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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1902)
HStii i The Conservative. THE GATES AJAR. [ WRITTEN roil THE CONSERVATIVE. ] Under the above caption , The Con servative of January 23d had an article of not a little interest. A lady of St. Louis was about to commit suicide , when her daughter heard the voice of her father warning her of the intend ed act , which the daughter prevented. The father Had been dead for ten years. The St. Louis incident , true or false , brings to mind a number of incident of which I have-knowledge , and I desire to present a few of them and ask that readers of this paper write me an explanation. A little more than forty years ago , I lived on Wood river , eight miles west of the city of Grand Island , Hall county , Nebraska. West of me lived a man by the name of Smith and his neighbor , Anderson. On the 6th of February , 1862 , on a cold morning , Captain Joseph Smith and his two sous and a son of Anderson went witli two teams and sleds and sis horses to the Platte river from Wood river , and were all killed by the Sioux. I saw them lying side by side after having been brought home. Anderson and his wife each dreamed the night before that they saw four coffins. They soon saw them , and in one of them was the sweet , pale face of their own dear boy. "Who informed them of coming doom ? I confess I do not know ; do you ? I was the pastor of a church several years ago in the village of Cedar Rapids , Neb. In my congregation was a little girl , maybe six years of age Mary Freeland black-eyed , rosy- cheeked , an intelligent girl. She lay dying. Suddenly she brightened up and exolair d : " O , kiss me , quick , mother. I ) e the angels 1" Did she ? If not , wha was it ? I was at the village of Liberty , Neb. , the first half of January of this year. Mrs. Olmsted , a lady sixty-five years of age , told me of the death of her daughter in Kansas a few years ago. "While dying she saw standing at the foot of her bed her two children , who were dead , and asked others if they did not also see them. What : did she see ? In this city , Lincoln , Harry Dean was dying. Ho said : "Mamma , if I send a little letter to Jesus Christ , will he get it ? " "Yes , " was the answer. "Dear Jesus , " he dictated ' ' if you will only lay your hands on a poor little boy and please give him rest. " Then a few minutes after : "Jesus heard me , mamma , and lam better. " Then again : "I see one , two , three angels ; one is Jesus hold ing out his hands to me. Call papa , quick , before I go whore the flowers are. ' ' Most of the afternoon he kept his hands folded as if in prayer , and would murmur : "Forever and over and ever. Amen. ' ' Ho bade each member of the family good bye , and said to the nurse : "You have been so good to me ; kiss me , please. " Thou at last"Mamma , sing'Nearer My God to Thee. ' Good by , mamma , good bye. " What did this boy see ? Anything ? Take the case of Stephen , the first martyr of the Christian church ; he was about to be stoned. The account says : "But he , being full of the Holy Ghost , looked up steadfastly into heaven , and saw the glory of God , and Jesus standing on the right hand of God , "And said , Behold , I see the heavens opentd , and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God. ' ' Acts vii , 55-56. Or , take one more incident from early church history. Christ , with Peter , James and John , went up into a mountain , and there He was trans figured before them. Peter began to talk , and "While he yet spake , be hold , a bright cloud overshadowed them : and behold a voice out ? of the cloud , which said , This is my be loved Son , in whom I am well pleased ; hear ye him. " Matt , xvii , 5. Did they hear "a voice ; " what was it ? Take a more recent case. Dwight L. Moody , who died so re cently at Northfield , said : "This is my triumph ; this is my coronation day 1 I have been looking forward to it for years. " Then his face lighted up , and he said , in a voice of joyful rapture : "Dwight 1 Irene ! I see the children's faces. " His two grand children by these names had died within the year. Said he : "Earth recedes ; Heaven opens before me ; God is calling me , and I must go. ' ' What did he see and hear ? One more incident , and this I saw. An aged Christian was dying. With others , I stood by her bedside ; the snows of more than eighty winters had given her the hoary head which was to her a crown of glory , because found in the way of righteousness. The dark waters of death wore already laving her pilgrim feet. Sle ) was sitting upon her couch and , with a holy eloquence I never expect to hear equalled in this world , was asking lier ohildern to live Christian lives and meet her in heaven , when , sud denly , she paused , and looking up ward , oxolaimed : "What is that beautiful music I hear ? " This she did twice. And , as the soft light of the Sabbath sun began to bathe the valleys and gild the hill tops with its golden splendor , her beautiful blood- washed spirit took its flight beyond the stars to her home on high. I confess that scenes like this have made me feel that I want to ' ' die the- death of the righteous. ' ' Bunyan , in his celebrated allegory , "Pilgrim's Progress , " makes his hero , Christian , just before ho crosses a dark river , to como into a beautiful place called Bcnlah Land. Here pilgrims could partake freely of the richest fruits in the King's orchards , and from this delightful place faint visions could be had of the city be yond to which they were bound , and sweet strains of music sometimes were wafted to them. Here is a clipping : "Dr. Edward Payson , of Portland , Mo. , during a long illness and a few days before his death , wrote to a friend as follows : 'I might date this letter'from the land of Beulah , of which I have been for some weeks a happy inhabitant. The celestial city is full in my view. Its glories beam upon me ; its breezes fan me ; its odors are wafted to mo ; its sounds strike upon my ear , and its spirit is breathed into my heart. ' " What do all of these things mean ? I confess I do not know , but some way my heart tells me that God is in it , without resorting to spiritualism for an explanation , but may it not be that ministering spirits are about us to guard and help according to that scripture speaking of the angels : "Are they not all ministering spirits , sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation ? " When Elislia was surrounded , with his servant , in the mountain by the Syrian army and the servant began to ask , "What shall we do ? " the prophet answered : ' ' Fear not : for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. "And Elisha prayed , and said , Lord , I pray thee , open his eyes , that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man ; and he saw and behold , the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. " As we get older we become doubtful of many things , but of the care and love of my Heavenly Father , Mr. Editor , I can not doubt. I will give you , sir , my creed or persuasion in just a sentence , and I earnestly com mend it to you and all who , with my self , are getting gray headed and are within sight of the judgment seat of our Lord : - ' ' For I am persuaded , that neither death , nor life , nor angels , nor prin- . oipalities , nor powers , nor things present , nor things to come , "Nor height , nor depth , nor any other creature , shall be able to separ ate us from the love of God , in Christ Jesus our Lord. " BYRON BEALL. , Lincoln , Neb. , Feb. 14 , 1902. -