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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1902)
' ' \ i' . . 12 'Cbe Conservative , TWO STORIES OF WASHINGTON. Told by Dr. Edward Everett Hale in His "Memories. " Dr. Edward Everett Halo iu his "Memories of a Hundred Years" now publishing in The Outlook ndds to his own memories those of his father and of others. Some of these anecdotes go beyond the limits of the century ; in the instalment for January , for instance , are collected several reminiscences of Washington. In relating these Dr. Hale says : "An old parishioner of mine once told me that the day when Washington en tered Boston in triumph , that is , on the 17th of March , 1776 , he took up his headquarters at the best public house in Boston , whioh was at the head of State ? < & street" , until then called King street. According to my old friend's account , General Howe had occupied the same inn. The mother of my informant was the daughter of the keeper of the inn , and was a little girl playing about the house , and , of course , interested in all that passed. Washington , with his usual kindness to children , called the child to him and said , 'You have seen the soldiers on both sides ; which do you like best ? ' The little girl could not tell a lie any more than he could , and with a childish frankness , she said she liked the red coats best. Washington , laughed , according to my friend's story , and said to her , 'Yes , my dear , the red coats do look the best , but it takes the ragged boys to do the fighting. " This is one of many well authenticated anec dotes which disproves the old demigod theoiy that Washington never smiled. When I was in college , Jared Sparks , always a near friend , was lecturing on American history. I stopped after .the lecture to ask him some question , and he told me this story of the Battle of Princeton. I dare not call it my per sonal touch with the Revolution , but it removes me from it by only one gap. Sparks told me of the Massachusetts officer , whose name he did not give me , who was at Princeton on the day of the battle. There is a certain bridge , which the well-informed reader will remem ber , which it was important to destroy. Washington instructed this Massachu setts captain to take a file of men and destroy the bridge. The captain touched his hat and said , 'Are there enough men ? ' and Washington said , Enough to be cut to pieces. ' This man told Dr. Sparks afterward that as he went back to his men he pinched his cheeks for fear that they should see that he was pole ; and they destroyed the bridge. " This signature ia on every box of the genuine Laxative Brorno = Qtiinine Tablets tht remedy that cures n cold in one day fire you in line for promotion ? Arc otlicrandvanced over yourlirad ? If so. wliyV Don't stand ntlll any longer , bend for our fie booklet , " , lr liiur Jlttntls Tirtlt"suu\ how to win liro- k . motion , orfliaiiKo youroccntmtlon , \ tliroiiKh i : < liifntlun HV .SiAll- . CoUTSCSln Knglnrcrlng , Archltoc- Inlernnllnnal I Corrv | iondence HchodU. llni 121)0 Scrnnlop , r. . ' WS w Some Coffees i are Glazed with a cheap coating. If glazing helps coffee why aren't the high- priced Mochas and Javas glazed also ? Lion Coffee is not glazed. It is per fectly pure and has a delicious flavor. The scaled package Iniurei . unl- 7 form quality and freshneu. THE PILGRIM A MAGAZINE OF PROGRESS , ' Edited by Willis J. Abbot. 1 Original - Interesting - Handsome i J J The 1902 Program will present a brilliant array J I of entertaining and instructive features for women < * and girls. I * fr * I Home Decoration , J. W. Pattison , of the Chicago is cage Art Institute ; The Home Garden , Prof. Wm. s Mueller , Cornell University ; Fancy Work and Laces , Mrs. Lillian M. Siegfried ; The Life of a Trained Nurse , Dr. S. E. Hackett ; Business Voca | tions for Girls , Cynthia Westover Alden ; Girl Art i Students in Paris , Lorraine Windsor ; Quaint and o Curious in Jewelry , W. G. Bowdoin ; Photograph ing the Children , Bertha Damaris Knobe ; Opera and Concert , W. J. Henderson. OTHER CONTRIBUTORS Dr. Julia Holmes Smith , Eda von Alton , Helen Follett Stevans , Emelie Lutz , and Maud McDugall. Subscription Price , $1.00 Per Year. lOc a Copy. Ask your news-dealer. Send for sample copy. * ft The Pilgrim Pub. Co. , BATTLE CREEK , MICH. Use Rock Salt for Brine , Pickles , Hides , Meats , Ice Cream , Ice Making , Fertilizing , and Refrigeration. USE Kansas Lump Rock Salt GROUND ROCK SALT CrtD STOfiK MINES AND WORKS FOR STOCK. LYONS & KANOPOLIS , KAN , PUREST , MOST HEALTHFUL , BEST. HIGHEST AWARDS AND MEDALS FOR PURITY , WORLD'S EXPOSITION , CHICAGO , 1893 , TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION , OMAHA , 1899. WESTERN ROCK SALT CO. , ST. LOUIS , MO