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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1901)
Conservative * 13 nothing can bo accomplished in any di rection. Carefully to be considered , is a knowledge of right. Right is that which contributes to one's own per manent good. What contributes to one's own permanent good will also contribute , to the well-being of all within its sphere of influence. Peace Officers. There is one great impediment to the prevention of crime. The peace officer owes it to crime that there is any need for such an office. Hence , he is tempt ed to foster misdoing more than is generally - ' erally known. If there was no wrong doing we should have no use for execu tive officers. This might be remedied in a kind of a sliding scale. The executive officer who succeeds in getting rid of qvil deeds in his respective department * * r might be allowed an increase of salary * at superintending public improvements. This occupation would be more pleas- ant. The lawyer might be enticed over to the profession of logic and belles- lettres , etc. , etc. * * All deliberate crime springs from selfishness and a false estiiriate placed on wealth. All hasty crime comes from lack of ability , ability to control action under abnormal conditions. The latter is caused by false living the indulgence of a healthy appetite to excess , or the f * indulgence of a false appetite. All history proves that severity of ' punishment brutalizes both the victim V and the officer inflicting it. It should be inflicted with a merciful hand and cease on the first appearance of genuine repentance. Officers should , first , find means to prevent wrong ; secondly , they should find means to correct wrong ; V > thirdly , they should find means to in duce people to discharge their duties , as citizens , of their own accord. JOSEPH MAKINSON. Holdrege , Neb. , Nov. 25 , 1901. INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EX- ' POSITION. On December 1st , 2d and 3d from Kansas and Nebraska , and December 1st and 3d from Oklahoma and Indian Territories , the Great Kock Island Route will sell excursion tickets to Chicago at rate of one fare plus $2.00 for round * trip , with final return limit leaving Chicago December 8 , 1901. These re duced rates give a splendid opportunity for a cheap trip to Chicago to attend , this great Exposition which in interest ; and in the number and excellence 'of , - / exhibits will surpass any of its kind ever held. For full information consult nearest Rock Island ticket agent , or ad dress E. W. THOMPSON , Asst. Gen'l. Pass. Agt. , Topeka , Kas. French , German and Spaulsh taught by mail. Every student furnished n$20 Edison Phonograph. Illustrated circular Iree. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS , Box 1296 , Scranton , Pa. In a Glass of Water. Put a handful olgfascd coffee in a glass of water , wash off the coating , look at it ; smell it ! Is it fit to drink ? Give LION COFFEE the same test. It leaves the water bright and clear , because Wsjust pure coffee. The BoaledpacltRRe Insures uniform quality and freshness. RESTRAINED FROM DOING INJURY. t , At a recent bench-show in Omaha a strong , good-sized dog muzzle was unanimously voted as a proper present to tlio"Parainoaut Financial Orator from Salt Creek. " It is rather severe to make I. a presidential candidate the butt of such f malicious jokes ; as matters now stand , in the language of Shakespeare , "His dagger is muzzled enough. " Are That IB the name of our booklet telling bow those Your already at work can be trained for new or better positions. Bent free. Hands ! ! INTERNATIONAL COnnF.8PONDK.VCK SCHOOLS , 1200 , Btrenton , l' . i Tied ? f The Conservative , Review of Reviews , This combination offers one of the choicest selections of reading matter ever contained in one club. Regular Price , Special Price , $3.OO Checks are accepted. Send your subscrip tion to THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Conservative , Nebraska Gity , ( Nebraska. Success , & Review of Reviews , & The Conservative. * gggggg gffii SS ' ' syta KffafSfafSEfM SEND THREE HAIRS FOR FREE MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION. Take three fallen hairs from the morning combings and mail them to Prof. J. H. Austin , "the celebrated scalp and skin specialist of years standing and national reputation , who will send you absolutely FREE a , Diagnosis of your special case after making a minute examination of your hairs under his specially constructed and powerful microscope. There is no charge whatsoever , and in addition he will send a special prescription for your case put up in a little box , also absolutely FREE. When you are cured of DANDRUFF , which is the forerunner of bald ness , and grow NEW HAIR Prof. Austin asks that you tell your friends about it. SEN D NO MONEY. If you are already partly or totally.bald write and find the cure. SEND 2c FOR POSTAGE. WRITE TO-DAY TO PROF'J , H , AUSTIN.03 McVicker's ' Theater Building , Chicago , III ,