8 Conservative *
T h o Crown
IS IT A TRINITY ? Prince of Japan is
preparing to visit
the United States. England and
Japan have entered into a formal alli
ance for the purpose of preserving the
integrity of China , and defeating the
Manchurian agreement.
The United States , as a govern
ment , has affixed no official signature
to this document , but , by reason of
her own extensive interests , acquired
rightfully or wrongfully , and main
tained through acuteness or stupidity ,
as the individual may see it , but still
undeniably not to be encroached up
on , is she not in all probability tacitly
a party to the contract ? It looks so.
About three years ago , when an ob
scure Nebraska paper predicted a
triple alliance , of these powers
within five years , the laugh which
followed reached both oceans ; but
. changing seasons bring changed con
ditions , and here we find the prophecy
fulfilled , or , at least , nearly so.
Whether or not the situation is ac-
ceinaoio to cue maiviauai , ne cannot
avoid feeling a certain degree of pride
in the thought that in casting up the
balance of power among governments ,
in taking the political poll of the
globe , each foreigner makes a super
human effort to lift the United States
out of the doubtful column , and add
it to their own roll of supporters.
The Yo u u g e r
RIGHTEOUSNESS brothers , notorious
OR MALICE ? desperadoes and
murderers , having
been released from the dungeon keep ,
and similar pardons having been grant
ed by governors of Nebraska and other
states , it is high time that the virtu
ous republican press turned its belch
ing batteries iu the direction of the
men who signed these paroles and
pardons , if the editors are really sin
cere in their desire to see justice
meted out to evil-doers.
Undeniably guilty of almost every
crime in the decalogue , are not these
men more fit subjects for penal servi
tude than the man who weakly list
ened to the voice of the siren , who
sang and for the want of a few paltry
dollars was cast into the cell ?
It is a matter of public comment
that there are men now enjoying the
respect and confidence of the people ;
men who are intemperate in their con
demuation of the course of Governor
Savage , who , had the iron hand of
adversity fallen upon them at a cer
tain time in their lives , would have
gone down to disgra'ce and ruin , be
sides being held amenable to the law
for their misdeeds. Can it be possible
that a panic or a crop failure can
brand a man as a criminal , while an
other as reprehensible but more fortu
nate , does evil in a period of opulency
and in consequence is rated a respect
able financier ?
What a sordid , greedy , selfish ,
penurious justice which , biased by
the loss of a few miserable copper
cents to the individual , rises to con
demn the pardon of a broken old man ,
more sinned against than sinning , and
who has already served what in ordi
nary cases is considered a sufficient
term for offenses of this character ,
but has no word of reproof for those
who grant legal absolution to the
looter , the night rider , the murderer
of innocent babes and defenceless
Is it a plea for justice , a miserly de
mand for the pound of flesh , or a
shallow demagogic assumption of
virtue "for the good of the party" ?
Discrediting the motives of these
virtuous gentlemen , as they so freely
discredit the motives of the governor ;
extending to them no greater measure
of consideration than they grant to
those who honestly and sincerely con
tend that Bartloy has suffered enough
and is now being made the target for
a pyrotechnic display of republican
buncombe , the question is , would a
proffered bribe of $35,000 induce one
of these gentlemen to pardon Mr.
Savage ?
Observing inter -
CHURLISH. national courtesy ,
President Roosevelt
velt very properly appointed delegates
to represent this country at King Ed
ward's coronation. This act of com
mon decency on the part of the chief
executive has provoked wrath in some
quarters , where demagogy and
jingoism would earn moro approval
than the dignified course which Mr.
Roosevelt , being fully acquainted
with the ethics of his position , saw
fit to pursue. Stranger yet , the prime
objector is the man who aspired to
this high office , and about whom it
hasbeen , hinted that once installed iu
the presidential chair , with no proper
conception of the high character of
the office , ho would proceed to play
the cheap jester , for the benefit of the
upper gallery , rather than act tlfe
manly part and earn the plaudits of
box , dress-circle and parquet.
Surely these remarks are in no wise
A virtuous seii-
REPARTEE. ator informed
President Roosevelt
velt that a person who had just been
appointed to an important office was a
faro dealer. The president had a far
away look in his eye when ho re
sponded that ho had known senators
to play poker until 4 a. m. , but that
far-away look did not prevent the
tattler from resenting the remark as
entirely too personal.
At no time since
ETERNAL this reeling sphere
VIGILANCE. attained momen
tum have the siiu's
rays glanced once across the face of a
country , and shone upon no element
of discontent , no smoldering fires of
The same blight appears every
where , from the great civilized and
enlightened governments , whoso peoples
ples , as a whole , dwell in peace and
amity , to the cannibalistic jungle
tribes , each consisting of little moro
than a single family , but harboring
within the narrow confines of the
Chief tain's kraal the same disgruntled
unrest , the same revolutionary senti
ments , which crouch in the corridors
of the white ruler's gilded palace.
That these cancers on the body
politic may ever be completely cured
is doubtful , as the poison lies deep ,
and vital parts are affected ; but ,
proper precautions being taken , the
dread disease may be stopped and hold
in check.
The subtle poison of anarchy , the
slow malignant growth of envy , the
flaming fever of revolt , the premoni
tory symptoms of senility and decay ,
should each be given timely attention
and intelligent treatment , duo import
ance being always attached to the old
truth that an ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure.
In the black man's country the
remedy is surgery ; it goes to the head
of the evil. In the white man's coun
try , the remedy is homeopathic , but
effective , the white , silent packet that
passes through the hands of any man ,
who lias the power to make it potent
for good or evil the ballot.
A geu-t 1 e in u n
THE REBUKE who was soliciting
DISCOURTEOUS , funds for the erec
tion of a church
edifice once waited upon Horace
Greeley , at a busy hour of the day ,
and , upon being refused admission ,
called through the transom : "Let
mo iu ; I want some money to keep
men from going to hell ! " Instantly
the answer came from within : "I
won't give you a cent ; there are not
enough men iu hell now ! " It is sup
posed that the ill-mannered solicitor
was uppermost in Mr. Greeley's mind
when he administered this somewhat
inelegant though thoroughly deserved
rebuke ; but now poor Cuba , starved ,
naked , scarred Cuba , more humbly
and at a moro opportune time- makes
much the same appeal , and receives
much the same answer , which is in
her case utterly unmerited and inex
cusable , as she asks not for a dona
tion , but simply pleads in the name
of Justice for the right to live and
prosper by her own honest effort.