Wall street. $8 a year , $1 a month. ORDER OF HEARING ON ORIGINAL PRO BATE OF WILL. State of Nebraska , Otoe County , 83. At a County Court , held at the County Court Room , In and for said County , Thursday Feb ruary 27th A. D. 1002. Present , William Hayward , County Judge. In the matter of the estate of Donald Maccuaig deceased. On reading and filing the petition of D. A. Maccuaig , praying that the instrument , filed on the 27th day of February 1003 , and purport ing to be the last Will and Testament of the said deceased , may bo proved , approved , pro bated , allowed , and recorded as , the last Will and Testament of the said Donald Maccuaig , deceased , and that the execution of said instru ment may be committed and the administra tibn of said estate may be gran ted to Elizabeth Maccuaig as executrix. Ordered , that March 21th A. D. 1002 , at 2 o'clock p. in. , is assigned for hearing said-petition , when all persons inter ested in said matter may appear 'at a County Court to be held in and for said county , and nhow cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted ; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and .the hearing thereof , bo given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Conservative , a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for three successive weeks , prior to said day of hearing. Wit. Hayward County Judge. la 16 ounces of pure coffee to tbo pound. Who knows how much cofToo and how much stale tigers and glue called clazlng there Is In coated coffee ? JLlon Coffee Is all coffee never Rlazed. The waled package keeps it fresh and pare. THE COUGH AND WORKS OFF , ; " ' /THE COLD. Laxafaye'BrcfmojQuimne Tablets cure a cold inAphe day. NNNo Cure , no Pay. N Price 25 cente ( ( vv TEN ITRIAL allowed art odr bicycles. Wo ship on ' ' ' ' ' l02''MODELS$9 to $15 1900 & 1901 Models , best makes. $7 to $11 BOO Second-.Hand Wheels all makes and models , good as new $3 to $8. Oreat Fnrtoru Clearing Snlr. WIDER AGENTS . WANTED i tu. 'Acihlbluuapl ' * K rtnblojcl m ttmoneydlitrlbutlm ctUlop. Write t one * for ptleei * special offer. MEAD CYCLE CO. t This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Brome = Quinine Tablets the remedy that euros n cold In ono day Waukegan Nurseries Ornamental Shade and Forest Trees. Evergreens , Shrubs , Etc. RARE HARDY BEAUTIFUL Largest Stock in America , includ ing Colorado Blue Spruce , and Douglas Spruce of Colorado. Wholesale and Retail Price Lists on Application. R. DOUGLAS' SONS. WAUKEGAN , ILL.