The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, February 20, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 * Cbe Conservative.
Ward's Horn of Plenty
Our famous no'tniddlemen system of providing
all the luxuries and necessities of life has been
adopted by two million people who appreciate
our ability to help them make four dollars do the
work of five. THE HORN OF PLENTY IS
ANNOUNCEMENT The spring and summer edition of
our catalogue No. 7O will be ready March 15th. It will be
the finest and most complete book of its kind ever pub * *
llshed , containing over IOOO pages and 77,000 illustra *
tlons. It costs us almost a dollar to publish and distribute
this catalogue , but we will send it to you for I5c , by mailer
or expressprepaid. JUmost any family can save 700.00
I a year by having our catalogue. Send for it today and
enclose 15 cents to partially pay postage or expressage. If you
already have our No. 70 catalogue don't send for another as
we intend to mail you the supplement mentioned below.
IF YOU HMVE ORDERED goods from us In the past year , we will send
you a tOOpage supplement containing alt additions to our stock since
No. 7O catalogue was Issumd. It will not be necessary for you to ask for
this supplement as we want you to have It and will send It anyway.
IF YOU HMVE NEVER ORDERED goods from us or had our big cata *
logue , send ISc today andget our latestit's the key to the door of prosperity.
us Montgomery Ward 8r Co. , Chicago
The House thmt tells the truth.
The editor of the Tribune was much
interested in the account , given on
another page , of the Otoo Indians ,
by a gentleman who has boon among
them recently. They are a scanty and
vanishing race ; there are only a few
hundred of them left. We have a right
to feel a peculiar interest in them , be
cause they were the original occupants
of the soil that we call ours today.
Original , that is , so far as the memory
of man goes. The spade of the arch
aeologist may some day teach us of
others who dwelt hero before they
drifted down from the north , but they
were the ones the white men found
here , and they had occupied this cor
ner between the Platte and Nemaha
rivers for a long time ; probably since
before they received the horse. They
have never , so far as the writer
knows , been studied in regard to their
legends and traditions , as the Pawnees
and some other tribes have been ; but
they seem to have been a rather flue
lot , for Indians , in their natural
state. Early travelers , back in the
30' s and thereabouts , speak of them in
high terms. They are said to have
been the terror of the surrounding
tribes- from their fierceness in war
and their great skill in the use of
It would not bo. a bad idea for the
Old Settlors' association to interest
themselves in these still older settlors.
Wo would like very much to set to
gether all the reminiscences , anecdotes ,
pictures or anything of that kind that
any one may have regarding the Otoes.
Any Otoo county university student
with a liking for original research
would find here a promising and ap
propriate field for first-hand investi
gation. Nebraska City Tribune.
Wo are glad to notice that the Union
Pacific people observed Lincoln's
birthday in a somewhat special man
ner. They closed their general offices
and had the old Lincoln car newly
draped. This road was closely con
nected with President Lincoln in its
infancy. While he was dead before its
first rail was laid , he had a great deal
to do with shaping its line and .policy. .
The old car spoken of is the one in
which his body made its funeral
journey. It .came afterward into the
Union Pacific. service , and went
through the depths of degradation ;
but it .is now one of their most valued
It is pleasant to see a corporation
like this great railroad paying this
homage to its own past. The rail
roads occupy an enormous sphere in
American life today. Especially here
in the west , our geography and our
history both take shape in great de
gree about the railroad systems. One
would look to. find the higher officials
of these companies showing a full ap
preciation of the historic import of
their doings , causing complete and
coherent annals to be kept , records in
accessible shape of extensions and
purchases , files of old time cards and
things of that kind. It seems not to
be done , however. You can learn lit
tle of matters only a few years back
in the , general offices of many rail
roads. A change in ownership seems
to destroy the continuity , break off
entirely all connection with the be
ginning of the road.
The graduating class of the state "
university is agitated. Its committee
on program prepared a list of dis
tinguished Americans , beginning
with Senator Beveridge and Mr.
Cleveland , and invited them one after
another to deliver an address at the
next commencement. The first seven
declined , and the eighth , who was
B. T. Washington , of Alabama , ac
cepted. Mr. Washington is a negro ,
and many young Nebraskaus it seems
are unwilling to bo addressed on grad
uation day by a negro. They say
their parents wouldn't allow it.
. The state university is believed to
bo an educational institution. Young
people go there to acquire knowledge.
The state supports it in order that
they may in turn support the state.
One of the most difficult problems be
fore the nation today is the disposi
tion of the negroes. We imported
them by force , took more or less"
pains with them for a couple of
h'uudred years , and then turned them
loose ; to4 them to be white men arid"
vote. As a result they seem to bo re
lapsing into African barbarism , mill
ions of them. No white statesman '
sees his way through the difficulty. . '
If this very able black M. A. does , or
thinks he does , it is well worth while
for anybody to give him a hearing.
The graduating class may learn more
that will be of service . to the country
from him than 'from a good many
. . .
' '
white speakers.