10 Conservative * SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY. A pine and a cypress lately brought from Japan to England are 30 and 40 years old respectivelj * , but are only G and 9 inches high. They were artific ially dwarfed. The cooling of the earth is calculat ed by Sir. R. S. Woodward to bo shortening our day not more than half a second in ten million years ; falls of meteorites , vastly less. A durable transparent coating for wood is obtained , according to a Ger man process , by digesting coarsely powdered petroleum apshalt in ben zine for one or two days , the well- closed vessel to bo in a warm place. A yellowish-brown dye is extracted , which penetrates the wood deeply , protecting it from weather and other destroyers , and which may bo washed. While in South Atrica Maj. H. A. Cummiugs found that the air of the Pretoria valley becomes very hot and dry , and the severe storms generated include whirlwinds carrying dustpa per , leaves , etc. Prom a gelatine plate exposed one second to a dust storm thousands of colonies of bacteria wore developed. It is believed that fevers are spread in this way , and the possiole distribution of tropical epidemics is appalling. A step toward the direct , conversion of heat into electricity seems to have been taken in recent German experi ments. Accumulators were charged , then heated from 14 degrees C to 46 degrees 0 (57 ( degrees to 118 degrees F. ) , and the result was an increase in their output of 50 per cent. It is evident that the discharge of more current than was received must have been duo to change of the heat energy - orgy into electrical energy. The new nebula in Perseus is re garded by Sir Norman Lockyer as con firming his "meteoric theory" of the origin of worlds. Instead of account ing for the observed changes by suppos ing that a gaseous mass is spreading outward from the central star at the inconceivable velocity of 2,000 miles or more a second , ho assumes that the nebula existed before it was seen , and that it is a vast swarm of meteor ites , or system of such swarms , of which parts have been made success ively visible by collisions with other swarms of fragments. The effect of such collisions would be a flashing in to light of the previously invisible masses. The most violent of these collisions brought the "now star" to our notice some mouths ago , the less violent have produced very faint light , and probably much of the nebula ex tending over distances hundreds of times as great as that of the sun from the earth is still dark. The heights of appearance and dis appearance of eight meteors were measured 'last August at two French observatories , the highest record be ing 74 miles and lowest 10 miles. Certain nervous persons are sup posed by F. Larroquo to act as receiv ers for Hertzian waves , which cause them to feel the approach of a storm nvoii under a clear sky. On two oc casions last June , instrumental tests proved the presence of such waves while the storm was raging at a dis tance. The whitening of hair , so familiar to us , has not been easy to explain. In a recent study of the subject , E. Metchuikoff has found that pigment atrophy of the hair is duo to action of phagocytes , or white blood corpuscles , which absorb the pigment and transfer it elsewhere. In whitening hair and its roots the phagocytes filled with pigment are numerous , while they gradually disappear as the process progresses , and arc almost complete ly absent in perfectly white hair. This discovery of the part played by phagocytes shows , for instance , that the sudden turning white of hair in a single night , or in a few days , is a result of increased activity set up in the phagocytes of the hair. To utilize the vast energy of the earth's motion is now a dream of science. The late Prof. G. F. FitzGerald - Gerald supposed that the magnetic field of a charged condenser , with plates edgewise to the motion through the ether , might bo traced to the earh's motion , and an experiment has been made by Dr. F. T. Troutmau , F. R. S. , to settle this point. The re sults have been negative. It is now pointed out that if the charging bat tery is responsible for the energy of the magnetic field , there are reasons for believing that the earth's motion tends to turn a charged condenser at right angles to itself , and a test is proposed with a delicately suspended condenser charged to a high voltage. If the expected result is obtained , continuous rotation will bo possible from the power of the earth. A new process recovers tin from waste tin-plate , and at the same time supplies an inexpensive electric bat tery. A suitable containing vessel is divided by a porous partition which for cheapness may even bo made of wicker-work. One siae is filled with coal , which acts as cathode , the other side with the waste tin-plate , to servo as anode , and sea water or salt solu tion is used as charging liquid. The current from a number of such cells may be made to work an electric bath. The iron of the plates dissolves to ferric chloride , and the tin partly falls to the bottom and partly passes to the cathode. In the odinary are lamp the carbons are heated to about 8,000 degrees , but in the new lamp of Dr. Bang , the Danish physician , they are kept so cool that they can bo touched with the fingers virile the lamp is burning. " 1 The cooling is due to the use of hollow carbons , through which a strong cur rent of water is kept passing. The effect is remarkable , nearly the entire energy of the electric current being removed to the light are between the two electrodes , while the latter are consumed so slowly that the usual au tomatic adjustment is unnecessary. , For ' advantages physicians' use numerous ages are claimed. The cold light kills bacteria in one-eighteenth of the time required by the ordinary arc lamp , the patients can be placed much nearer the light than hitherto , and metallic electrodes silver , iron , etc. , can be employed without risk of melting. The lamp being small and handy and consuming little electricity , it is ex pected to prove specially useful in other fields. VIEWS OF A RAILROAD MAN. Paul Morton , vice-president of the Atohison , Topeka and Santa Fe Rail way , in a recent address before one of the departments of the University of Chicago , discussing railway rates , ar gued for pooling privileges. The prohi bition of pooling under the Interstate Commerce law , Mr. Morton said , "has resulted in a continuation of preferen tial rates , mostly of a secret nature , which are a menace to justice and fair play , and which ought to be obliterat ed. " He thought that one of three con tingencies faces the railways : " (1. ( ) The legalization of pooling , whereby the railroads may make en- forcible contracts between themselves for a division of the business based on reasonable rates ; or , " (2. ( ) The unification of ownership , which , in the absence of the first propo sition , is making rapid strides ; or , " (8. ( ) The taking over of the rail roads by the government to own and operate them as is done in Germany and some other European countries. "I have always been an advocate of legalized pooling , because I believe it will go a long way toward insuring a maintenance of tariffs and thereby pre vent favoritism and inside rates to large shippers and great cities. I be lieve that the very foundation of the state itself is threatened by any long- continued discrimination against the small shipper and the small town. " In arguing for pooling , Mr. Morton said : "I can see no good reason why Congress should not legalize pooling , as long as rates are reasonable. Rates can become unreasonable , and there is as much to fear from their being unreasonably low as unreasonably high. They can be so low ns to bo unreniuuerativo ; thereby