The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, December 19, 1901, Page 7, Image 7
lifilli Sfrgean 'is unabletoisay : , pasi- the Japonoise , as * ho * Otielieveth , for : they transport it v&yKvith cara vans , and ho 'hath heard ft Kem say -after their manner of "reckoning , there 'was > sixt months * tread v themto that nation. He hath'seen4he. starting out 'of one-of these caravans in the time' that ho "was among them , composed of more than 8,000"oxen all loaded with' gold upon their'liacks ; this caravan Was escbrted 'by a like number of horsemen armed with Ian- ce"s-and 'with arrows and a sort of poignard ; Aheymake their trades at laTitfe 'length , alid'the-nation that they ; make them -withal "give Ithein in-ex- chaHge.iron , 'steel and polished' ' wJeap- tms. ' "They have aiot ' the "usage of writing in * our.'arnanner. IThe Isaid Sftgean" saith that"they give to each of the 'conductors of the ca'ravans a little piece'of bark' prepared lik'e paper , whereon is marked the quantity of gold that he is charged withal , and wherd- k of he rendereth account at his return' in the game manner as they engrave upon stones , and metals their extra ordinary happenings and their epochs. The King of the Anniba is called Hagaareu , 'which is to say in their tongue the great King. He hath no war with any nation , howbeit he hath always on foot near a hundred thousand men , as well horse as foot ; but the three quarters Cavallerie - wJiioh are about the city wherein he resideth. His troops have straight' trumpets of gold , which they sound full ill , and sorts of drum's , or rather of Cymballes likewise of gold covered with skin of a-deer'whereon - they beat with sticks , and this sort of Cymballes are borne by oxen and a man rideth thereon to beat them , their' tents are made of leather , or skins of oxen dressed like chamois which they 'f > \ , cover with'bark of trees , which is soft as cloth , to shield them from the rain , he knoweth not whether they observe any military discipline ; he knoweth only that they exercise them one day in the week at shooting at the with their arrows ; the King asi at this exercise , and gratifteth t that hit within the white , either with1 some employment or with'one'of bis wives. The men there are sunburnt , and their visage seemefch jl deous and' much Ipriger and more narrow th n nature , ' because being fpfants their mothers press thelr3ieitayery.8trpngly on both sides wifyf } t'pieoes"of ; wopd. . The' women are comely and white there as in Europe , tbq deformity which they fiave , and wlich } is cp'm- mo'ifto them and to the men , is the extfao'rdiriary igpess of ' their ears , wjiiqh. is .frpnnteo a beauty amongst tbeiQ , and ttye better to make them gro'yr and. lengthen they pierce thein andJload them with .rings pf gpld and \ I- bdnes of 'animals. Tlieyvfrear nails also Very big , and it is not-only 6110 of 'fheir beauties , Tjut moreover a * mtirk of diBtinctionand the "more lofty "is a * person's aigni'tythe ; , longer lie "Bath liis nails , even up to ih'o King hp is hice Jierein beyond 'all-oth&rs. ey71efctlik"ewi8etfche/hair grow Tipon their lacea and'.npoarthfeirstomachs , and the shaggiest 'are esteemed most beautiful. . ( PoTygaWyia a 'nesge among them , ' and ev&rylman.taketh % s' nany wives As he will. * They trouble themselves little XVith'thfc-behavior Pf the maids' and < young'b6y8 provided they "bo not engaged beforehand -"by their fathers and mothers while 'they are little Vhich is 'tiBttftlenough , . bat for the maids thus- promised , and , - married women , it toucheth Jfeheir Jives .and that of. their gallante f hey bandon themselves unknpWu fc > the ] | ; hnau4,8 \ , or their betrothed. TJ ( j-je pjle az . great lovers of plciwur , thy.r . * p § 4. dancers and .great e ftfj i * " ttwy keep no meagqre , or ordr. ia. , thek meals , 'but passing aober as for. drink ing , they make wine of points and sundry other drinks of B < { oti't , and toC herbs ; they are KWt waejsran4 the Tabacq is goqd ifcher e imd Very common coming wit iout'-culfiivation. They receiyedZ perfectly the Jfie&cfi , which jwere the first uropea s < t ] ey had , seen , in the spacojpf ilve months ( hat they remained , among them , they were always -entertained by them- insomuch that' . f-hey lacked nothing , either- useful or agreeable ; it was even forbidden the maids to refuse them anything , on pain of their lives , and six of them were poniarded upon complaints which the -said French man made , being drunken % yith palm wine , that they had refused. himthe ( laud is fertile -in Europe ( .lejpay est fppcond--en Europe. } t ie ; Kinr $ made /-ery eJCDxt to rfitain them in hip eece je jight. ijae < of departure that lie twpttldJ ep'lierfor him , having made jnisp * promise to return , and as the Frenchmen had each , one a fusee , and ammunition , and fearing lest the King , ? some other of $ he nation , should ? ke a , desire to Jiave neqf the they , made , a mystery qf * hem , .telling hem th t they We 4 BnJ r spirits -of fljejrs.that w9Rld.s > y pyjjjjher that shpjijd apprpacfy * # & , ivenas tly ) eew ip irds4and he , bagts , wheij f hey conimauded tUem her nntq , and tojpk the fhiugjtnpre mysterious jko they were 0jBervant } e -before them , ajid . % tiey | in , a .wondrpug ama ejjient e sfeh { ; of the effect of the eaid. and had so groa ienr of them _ that $ hey .durst iiot appr < mch thttri'-MTdbBtokenedTio desire 'to That coulrtryds'vory temieratel'bi never tob hbj ; no ? to6 cold aiid natives live1 tnere unto an extreme .old gc , "withbut being subject to dny1 Hidkuess. ' During the stay of fch6 Fronolv in that country , they saw n'pne 'sick , neitlier any die save from age ofr decay. , That land is abundant in all sorts of 'fruits : both.of "Europe and of India , 'apples , "pears , poaches , rolingstones , figs , ialmbiids , 'nuts , * . chestnntsrayher- ries , mulberries , liazelntrts , gooseher- ries , strawberries' , Blackberries , niel- ns-of all 'sorts , pumpkins , squashes , potatoes , oranges , sour tra'd sweet lemons , very - 'greatolives , bananas , grapes : much Trigger than in Europe , herels lao i ud wild oats white and ar good as rice , hey make Bread of both without cul- ivating save the Indian com ; verdure ijfaa h re all the ar- and all the * ' 'frmit i * father , 'andthe woods the piaiw"wkici , are the fairest tXMMte TI ttrdg.prticularly - ' . ' ihey tawa t * m-audtm k use theaai ta ei/b * * eM , 'and * for the ; ' there ; is aa 'animal'called' " maJlerin fact thau&rdinarjr is , plumpand"round , having ! iis legs short/ his ' feet cleft 1kf | , n ox , he-hat'h no Jiornf , and 'hath the ears very long and jpe dan the tU jike that of the sheep ; and i place f hair lie as covered witl ) a kind of black wool , very flue and curly .like negroes' Jiair , the -women spin Jit very peatly and make .garments and w.abeets therewithal. "Hisjlesh .delicious , like unjo ; tliat .of the slieep. flhe ? rjlyersrareJQiightilystockedwitJi fish , andcthe - < woods are full of turkeys , -pigeqns , common and guinea fowlg , Bustards , ducks , swans , teal , and all of an extraordinary bigness , they make use of aBnare jto take them. TUor.Q are great nnmbBrs of parrognets , there are al8ocertain animals trf extra ; prdinary gnres , andapes. i These jpeople live on-wondrops jcon cord .and intelligence. Jbpwbeitthey have scarce anyjotUer Jnstioe'Jhan that .whi.oh"frhey al > amo g-.them- sqlv s , . : notwithB.tanding ; tthey have j kind , ofp jllory wherein seditious ejJH ; - The capital.pjy. | ; .of- where tlffi King waketh is ; leagues -frpnj river ' , or ea t porthwjest. an pf $ hen > by -is their usual pa.tjv that wquld return at the' end 'of tlirty-six- ) moons and that.they wojild , bring cpral , . . .L-jJic - - U U