* ' J't t'f Cbe Conservative * < i * ' L live for only n very short time. And the individual with a variation bet ter adapted to its surroundings than the remainder is the one which is most likely to survivo. To quote Mr. Spencer's phrasethere will be a "sur vival of the fittest. ' ' Please note that I am not , at this moment , refer ring to variation , apart from the con nection with natural selection , nor am I speaking of heredity. In a pop ular address the points must bo dealt with one by one. It may not bo out of place hero to give Darwin's defini tion of natural selection in his own words. ' ' This preservation of favor able individual differences and var iations , and the destruction of those which are injurious , I have called natural selection. " Every form of life has a congenital tendency to vary ; these congenital variations are trans mitted to the next generation , and marked changes are gradually pro duced. From analogy to the manner in which , by selective breeding , al terations are produced in domestic animals by man , nature may be de scribed as selecting those forms which , varying advantageously , thereby sur vive , and propagate. Natural selec tion , however , does not suppose , as some people seem to imagine , any conscious selection upon the part of nature , but merely that existing con ditions are taken advantage of. It is obvious , of course , that the congenital tendency to variation is really the key note of natural selection , and our master , whose work I am attempting to describe , was very well aware of that fact. I will ask you to listen tea a few of his remarks on selection. "It may metaphorically be said that natural selection is daily and hourly scrutinizing throughout the world the slightest variations ; rejecting those that are bad , preserving and adding up all that are good ; silently and in sensibly working , whenever and wher ever opportunity offers , at the im provement of e.ich organic being in relation to its organic and inorganic conditions of life. We see nothing of these slow changes in progress , until the hand of time has marked the lapse of ages , and then so imperfect is our view into long past geological ages , that we can only see that the forms of life are now different from what they formerly were. " * * "What natural selection cannot do is to modi fy the structure of one species without giving it any advantage for the good of another species ; and though state ments to this effect may be found in works of natural history , I cannot find one case which will bear considera tion. " A very little thought will show the importance of this last re mark. If it could bo proved that ani mals or plants varied not for their OWE advantage , but only for the benefit of some other organism , a very serious difficulty would arise in accepting the theory of natural selection as the very basis on which it rests , would bo undermined. The ultimate result of natural selec tion will be , that by preserving and accumulating beneficial variations , each creature tends to become more and more improved in relation to its conditions. This improvement leads to the gradual advancement of the greater number of living beings throughout the world. I have said that natural selection depends upon the tendency to vary which all organic life possesses a ( birth. Selection , as I have already mentioned , can only act by seizing "T upon any variations which occur con- ; enitally in animals and plants , and ; hen transmitting those variations to ; heir offspring. Whatever form , there- : ore , selection may take , the import ance of variation is equally manifest. Variation is the starting point of the whole argument. Now , as this is the keynote of the arch of Darwinism , wo must bo absolutely assured of its ex istence , for without such assurance thpro can be no certain belief in the verity of Darwin's theory. If one is convinced of variation and heredity , natural selection follows as a neces sary corollary. Darwin's book upon the subject of variation lie called it "The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication" was be gun in 1860 , but was not published until 1868. This book contains an enormous number of facts illustrating variation , and , although it consists of two large volumes , I strongly advise the reader to forsake Hall Caine , Mrs. Burdett , Thomas Hardy , et hoc genus omue , until he has read this remarkable work. Anybody who has mastered it , will see what great importance Dar win attributed to variation , and how he appreciated the necessity of con vincing his readers of its reality and extent. The advantage of long thinking and pondering over his theory for twenty years before publishing his book , is well brought out by the poverty of the criticisms , as regards their novel ty , passed upon the Origin of Species after its publication. Darwin himself was evidently struck by this , as shown by a letter of his to Lyell in Septem ber , 1860 , in which he says : "Few thing have surprised me more than the entire paucity of objections