'Cbc Conservative * The promoters THE WAY OF and beneficiaries of SALVATION. the arbitrary in terference with the natural laws and spirit of commercial exchange , called the protectionist policy , which in turn has promoted unjust and burdensome discrimina tion in business aud is the ally and supporter of combinations , monopo listic in their tendency , are in great perturbation because the unholy fruit of their system seems to bo turning to ashes upon their lips. This alarm in high places has not been surpassed since Nebuchadnezzar ' ' dreamed dreams , wherewith his spirit was troubled and his sleep brake from him , ' ' and lie' ' commanded to call the ' * - magicians and sorcerers and the Chal deans for to show the king his dreams , " or since the great king's successor saw the hand-writing on the wall. .It will be remembered that these soothsayers and sorcerers , who had theretofore been the infallible flatterers of the ruler whose unnat ural , conglomerate empire was fast getting ready to fall to pieces , now gave up their job in despair and begged the king to turn it over to a simple and obscure Jew , who quietly told him the simple but tragical truth. The upshot of Daniel's prescience was that the kingdom of God finally arose and "brake in pieces the iron , the brass , the clay , the silver and the gold"which composed the Babylonian kingdom , and "they became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors ; and the wind carried them away , that no place was found for them. " Mr. MoKinloy , the Nebuchadnezzar of the protectionist system , ' ' dreamed dreams , wherewith his spirit was troubled , " and , very shortly before his lamented death , was constrained to ut ter for the first time the free-trade truism that nations cannot sell with out buying also. And Governor Cum mins speaks for an Iowa republican majority ninety thousand strong. Here , indeed , is a Daniel with an eye single to the soundness and the equity of the principles of free trade : " 1 stand for'competition , the com A „ petition of the republic , if possible , " but'of the world if necessary. ' I xe- gard the consequences of a monopoly , or substantial monopoly ; in"'any im portant product , as infinitely * more disastrous than the consequences of . ' ' foreign importations. Now couple these warning words against the tariff-built monopoly with those of ft well known English pub licist and writer , just spoken. While he regards the recent formation oi large industrial corporations or com binations as in line with natural eco nomic tendencies and in the intoresl of economical production , and there fore likely to bo permanent ) , .lie does lot consent to the fear that they will iccessarily be non-competitive : "The main products of the world are produced in too many different countries , \inder too many different in dustrial systems , standing on too vary ing grades of civilization , for any abso lute combination into a single hand. A trust may , indeed , easily come to dominate a single market. The remedy for any oppressive raising of prices , is , then , to abolish the customs tariff , and to call in the foreign pro ducer. ' ' But the present republican protec tionist , Belshazzar , has not yet called in a Daniel to interpret the handwriting on the wall , aud so "the astrologers , the Chaldeans and the soothsayers" are BO far soothing him with the humbug of reciprocity , which is an acceptance of the prin ciple , but in practice , a contradiction of free trade. Upwards-of a million free-trade or tariff-reform voters , mostly of demo cratic , but many of republican tend encies , have of late years favored the republican party only because they feared the socialistic assaults of the democratic party upon legitimate property interests and business organ izations. As the panic recedes in the distance these independents are get ting over that fear. Many of them will be ready to co-operate with the radicals rather than see great combi nations or trusts built up or propped up by the artificial aid of a burden some tariff. A thorough reform of the tariff would hold countless num bers of voters along conservative po litical lines. [ .These countless con servatives , holding the balance of power , join The Conservative in ask ing , "How shall we escape if we neg lect so great salvation ? " Cons idorable THE TRUE complaint is DESECRATORS. heard , of late , that the American flag is desecrated by being put to mere commercial uses. The complainants aver that the flag which cheered the ragged hosts oi Washington , at Valley Forge , floated over Grant's army , at Vicksburg , and wont with Sherman to the sea ; which marked the van of the khaki line over the * cano fields of Cuba , and across the rice glades and through the tangled jungles of Oriental America , is now adorning hams and bacon , beer and suspenders , liniment and mite exterminators. To desecrate ; to divest of a sacred character , or office ; to divert from a sacred purpose. ; to violate the sanctity of ; to profane ; to put to .an unworthy use. . The. solo complaint heard , sov far may bo found in the lattjer definition but there is another , aud more serious lesecration countenanced year after year , namely : the use of the flag as a means of extortion , and the overlast- ug activity of the lobby which works in the interests of the only concern in America which prints bunting. To divest of a sacred character , or office , by making prominent the com mercial side of the flag ; to divert from i sacred purpose , by using it as a means of extortion and greed ; to violate late the sanctity of , by forcing its purchase by law , that it may float from every school house in the laud , emblematic of the special privileges iven the industry which created it ; to put to an unworthy use , by associ ating it with greed for gain , instead of loyalty and patriotism ; to profane , by making it the means of enriching a favored institution , which , by virtue of a prohibitive tariff , avoids foreign , and throttles domestic , competition. When the flag no longer flutters for greed , rapacity and special privileges for the favored ones ; when a winning lobby no longer pleads for laws to boom the output of an unreasonably protected industry ; then we may turn our attention to the hams and bacon , beer and suspenders , liniments and nostrums , of which complaint is made. The purchase of TOO MANY the Danish West COOKS. Indies , at one time , ' perhaps , e x c u s a - ble , is now utterly needless , and tone no purpose. Before securing to ourselves Porto Rico , and acquiring what a horseman ' ' interest' ' in might term a talking Cuba , negotiations were commenced with Denmark for the purchase of these-barren and-commercially worth less islands to be used as outpost sta tions for the navy ; but now that the late war ha's changed the map of the world , why persist in acquiring ter ritory which will' be , not only use : less , but burdensome ? - . The situation is a reversal of the predicament of the man whose , new trousers were too long ; which fact was noted by his sister , his wife , his mother , .and his grandmother ; so each good lady found , time that evening-tq , sly.ly cut off afew , inches and turn.up the' hem , the result being 'that when ' the' object of their'solicitude ' arose the next morning he adorned his person , . with nothing more , than some buttons. and a waistband. We lacked naval stations in South Atlantic waters. Schley , with Shatter , thundered his way to a foothold in Cuba , and Miles and Sampson coo- . , ducted a less dramatic , but no less successful , campaign in Porto Rico ; now congress , apparently unconscious of what , has been done in this line , prepares to purchase outposts in a , territory that is all outpost now' Unlike the other fellow's , Uncle Sam's trousers have been repeatedly lengthened , until what used to be the. knee , now drags in the mud. . ' . '