The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, February 06, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    iv- :
'Cbe Conservative *
is to impose restraint upon the vicious ,
not as punishment for the past , but for
protection for the future , and this is
in healthful and reformatory hospitals
for the cure of diseased morals , and
not iu dark and hope-destroying dun
geons to qualify for eternal death.
I am quite aware that the public
sentiment is against the reform pro
posed , and that these suggestions of
leniency to the criminal class will be
considered as weak and altogether im
practical , and regarded as the vapor-
ings of a sentimental and visionary
enthusiast , but I am encouraged and
strengthened to a free declaration of
honest convictions by the remembrance
that-every reform must have a begin
ning in the blood of its martyrs , and
by the reflection that one can well
afford to suffer in the esteem of the
present for the sake of the future ad
vantages of mankind iu the final suc
cess of a good cause. "Lay on Mac -
Duff , " etc. J. G.LUMBARD. ,
Omaha , Neb. , Jan. ' 80 , 1902. .
Leszczyuski Skrzypozak.of Madison ,
Wisconsin , asks the writer what pro
tection Americn labor would have
from foreigners if the tariff were re
E The fight in the woman's club of
Chicago came to a sudden end when
it was discovered that the contestants
all appeared in the ring with hair that
it would not hurt to pull.
Paul Kruger still sits by the side of
his wealth carried from the Transvaal
and shouts "We will never sur
render. ' ' The old man thinks of com
ing to the United States , but he will
find the market glutted with his brand
of patriotism.
Hold ups of citizens are of nightly
occurrence in Omaha , and it appears
that the thugs are as invisible to the
police as was Pat Orowe. But when a
gambling house is attacked , the police
find their men in twenty minutes.
The police are honest enough to furn
ish the protection for which they are
The search after Quivera has all the
uncertainty of that for the north pole.
There are just as many places to start
from , just as many routes to take ,
with just the same success. The scar
city of the article is also on the side
of Quivera ; for all evidence points to
there being one less Quivera than the
north pole. We soon expect a monograph -
graph in explanation of the wonderful
discovery that all arrow-heads found
north of the Arkansas river point to
wards the old Pawnee reservation in
Nance county , Nebraska.
" Rev. Frank A. Hardin , presiding
elder , in a discussion of the Pearson
affair , stated that : "He should bo
skinned alive , his hide hung on a
fence and salted. ' ' This does not , of
course , prove that Christ raised Laza
rus from the dead , but it does show
what a refining and humanizing , not
to say dovine , influence comes over
those who are imbued with his teach
ings as is the Rev. Hardin , without
doubt. It would appear to a layman
that the orthodox hell in which the
Reverend gentleman believes , would
bo sufficient to satisfy his fastidious
taste for gore. Wo believe that the
Roman amphitheaters never witnessed
the skinning of a real live theolocical
professor. This might be reserved for
the sportsmens show next mouth. The
pigeons who are waiting to be filled
full of shot might enjoy it along with
the Rev. Hardin.
Prof. Pearson , of the Northwestern
University , has shocked that institu
tion in particular , and the Methodists
in general , by some very common
place remarks with regard to Biblical
inaccuracies. It appears always to
shook a theological school as an
arthquake when by chance anyone
within its walls receives the light
that has been the common heritage
of the laity for two hundred years. It
will probably result in the professor
being kicked out of the university and
into the charge of a fashionable and
intelligent congregation , where ho
will take his place with Beecher ,
Suring , Thomas and other ministers
who have learned that fossils are not
the remains of animals drowned by
Noah's flood. It is remarkable how
little' man has to know to wholly
unfit him for theological instructions.
Some of our friends who viewed
with alarm in 1896 , and refuse to bo
comforted , are much agitated by the
disappearance of the young man ,
Absalom. Ink is shed and the air is
rent because there is no future for the
young man. A close examination of
the statistics of the giants of business
in the United States discloses the
startling fact that they were all born
young. Many of them remained young
several years after they were born. A
little figuring will convince any man
not imbued with populism that it is
only a few years when there will be
no one left upon the earth to compete
with the man who is now a boy. In
fact , there is actually a possibility
that boys who have not yet decided to
be born will control the destinies of
the world before the chronic kicker
has ceased to croak his doleful pre
sages of how the old man has the
"cinch" on young Absalom. The development
velopment of our modern commercial
system has multiplied the places of
honor and trust for the young man to
fill a thousand fold , as compared to
fifty years ago. There never was a
period in the world's history when
the young man was as well dressed ,
as well educated , with as much time
and money witli which to enjoy him
self. In fact , there is much more
danger to the young man of today from
luxury and dissipation than from com
petition or tyranny.
Not long ago the voracious State
Journal stated , it will bo noticed , that
the localities in this country where
the names of a largo part of the citi
zens end with "gosz , 'ski , and 'cek
can safely bo depended upon to give
democratic majorities. " This is a fair
sample of not only insinuation , but of
absolute falsehood common to republi
can papers. With the exception of the
Irish and a largo percentage of the
Germansthe entire foreign population
of the United States is radically re
publican. This is especially true of
the ignorant and vicious portion , who
wore first imported to protect the
American by our infant industries ,
and then voted in blocks by the super
intendents of the factories. The
brutal republican majority of Pennsyl
vania is due wholly to the pauper
labor of Europe employed in their
mines and factories. The man who
penned the quotation above knew that
the single state of Pennsylvania had a
larger foreign born population than
every state in the union south of
Mason and Dixou's line. He know
that the little trust-ridden pauper-
labor state of Rhode Island has the
largest percentage of foreign born
population of any state in the union.
A larger actual number of foreign
born than all of the great states of
Virginia , North and South Carolina ,
Georgia , Florida , Alabama , Mississppi
and Arkansas combined. In the dis
cussion of the foreign emigrant there
should be a wide distinction drawn
between the British , German and
Scandinavian , who have come be
cause of their own free will and the
vast hordes of Italians , Hungarians ,
Polanders , etc. , whoso presence in
this country is due to the robber
barons of the tariff dragging the slums
of Europe for people poverty stricken
enough to slave at 65 cents per day
and ignorant enoucrh to vote to main
tain the system. The people of the
west who know the nations by the bet
ter class who are tilling our soil , have
no conception of the members of the
same race who fill the packing houses
and mills of the cities and make pos
sible republican rule. Commercial
cities like New "Vork and Boston , are
democratic. Just to the extent a city
is a manufacturing city with masses of
imported labor , just to that extent it
is republican. Before writing any
such slurs as that quoted , it will be
hoove republican editors to study the
statistics of Pennsylvania , Ohio and
the republican strongholds.T.
T. M. S.
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