and diffi culties new to me in the published reviews. ' ' The enormous extent of variation in the vegetable kingdom is very strik ingly brought out by one fact not generally known. It is that a flower garden as ve know it , is comparative ly speaking , a modern innovation. One of the earliest gardens in Europe if not the first was the little Bo tanical Garden , still existing at Padua , in Italy , formed in 1545. All the vast variety of flowers both in form and color which we see today have arisen from a very fewT simple forms during the past three hundred and fifty years in other words , through an extraordinary amount of variation , and by natural selection , aided of late years by mankind adopting the process of artificial se lection. Variation is a fact beyond all dis pute ; but its causes are clouded in mystery. Darwin attacked the sub ject , but ho felt the extreme difficulty of giving , with our present knowledge , any satisfactory solution of the prob lem. It would be out of place for mete to say much upon this point here. I will ask the reader , however , in this connection , to note the influence of environment as linking together Dar win and Lamarck. I have already mentioned the importance attributed by Lamarck to environment upon ani mal development. Darwin , from his observations upon animals and plants under domestication , formed the opinion that oven very slight changes in the conditions of life ( that is.sfighi alterations in the environment ) art often sufficient to cause variation ; ol these , excess of nutriment is ono of the most exciting causes. He also con cluded that the influences of environ ment accumulate , so that variation nay appear oulv two or three gener ations after exposure to them. The bearing of this point upon heredity will at once strike you , and it is a subject which , I think , has not re ceived sufficient consideration. In a letter to Dr. Wagner in 1876 , Darwin makes an admission concerning this matter. "In inyopinion , ' ho writes , "the greatest mistake I have committed - mitted , has been in not allowing | sufficient weight to the direct action \ of environment , i. e. , food , climate , ] etc. , independently of natural selec tion. " While assuming that the environ ment may produce variation in an or ganism , the extent to which that vari ation will survive and persist will largely depend upon how largely it renders that organism better adapted to its environment as a whole. If the variation makes the individual more in harmony with its surroundings , it will aid in its preservation and per petuation ; if , on the contrary , the variation renders the individual less fitted to its environment , it will favor its destruction. It is an obvious tru ism that the preservation and surviv al of an organism depends on its being adapted to its surroundings. When that adaption is perfect , the organism will remain stationary , and natural selection is at a standstill. But , as a matter of fact , the environment is perpetually changing ; adaption is continually being disturbed , and hence , natural selection is constantly in action. Now the beauty , accuracy , and completeness of the many adap tions in nature have been a theme for the wonder and the admiration of naturalists and philosophers from time immemorial. To take a few familiar examples the eye for light ; the ear for sound ; the flower , and the bee , which assists in is fertilization ; the color , or the shape of an insect , which , by simulating some other object , ob tains protection from its enemies ; the wonderful instincts of birds and ants it is unnecessary to add more. Before - fore Darwin brought forward this theory of natural selection , the com monly accepted explanation of all adaptions was that the adapted ob jects were specially designed for the position they were found to fill. It would be wast of time for men to enu merate' the difficulties which this hypothesis involved. The explana tion given by Darwin , upon the other hand , accounts for the most difficult cases. I dwell upon this point be cause so great an amount of this won derful man's work demonstrated the adaption in cases not easily understood at first. I have in mind his work up on Orchids ; upon the Power of Move ment in Plants ; upon Cross and Self - Fertilization in the Vegetable King dom. It is the extreme completeness with which Natural Selection is able to explain all the innumerable adap tions of nature which has done so much to enable it , not only to en trench itself in the minds of the scientific world , but also to take hold of the popular imagination , although I feel very confident that many people have only a hazy idea of its meaning. Darwin had seen from the first con ception of his theory , as far back as 1838 , that it would , as a necessary corollary , include men. On such "an important point it is desirable to give his own words. "Although m the origin of species , the derivation of any particular species is never dis cussed , yet I thought it best , in order that no honorable man should accuse