The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, February 20, 1902, Page 10, Image 10
irf i i i * . I , , JP&&E& 'Ajfev * ' lL " 3f' ; " * " . - - ? "S.lTt FF yf nj-i rw ? ; fv > H $ f * fsir > ! f 10 a RELIC OF SLAVERY TIMES. There stands totluy on the outskirts of Nebraska Oity , a small , ordinary look ing house , which from its present ap- itearaiideVould hardly tiibrlt it passing glance. But remove the weatherboarding ing together with that which goes to make its present veneer of civilization ; then would there remain an object of no little interest a representative log liouso 8f fifty years ago. Then , could we restore the little things that half a century has taken away , we would have the home of Mr. Mahew , pioneer , Mormon nnd ardent abolitionist. tindergrolind Railroad. Forty-odd years ago Maiiew and the 'dfcher abolitionists of this vicinity fraeea a ratliet difficult sittUtibu. Tne underground railroad , backed1by the ariti-siavery sentiment , had been organ ized all over the country. The main western artery , over which the fugitive slaves from Missouri , Kansas and the Southwest : etd ? carried , p'assed tilrdugh Nebraska Oity by way of Jim Lane's settlement at Falls Oity. And if time and conditions permitted the slaves were hurried across the river the same night and on to Oivil Bend , a collection of houses strung along the road near the present site of Percival. From the Bend the route led to Tabor , and thence on by various stations to Chicago and Canada , Oiice in Fremont cottuty tlie slaves Were Comparatively safe. But it was hot always possible to reach Iowa the Wight they arrived. The citizens of Nebraska Oity , while a majority were no doubt opposed to the idea of slavery in Nebraska , were strong in their oppo sition to "slave stealing,1 * In the young city that stretched along the banks of the river there Were few homes where it would be possible to conceal a slave. These few places were the property of men not friendly to the abolition cause. Where could the local station be estab lished ? John Brown Cave , We find the answer fifty feet west of Mahew's former home , in "John Brown's cave , " situated some 800 feet west of 19th street and about twice that distance north of Wyuka cemetery. At the present time it is only a narrow passageway , opening on a draw from a branch of South Table Creek and ex tending into the bank nearly thirty feet. The early settlers tell us that formerly the cave was in the simps of a Roman cross with a sub cave of two or three rooms some six or eight feet below the cave proper. Those lower rooms were used only when the fugitives seemed in danger of recapture. At this time these rooms are entirely caved in and but for the interest taken by H. H. Bartliug in the matter we would know oil but noth ing concerning this relic of the slavery days. Mr. Bartliug is having the cave excavated and explored , which is a very difficult task , because the only means of tracing the outlines of the cave is by the different quality off the soil and a few decayed posts. It is possible that by summer the cave will have re sumed its original proportions. How ever that may be , this much is certain that the abolitionists selected the cave fofr tiie'tt headquarters and maintained an active station during the year's pre1- cediiig the war. Slaves run off by John Brown and others vere received from the south ; held over for a night or two , then lldsteiied tin tti tile iiext station1. Citizens Oppose. Meanwhile the citizens , seine of whom held slaved of their own , lodk'ed asktiuce upon the operati6ns south west of town. et we find but one record of any attempt to disturb M'o'hew ' and his friends. One day in the fall of 1858 it was rumored in the city that the notorious John Brown , with two of his lieuienaiitg , b'tfctipied the cave with a squad of negroes that tiie w'6fe Help ing on to Canada. The situation seemed to demand action. A company of seven banded themselves together in order to capture Brown and his party that even ing. Under the leadership of a deputy sheriff , they assembled where the court house now stands. Every man was armed and equipped for the fray , and all started for the cave. On the way some dissentiott artise as to the means to be employed. One faction Was de termined to go , cost what it might , while the others were not so eager. When the party reached the ground where the stand pipe is now located it was discovered that their ntlmber had dwindled to four. This was serious. A man was quickly dispatched to find and return with the deserting three ; but alas for the success of the expedition , he too deemed discretion the better part of valor , and returned to his home. The remaining three disbanded. The task under these conditions was too great. Had the men held together some im portant history might have been made and the insurrection at Harper's Ferry might have been averted , for it has been ascertained that the rumor was true. Nuckolls Slaves. It was not long after this that the Nuokolls negroes were "run off , " caus ing the greatest indignation among the people of this city. The Nebraska City News for Saturday , Nov. 29 , 1858 , con tained this notice : "Quite a sensation wafi created in town yesterday morning by the fact being known that two female servants had been enticed away from our townsman , Mr. S. F. Nuokolls , by some vile white-livered abolitionist. Many of our citizens are out in search of the runaways. They escaped Thurs day etrewing. Mr. Nuckolls offers a re ward of $200.00 for their apprehension and delivery to him in ifebrdska dity < They will doubtless be found in abolition hole. " Civil Bend Raid. ' . , Everything pointed to Oivil Bend as the refuge tff the1 negrdes. So the first posse to begin the purs'ttit Headed fof that place. There were seveutdeti iHeii in all , among others : William B. Hail , Grant Hail , Robt. Mason , George Viok- roy , Fountain1 Pearmau , W. 0. Wyatt and S1. FNtickdlis. . THe fi'rst place to be visited wds the Hdirie' of a Mr. Wil- Hams , the foremost anti-slaVe'fy' * Ha of ; hat section' . Willidmts riot only ft ? ' tisod to permit his house to be searched , but b'egdti ' such1 ri tirade' against the' pdrty that a brother of & # < ifackoir's- 3ec'dming a'ngfy , struck William's atid effectively silenced him. The men' cotij tinned the pursuit , despite some at tempted resistance on * the part of the Bend inHabltan'tsuritil the entire party was arrested b & tfoWpany of abolition" ists from Tabor. Trial wais Quickly ar' ranged for the next day , and fill Vttt twd of the Nebraska City men were s'Gt ftt liberty j Grant and W. B. Hail remained as hostages fof the return of the party. On the following day the fifteen men prepared to return , and with them some sixty others , all fully armed. About three o'clock in the afternoon the ice became firm enough to Cross on , and the entire party marched on to the Bend- whore they found the hostage * in a1 school house surrounded by a band of abolitionists. Frightened at the" strength of the Nebraska force the Iowa men quickly disbanded , leaving their prisoners free to join their friends. Williams Casd. * * The Williams incident was taken into court , where a Fremont county jury awarded Williams a considerable sum for damages. He invested this money in a large barn- and opened a hotel and feed stable for the use of people travel ing to and from Nebraska Oity. One night two strangers sojourned with Mr , Williams. That evening the barn was- found on fire. The ropes to the -wells- were out and the strangers had van , ' ished. f The route which the "nigger thieves" selected as the best suited for their purpose is thus chronicled by O. N. Karstens , who , while not immediately connected with the abduction , was cog nizant of it : "The party , after securing the negroes from the Nuokolls home , went up the river to a point a few hundred yards above the old Wyoming station. Here they weie niet by a party from Iowa who had been instruct ed to come over in a skiff and take the refugees away. They took the darkies to Oivil Bend. When the pursuit of the negroes was heard of , they were hastily driven on to the next station. " There are two stories aa to the manner in which the negroea were smuggled past