The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, February 06, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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The Conservative 7 M (
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all these ; . but why select the special
few to be helped by all the others ?
Are the bookmen of such importance
above the rest that all the others must
contribute to their education ? If they
do need special assistance , it would
seem the Fayweathers and Rockefel
lers and Oaruegios are ready to furnish
it. All too willing , as some say , who
think the acceptance of charity by
those who are able to help themselves ,
undermines the character.
When this idea is recognized , there are
men bold enough to say further that
the public high schools do more harm
than good.
You have touched this point in your
remarks about -the "pabulum digest
ible only by mature minds. " The
young person is not prepared by nature
for mental labors. This is the work
of the mature mind only. You have
pictured the result in the "many
children. " It is still more fatal , in
the higher schools , if the pupil has a
scholarly nature qualified to undertake
higher branches at'all. So , wo claim ,
it were better that every young man
should put in four years after he is
fourteen in pursuits chiefly physical ,
and learn to earn a living with his
hand. He will be better qualified to
attain high scholarship , if that is what
he wants , and better prepared to meet
the exigencies of life in every case.
T. S. W.
To The Conservative :
We are glad to have an instructor in
the person of Hugh A. Barclay. We
hope he will answer our first ques
tion. What will be the effect upon
the rate of interest and price of
property if the present congress should
kick out the silver dollars and the
greenbacks ? Will it have any effect
upon business to lessen the volume of
legal tender money nine hundred
millions ?
Bank Assets.
"Will he explain what is meant by
bank assets ? " When a bank fails , its
notes , mortgages , mining stock and
railroad stock are all counted as assets.
That trash , as security for bank bills ,
looks to us wildcaty.
. . ; Voice of Experience.
Bryan's voice and pen are doing
more to prevent this measure being
adopted than any other ten voices and
pens' in the country. For this work
he is hated more by thieves , robbers
and millionaires than any other man
living. Banks , today , ban issue all
the bills they' have bonds to secure.
In whose interest was the coinage
of silver suspended ? Who wanted it
suspended ? Was it the f armor , meohau-
'io , or the millionaire bond holders ?
It is clear thatitwasdone3to ] help the
/ \
rich and make the poor pay for it.
Nine-tenths of the money the govern
ment uses is furnished by those whoso
income is less than five hundred a
Drinks Taxed.
Look at the injustice of taxation !
Imported wine , drunk by the rich , is
only taxed thirty-five per cent , while
the whisky and beer , that the poor
drink , is taxed seven hundred per cent.
Clothes Taxed.
Imported broadcloth that the rich
wear is taxed by the pound and every
body knows that dollar sheep's gray ,
such as farmers wear , is heavier than
ten dollar broadcloth.
Butter Not Taxed.
The tallow butter , which the poor
eat , is taxed several millions , while the
gilt-edged , forty-cent butter the rich
eat , is not taxed at all. Courts , as well
as congress , did for the rich ; that is
the reason the income tax was de
clared off. A man worth a hundred
million pays no more for the support
of government than the common , un
skilled , day laborer at one dollar a
day. ( In Nebraska City , they have re
fused $1.50 and strike for $1.75. )
To get at the parity between money
and property , wo should go to a world's
market , neb to Alaska or Illinois. The
same kind of money should bo com
pared and war prices should be left
out. Compare Liverpool prices from
1880 to 1850. The point we are mak
ing is that legal tender money should
increase as fast as property and busi
ness increases , then all the property
would be worth just about as much
one year as another. An over in
crease of legal tender money , as in
the early fifties , sends interest down
and property up ; a shortage works
the other way. We never have had
as much silver , gold and paper
coined as in the last four years.
Gold alone never has increased fast
enough. The two precious metals
together can pull the load. In three-
fourths of the world , a pound of
silver will buy just about as much
property today as it ever would , for
there is little or no gold there. It
will buy more transportation and
manufactured goods because facilities
have been improved. Mexico never
has monkeyed with silver and no
country has prospered more than she
has in the last fifty years. We can't
trade with her , or with half the rest
of the world without paying fifty per
cent exchange and tariff on top of that.
Our laws have made the difference
between their money and ours. Our
silver dollars are one-half fiat with
us , not so with them.
What shall wo compare gold with ,
to know whether it goes up or down ,
if not with property of some kind. We
can compare one gold dollar with an
other gold dollar and then there will
bo no ups or downs. Wo doubt
whether there is any tariff on silver ,
gold or cotton. It certainly would
make no difference with the supply
hero for they all go the other way ;
not so with manufactured goods.
Gold and silver did not leave each
other until the laws of four great na
tions , made by 'millionaires , drove
them apart. Our government stopped
coining silver dollars because the rest
of the world carried them off and left
our gold dollars. Had we continued
the coinage of it and loft the law
alone , it would have all gone and wo
today would have only gold coin.
Means Not ?
A silver certificate does not mean
redemption in gold ; of coarse all those
things will be changed in the interest
of the rich. The bonds have been
changed twice. They were first pay
able in "lawful money , " then in
1' coin , ' ' and lastly in ' ' gold , ' ' and
when they increase the size of the gold
dollar they will then be made pay
able in ' ' big' ' gold dollars. No busi
ness man would keep a clerk who
should pay one of his employer's debts
contrary to stipulations.
Lincoln , Neb. , Jan. 22 , 1902.
The above will probably close the
inter-state "scrap" on finance be
tween Colorado and Nebraska. The
Conservative cannot fail to admire
the faith which each belligerent
evinces in his cause , himself , and the
prophets in whom he believes.
The cruel policy of concentration was
initiated in Cuba February 6,1896. The
productive districts controlled by the
Spanish armies were depopulated. The
agricultural inhabitants were herded in
and about the garrison towns , their
lands laid waste and their dwellings
destroyed. This policy the late cabinet
of Spain justified as a necessary measure
of war , and as a means of cutting off $
supplies from the insurgents. It has
utterly failed as a war measure. It was
not civilized warfare. It was extermi
nation. President MoKinley's mes
sage to congress , December 6,1897.
Reconoentration , adopted avowedly as
a war measure in order to out off the
resources of the insurgents , worked its
predestined result. As I said in my
message of last December , it was not
civilized warfare ; it was extermination.
The only peace it could beget was that
of the wilderness and the grave. .
President MoKinley's message to con
gress , April 11,1898.
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