The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, January 30, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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    i' V
Conservative. 11
Iu view of the general interest
taken in the Louisiana Purchase Ex
position , it is thought timely to publish
the exact proceedings of the first
meeting of the Nebraska commission
Executive Chamber , Lincoln , Neb. ,
Jan. 10 , 1902. All members present ;
J. Sterling Morton , of Nebraska City ,
Neb. , H. S. Kite of North Platte ,
i Neb. , 0. H. Rudge , of Lincoln , Neb. ,
Gurdon Wattles , of Omaha , Neb. ,
and E. E. Bruce , of Omaha , Neb.
Commission called to order by J.
Sterling Morton , who placed in nomi
nation the name of G. W. Wattles as
President of the commission. Seconded
ended by 0. H. Rudge. Motion pre
vailed. Motion of J. Sterling Morton ,
placing in nomination 0. H Rudge
for secretary-treasurer. Seconded by
E. E. Bruce. Amended by O. H.
Rudge , placing the name of E. E.
Bruce before the body for secretary
and treasurer of the commission.
Original motion withdrawn in favor
of the amendment which carried.
Resolution offered by Morton as fol
lows :
"Resolved ; That this commission
will not petition the legislature of the
state of Nebraska to make any appropri
ation for its use in exploiting the agri
cultural , horticultural and manufact
uring interests of this commonwealth
at the great Louisiana Purchase Ex
position to be held in St. Louis , in
1908. "
Carried unanimously.
Motion offered by Morton , seconded
by Rudge :
' ' Resolved ; That the president and
secretary be authorized and instructed
to issue in the name of the commission
an appeal to the patriotic and progres
sive citizens of the state of Nebraska ,
' j'J and to the railroad companies within
the state , to subscribe such sums as
they deem essential for the full and
proper exhibit of the resources of Ne
braska at the Louisiana Purchase Ex
position. ' '
Motion carried.
Motion by Morton , seconded by
Rudge , "That the president call such
meetings of the commission from time
to time as the business of the commis
sion may -require. " Seconded and
Motion to adjourn , subject to call of
the president , prevailed.
( Signed ) E. E. BRUCE.
The total vote cast for governor in
Ohio , Massachusetts and Iowa last
fall , was 1,542,681. The committee on
awards is now tabulating the votes
and as soon as it is determined who
the successful estimators are , the $25 , -
000 in prizes will be awarded by the
Press Publishing Co. , of Detroit.
In a
Glass of Water.
Put a handful olglased
coffee in a glass of water ,
wash off the coating ,
look at it ; smell itl Is
it fit to drink ? Give
the same test. It leaves the water
bright and clear , because W&just
pure coffee.
Thosealed package Intmrosuniform
quality and froshntisH.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids for
the construction of all new bridges for York
County , Nob. , for the year 11102. will be re
ceived at the office of the County Clerk , on or
before noon of February ; J5th , 1002 , said bridees
to be constructed in accordance with the fol
lowing plans and specifications , as adopted by
the County Board , in regular session under
date of Jan. 15th :
Piling to bo not less than nine inches at the
small end , and to be driven to the satisfaction
of the Roads and Bridge Committee. Caps to
be 8x12 inches , 16 ft. long , to be bolted to end
of piling withx20 inch drift bolts to each
piling. All bents of piling that project over
1 ft. above the ground , to be sway-braced with
2 % sway-braces extending from end of cap to
ground on opposite piling. All bents that pro
ject 20 ft. or more above the ground , to have
double sway-braces with pieces extending
across the center of the piling. All sway-
braces to be fastened to caps and piling , with
ono % inch bolt , with nut and cnss washer on
each end. Joist to be not less than 8 inches
12 ft. panels to have 0 string of 8x12 joist.
10 ft. panels to have 10 string of 8x12 joist.
IS ft. panels to have 11 string of 3x12 ; oist.
20 ft. panels to have 12 string of 8x12 , oist.
24 ft. panels to have 18 string of 8x14 ; oist.
