The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, January 02, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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Che Conservative * 11
It's as easy to push it back with your hands as it is to
run your farm or home property without knowing
what the right prices of the goods you buy are. JRre
you satisfied that you are not paying too much ? Do
you know what the right price is ? Our catalogues
will tell you. We sell everything that's good at
wholesale prices. What will you need this month ?
Any Catalogue Below Sent FREE for the Asking
Furniture Farm. Implements Vehicles Sewing Machines Hardware
Crockery Glassware Stoves Sporting Goods Harness Drugs Stationery
Toy * Leather Goods Musical Instruments Silverware Carpets and
Hugs Underwear Notions Books Shoes Millinery Cloaks Shlrts
Furs and Men's and Boy's Suits ( both ReadyMade and MadetoOrder )
Including Samples.
Each of the above catalogues illustrates and describes every
thing that anybody wants in its line. Each quotes the lowest
wholesale prices ; prices that cannot be duplicated anywhere
in America. Write today for the one that interests you.
Montgomery Ward 6r Co.
Now In our SOth year of upright , honest business 5
We have received the following
communication from a gentleman in
Gridley , Kansas , who is , as we learn
from his letter head , a dealer in drugs
and medicines , perfumes , notions and
druggists' sundries. We hope he has
not seriously depleted his stock of no
tions in writing us. He says :
"You will please discontinue The
Conservative as the more I read it the
Mader I get. I don't like your argu
ment at al. I voted for Bryan twice
and would like to vote for him again
and would if I get a chance. Our
prosperity is not holding out , as we
had a failure in crops this year.
Times is very hard the farmers hasn't
any money they are commencing to
mortgage their farms and buying their
Groceries on credit , their cattle and
Hogs isnt worth anything unless they
are fat and they cant afford to fatten
them at the price of corn as every Hog
they sell looses them money.
"We did think that the'Teddie Sis-
tem would work all rite but he has
weakened to. some exent we see by
his late message.
" To be plain with you we wish to
inform yon that you are not talking
to us when you send this paper to us ,
therefore deut waste any more of your
valuable time ( If it is valuable ) by
send this paper to me.
Yours very resp.
"P. S. It is not nessery for you
to publish this unless it is your de
sire. Wo would like to have one more
chance to vote the pop.ticket once
"aus soon resp. "
We are glad to hear from Mr. Rich
ardson , and will not add toliis troubles
any further by sending him more Con
servatives. But we think ho is going
at it in the wrong way. We suggest
that he read Hamlet's soliloquy and
see if that puts things in any different
light. Then if lie still chooses to take
up arms against his sea of troubles ,
instead of discontinuing the Conserv
ative let him write to Teddie direct ;
and we have no doubt that Teddie will
so amend his ' ' sistem' ' as to provide
either for a lower price of corn or for
the fattening of hogs without that
David R. Francis , as the leading
spirit of the St. Louis World's Fair ,
will be invested with a degree of dis
tinction which has never before come
to any person in a similar position.
It was Francis who pushed the scheme
to the front and was instrumental in
causing the people of St.L'ouis to take
hold of it with zeal and enthusiasm ,
a feeling which has been followed by
a great wave of municipal reform. St.
Louis , a rich but apathetic commun
ity , afflicted with bad government ,
will blossom forth as an object lesson
of civic enterprise , and all this will
bring Mr. Francis into flattering
The ex-govemor has been regarded
for a number of years as the foremost
citizen of Missouri and his connection
with the fair to celebrate the Louis
iana Purchase has not developed any
qualities in his character which were
not known before. But his conspicuous
position and the fine style in which ho
is filling it make him an object of
renewed interest and gives force to
the proposition to nominate him for
president on the democratic ticket in
The direct and intelligent methods
of Mr. Francis , and [ his notable abil
ity to grapple with practical prob
lems , not to speak of his polite
accomplishments , ought to commend
him to a political organization that
has wasted two fruitless campaigns on
William Jennings Bryan and his im
possible _ theories. Kansas City Star ,
Dec. 23.
An organization of women in Paris
has issued the following statement :
"Considering that the two terms ap
plied to women , namely , 'madam'
and ' mademoiselle , ' place them in a
condition of obvious moral and mate
rial inferiority toward men , who are
always called' monsieur' whether mar
ried or unmarried , this society in
reunion at the mayor's hall of the
Eleventh Arrondissement' , decides
that' madam' is the only proper desig
nation of members of the female sex ,
without respect to age or civil condi
tion. " London Spare Moments.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25c.