.J. J&&A * -j.JLiL. . < . i.jtoj Ti T * ; 'J PT < W sfTE IP F'TiRjS MS * * T r 7f'vr S T3 "Cbc Conservative. 13 The Popular Personally Conducted Excursions to California ii Oregon. THE ORDINARY OR TOURIST CARS Are identical with the Palace Oars , with the exception that the furnishings are not on BO grand a scale , but the accommodations are equally as good as the Palace Sleepers , and are sold at half the price. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE Between the first and second class passage in railroad sleeping car fares of nearly $17.00 per passenger to the Pacific Coast. This sum can be saved by patronizing the Union Pacific Per sonally Conducted Excursions. LESS TIME IS CONSUMED On the Union Pacific in making the trip to the Pacific Coast , hence fewer incidental expenses en route. Leave Chicago every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:80 : p. m. LEAVE OMAHA Every Wednesday and Friday at 4:25 : p. m. , con join excursion at any point en route. PULLMAN ORDINARY CARS Leave Omaha at 11:20 : p. m. every Tuesday for Los Angeles. PULLMAN ORDINARY ( TOURIST ) CARS Leave Chicago daily at 11:80 : p. m. , OinahaDaily at 4:25 : p. m. for San Francisco and Portland. For further information call on your nearest agent , or address E. L. LOMAX , G. P. &T. A. , Omaha , Nebr. A RIDDLE. A noun there is of plural number , A foe to peace and tranquil slumber. Now , any other noun you take , By adding "s" you plural make ; But if you add an "s" to this , Strange is the metamorphosis Plural is plural now no more And sweet what bitter was before ! ANSWER. "Cares" are the foes of peace and sleep ; "Cares" line the brow with furrows deep ; Yet to that noun but add an "s" And lo 1 It blooms into "caress. " As countless cares produce affright , So one caress will bring delight. "From "cares , " ' -caress" extracts the sting , And bitterness has taken wing. E. F. WARREN. Nebraska City , Neb. , Deo. 31 , 1901. ANOTHER ANSWER. If to the bitter and plural of "cares" add "s " we an , We have that sweetest and singular word , "caress" ; This may not be the word To which Canning referred , But I think my presumption is fair Beyond any question of doubt , That with the "ss" left out We have nothing left but our "care. " In answer to riddle in last Conserva tive. O. O. TURNEY , Geneseo , Neb. , Deo. 80,1901. A GRATIFYING ACCEPTANCE. Former President Grover Cleveland has accepted his appointment as a mem ber of the Industrial Federation , and the Eagle published his letter to Oscar S. Straus to that effect on Thursday. Those who superficially estimated Mr. Cleveland's character were persuaded that he would not find his acceptance of this trust practicable. Those who knew him better were convinced that the call would appeal to that sense of duty which has always been controlling with him. They were right. It was of im portance that his services be secured , if they could at all be had. He has sacri ficed ease and comfort , and has put his desire and preference for retirement aside , to place himself in line with the other strong characters assigned with him to the noble function of maintain ing industrial peace and of promoting honor , equity and friendship between employers and employed. The act is just like Mr. Cleveland. And what is just like him supplies about the best standard of public conduct in the Union at this time. Brooklyn Eagle. CHANGE OF DATE OF MEETING. Browuville , Neb. , Deo. 27 , 1901. In my notice of coming meeting of Territorial Pioneers' Association , un der date of Dec. 1st , I find we had taken the day and hour of the State Historical Society. Correction is here made. The Territorial Pioneers' As sociation will meet in the University chapel , Lincoln , Neb. , on Wednesday , January 15 , 1902 , in place of Tuesday , January 14 , as before announced , at 2 o'clock sharp. Please notice the change of date. ROBERT W. FURNAS , President. A good looking ' horeo and poor looking - , ing harness H the worst kind of a com bination. Eureka Harness Oil not only makes the harness and the , horse too * better , but mokes the leather soft and pllaUe , puts It In con- dltlon to last twlco ns loni ns it ordinarily would. lold everywhere la e n ll | iltes. IIado by STANDARD OIL CO. Give Il Your Horse a Chance ! _ Parties writing to advertisers wiU please mention The Conservative , Sir * *