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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1901)
T 12 Conservative. IT SWEL What about your bank account. Is it swelling ? Wouldn't you like to see it swell ? Two million people buy goods from us every year. They are thoughtful buyers who are looking out for their bank accounts. Are you one of them ? BUY WHERE YOU CSW BUY BEST. Jtny Catalogue Mentioned Below Sent Free for the Asking Furniture Farm Implements Vehicles Sewing Machines Hardware Crockery- Glassware Stoves SportlngGoods Harness Drugs Stationery Toys Leather Goods Musical Instruments Silverware Carpets and Rugs Underwear Notions Books Shoe.s Millinery Cloaks Shirts Furs and Men's and Boy's Suits ( both Ready * Made and MadetoOrder ) Including Samples. Each of the above catalogues illustrates and describes everything that anybody wants in its line. Each quotes the lowest wholesale prices ; prices that cannot be duplicated anywhere in America. Write today for- the one that interests you. MONTGOMERY WARD 8 CO. , CHICAGO SPECIJtL NOTE : We have lust Issued a very complete catalogue of Surgical Instru * ments. It will be sent free to physicians and veterinarians. 3 SILVER SOLICITUDE. EDITOR THE CONSERVATIVE : Should the present congress vote to issue interest-bearing gold bonds , for the purpose of redeeming silver dollars and greenbacks , and then retire them , what effect will it have upon the rate of interest , labor wages and price of property ? Will interest go up and property go down as they did when greenbacks were buried before ? What made our silver dollars "un sound" while up to the time their coinage was stopped they were worth more than our gold dollars in any part of the world ? Should gold continue to go down , as it has for some little time , as compared with silver , corn or cotton , until we can buy a pound of gold for twelve or fifteen pounds of silver which would be sound money then ? What will be the difference between Treasurer Gage's "asset" bank bills and the wild cat bank bill of fifty years ago ? What wo meant by "parity" between property and money , was that as long as they coined gold and silver free , six hundred dollars would buy as much of the six great necessities of life , corn , beef , pork , wool and cotton one year as another. One or two might go up and one or two down , but the quan tity of each would be the same for the six hundred dollars. So , if money is let alone where it is , and Roosevelt coins as much silver , gold and paper as McKiuloy did we will continue to have good times. Supply and demand are all right for the gov ernment of prices if left alone , but when the law stops in and cuts off the demand as it did in stopping the coining of silver or restricts the supply as the high pro tective tariff does , there are then grounds for a party disagreement. If good statesmanship requires that constitutions and constitutional amend ments be submitted to a vote of the people why not submit important laws in the same way ? I have not a doubt , that if the law suspending the coinage of silver had been submitted to a vote of the people it would have been beaten fifty to one. Yours for opinion , H. W. HARDY , Lincoln , Neb. , Nov. 25 , 1901. NEW ANNOTATED CODE. A lawyer cannot meet competition nor can he properly protect the rights of his clients unless he has the latest and best works on practice. The latest work on this subject is Cobbey's Annotated Code ; citing under each section , in a full and complete note , each decision of our Supreme court , Supreme Court of the United States and Federal courts bearing on that section. It is a digest or index of the decisions on the section under consideration. The citations are not only to the official reports but to the Northwestern Reporter , the Supreme Court Reporter , American Reports and Decisions , and Lawyers' Reports Annotated. Under some sections there are ten pages of annotations. The work is commended in the high est terms by both bench and bar. Bound in full law sheep , price $6.00. Sample pages famished on application. J&s Don't say you will order tomorrow or next week , but take a postal and order now. J. E. COBBEY , Beatrice , Neb. A Handsome Gift Book. "LEAVES FROM ARBOR LODGE , " by Mary French Morton , 5 oct. , delicate green binding , containing 48 poems , with fancy frontis-piece and illustrated with ten beautiful photo-gravures. An Exchange says of these poems : 'There is always an idea at the bottom of them , they deal with things that exist ; they are the fruits of a mature understanding , that Bees the world through unglamored eyes and finds all the humor and tragedy of life in the everyday facts that lio.around it. " On sale at A. 0. MoOlnrg & Co. , 215 Wabash Avenue , Chicago , and the principal booksellers throughout the country. Price $1.25 per copy , postpaid to any address in the United States. Liberal discount to the trade ; corres pondence solicited. THE MORTON PRINTING CO. , Nebraska City , Neb. Don't Stop Work to Learn Our free booklet "Arc Your IIanilti Tied ! " tolls bow we can qualify you in spare time for a salarledposltlon In Mechanical , Civil , Electrical Engineering or Architecture. Btate which you want. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. Box 1296'Scranton , Pa.