12 and 10 ft. panels to be bridged once with
2x4 white pine , 18 and 20 ft. panels to have 2
rows of bridging of 2x4 white pine. All
panels over 24 feet in length to have three
rows of bridging of 2x4 white pine. All joist
to be sized to an even width where they rest
on caps ; to be securely nailed ; and to rest at
least 4 inches .on caps. No joist to have more
than 8 sound knots -more than 2 inches in di
Flooring to be 16 ft. long , not less than 10
inches wide , and 2J4 inches thick ; and to bo
fastened to joist with one 60 penny nail to each
Hand-rails to be 2x4 on the face of post , and
2x6 on the top of the post. Hub-rail to be 2x8 ,
Posts to be 4x4. 4 ft. long. Hand-rail posts with
2 half-inch bolts ; and hub-rail to be bolted to
the posts with 2 half inch bolts.
All 12x16 ft. panels to hnvo ono hand rail post
in the center ; 18x20 ft. panels to have 2 hand
rail posts in center equally divided. 24 ft. or
longer panels to have three hand rail posts in
center equally divided. All hand rails to be
surfaced and joints broken between the posts.
Hand rail and caps to bo painted with one coat
of good mineral paint. One two-eighths inch
boll hook to extend from ton of flooring to
piling at end of each span. All wing piling to
be of same dimension at small end as piling
for bridges. All end bents when piling pro
jects 8 ft. above ground to have 4 piling
driven to the bent. Where bridge is construct
ed over old bridge contractor to remove all old
material at least 20 ft. from end of new bridge ;
cutoff all old piling at top of ground ; and re
move the same from under bridge.
All material to be of good quality , free from
rotten snots or wainey edge ; no material to be
accepted unless conforming fullv to the speci
fications as to quality and dimension the
usual width and thickness shrinkage except-
cd.All flooring to be of Burr Oak.
All piling to be of Red Cedar.
All bridging to be of White Pine.
All other material to be of Oregon Fjr.
Party to whom contract shall be awarded
will be required to give sufficient bond condi
tioned for the faithful performance of con
tract ; and to be approved by the County
Dated this 10th day of January , 1002.
County Clerk York County , Nebraska.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No Cure , no Pay
Price 25 cents.
you Sn line
for promotion ?
motion , orcliaiiKo your occupation ,
k through K l Mention ItY 31 All. .
CourBCSinlCiifliirerlng , Arrhllrc
turo , Ilunlnnm ,
State subject.
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STREATOR , 11,1. .
Direct Connections. Junction Point *
A.T. & . 8.F Ry . Streator , 111.
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B. C.R.&N. Ry . Clinton , la.
Chicago & Alton Ry . Streator , 111.
Chicago & Alton Ry . D wight , 111.
Streator , HI.
Walnut , 111.
Donrock , 111.
Clev. Gin. Chic. & St. L. Ry. .Kankakeo , 111.
Chicago & East. HI. R. R . Momence , 111.
Chicago & East. HI. R. R . Wheatfleld , Ind.
Chicago , Ind. & Louisville { Shelby , Ind.
Ry. Co. ( M'onon ) . ( San Pierre , Ind.
Chicago & Erie R. R . North Judson , Ino
( Fulton , HI.
0. M. & St. P. Ry . { East Clinton , HI
( Clinton , la.
f Fulton , 111.
Chicago & Northwest. Ry. gnS&I1L
( .Clinton , la.
Chicago & So. Bend Ry. . . . . .South Bend , Ind
O.R.I.&P.Ry . .DePue , Ind.
Chic. & Wabash Val. R. R. . .Kersey , Ind.
Davenp. R. I. & N. W. Ry. . . .Clinton , la.
Grand Trunk Ry. System. . .South Bend , * Ind.
Illinois Central R. R. . : . . . . { ( Kankakee. 111. .
Loctont , 111.
Indiana Northern Ry . South Bend , Ind.
Lake Shore & Mich. So.Ry.
Lake Erie & Western R. R. . .Walkerton , Ind.
Michigan Central R. R . j
N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R . Knox , Ind.
Pere Marquette Ry . St. Joseph , Mich.
Lake Mich. Boat Lines . St. Joseph , Mich.
P. C. O. &St. L . North JudsonInd
P. F. W. & 0. Ry . Hamlet , Ind.
Vandalia Line . South Bend , Ind.
N ° Liberty , Ind.
Wabash R. R . 5 '
{ Roddick , HI.
Operating Fast Freight Service between the
East and West , North and South , in connection
with all the principal railroad systems and
fast freight lines , thus avoiding the delays to
which traffic passing through Chicago is sub
General Offices ,
505 The Rookery , Chicago , 111.
Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Traffic Mgr
_ _ _ Parties writing to advertisers
will please mention The Conservative.