The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, February 06, 1902, Page 14, Image 14
MtaMMWmJMMjg jpl BBpnB Jri B ti < Cbe Conservative. Colorado , Catulina , Pasadena , Rcdlauds , Riverside and Santa Barbara , in California , arc visited by thousands of tourists each winter. Islands as bewitching as Capri , a coast as gay as the Riviera , mountains rivaling the Alps. A winter climate surpassing that of Egypt and Algiers. Outdoor diversions in a semi-tropic climate. California Winter Resorts Santa Fe Sumptuous resort hotels with all luxuries of metropolitan life lawn fetes , balls and novel entertainments. The California Limited- best train for best travelers- Chicago and Kansas City to San Francisco , Los Angeles and San Diego daily. Visit Grand Canyon of Arizona en route , now reached by rail. Illustrated books "To California and Back , " "Golf in California , " 10 cents , Ticket Office A. T. & S. F. By. Cor. 10th and Main St. Kansas Citj , Mo. ( NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERS- ! CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE ( CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE J. F. HAKRIS STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON PROVISIONS COFFEE No. i BOARD OF TRADB PRIVATE WIRES CHICAGO WEARE COMMISSION CO. GRAINS , PROVISIONS , STOCKS AND BONDS. OLD COLONY BUILDING. CHICAGO. Worcester Salt has the largest sole of any Dairy Salt , because the progressive butter makers will have the BEST. At the National Butter Makers' Convention , held at St. Paul in February , users of WORCESTER secured MORE HIGH SCORES and Premiums , than ALL OTHER dairy salts combined. Worcester Salt can be had with Michigan grades or in full car lots from Worcester Salt Company , 168 Duane St. , NEW YORK , Also JOY MORTON & CO. , I. C. , Pier 1 , CHICAGO , ILL. IN STYLE QUALITY , WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH THE LEADING CARRIAGE AND HARNESS BUILDERS * r * rOF AMERICA. 0. P. KIMBALL & GO. 315,316,317 MICHIGAN AVB , CHICAGO , ILL. FOR OUT OF TOWN PATRONS , A HAKDSOME 'ATALOQUE ' CONTAININB OVER ONE ft NDRED BEAUTIFUL HALF-TONE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CAR RIAGES , HARNESS , COACHMEN'S LIVERY , SACK OLES , ETC. FURNISHED UPON REQUEST , A Handsome Gift Book. "LEAVES FROM ARBOR LODGE , " by Mary French Morton , 5 oct. , delicate [ jreeu binding , containing 48 poems , with fancy frontis-piece and illustrated with ten beautiful photo-gravures. An Exchange says of these poems : 'There is always an Idea at the bottom of them , they deal with things that exist ; they are the fruits of a mature understanding , that sees the world through unglamored eyes and finds all the humor and tragedy of life in the everyday facts that lie.around it. " On sale at A. O. MoOlurg & Co. , 215 Wabash Avenue , Chicago , and the principal booksellers throughout the country. Price $1.25 per copy , postpaid to any address in the United States. Liberal discount to the trade ; corres pondence solicited. THE MORTON PRINTING CO. , Nebraska City , Neb. Wells Fargo & Company BANK. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. President , JOHN J. VALENTINE , San Francisco Manager , - HOMEK S. KINO , San Francisco Cashier , - - H. WADSWOIITII , San Francisco Asst. Cashier - F. L. LIPMAN , San Francisco 2d Asnt. Cashier , H. L. MILLER , San Francisco BRANCHES. NEW YORK , H. B. PARSONS , Cashier SALT LAKE , J. E. DOOLKV , Dashier PORTLAND , OR. , R. LEA BARNES , Cashier STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS , JULY ai , 1901. ASSETS Loans ? 10,642,400.61 Bonds , and Stocks and Warrants. . 2,191,127.10 BealBstate 1,605,030.77 Miscellaneous Assets . ' . . 12,415.63 Dae from Banks and Bankers . . . . 1,104,808.12 Cash 8,078,076.04 $10,589,558.17 LIABILITIES Capital , paid up $ 500,000.00 Surplus 6,750,000.00 Undivided Profits 8,811,200.28 Deposits , Banks and Bankers. . . 1,124,165.27 " Individual 8,904,102.62 $10,589,558.17 General Banking Business in all its branches. Correspondents throughout the World. Ac counts received on favorable terms.