the Conservative. 9 would amount to about three days' work for Ohicngo. "The most remarkable , however , of all the establishments of Cincinnati , " says Mr. Hoffman , "are those immense slaughter-houses , where the business of butchering and packing pork is carried on. The number of hogs annually slaughtered is said to exceed one hun dred and twenty thousand ; audthe capi tal employed in the businesses estimated at two millions of dollars. Some of the establishments cover several acres of ground ; and one of the packing-houses , built of brick , and three stories high , is more than a hundred feet long , and proportiouably wide. The minute division of labor and the fearful celerity of execution in these swinish workshops would equally delight a pasha and a po litical economist ; for it is the mode in which the business is conducted , rather than its extent , which gives dignity to hog-killing in Oiuoinuati , and imparts a tragic interest to the lost moments of the doomed porkers , that might inspire the savage genius of a Maturin or a Monk Lewis. Imagine a long narrow edifice , divided into various compart ments , each communicating with the other , and each furnished with some peculiar and appropriate engine of de struction. In one you see a gory block and gleaming axe ; a seething caldron nearly fills another. The walls of a third bristle with hooks newly sharpened for impale ment ; while a fourth is" shrouded in darkness , that leaves you to conjure up images still more dire. There are forty ministers of fate distributed throughout these gloomy abodes , each with his par ticular office assigned him. And here , when the fearful carnival comes on , and the deep forests of Ohio have contributed their thousands of unoffending victims , the gauntlet of death is run by those se lected for immolation. The scene com mences in the shadowy cell , whose gloom we have not yet been allowed to penetrate. Fifty unhappy porkers are here incarcerated at once together ; with bodies wedged so closely that they are incapacitated from all movement. And now the grim executioner like him that battled with the monster that wooed Andromeda leaps with his iron mace upon their backs , and rains his ruthless blows around him. The un resisting victims fall on every side ; but scarcely does one touch the ground , be fore he is seized by a greedy hook pro truded through an orifice below. His throat is severed instant ly in the adjacent cell , and the quivering body is hurried on ward , as if the hands of the Furies tossed it through the frightful suite of chambers. The mallet the knife the axe the boiling caldron the remorse less scraping iron have each done their work ; and the fated porker , that was but one minute before grunting in the full enjoyment of bristling hoghood , now cadaverous and 'chap-fallen , ' hangs a stark and naked effigy among his im molated brethren. " ITEMS OF INTEREST TO CREMA- TIONISTS. There are 22 crematory temples in the United States situated as follows : Washington , Pa. , Detroit , Mich. , New York , N. Y. , Lancaster , Pa. , San Francisco (2) ( ) , Pittsburg , Pa. , St. Louis , Mo. , Baltimore , Md. , Phila- vl'-s ? . > - " ' . - , * v/ . i.-rVv ' , * tfSBSS&Si ? 5. p . * & * SBBS&k . . > ; TJ * i v v / - * k i Vj-V/Vi r1 ' ' ; - ' ! i : ; : - - PLATE IV. delphia , Pa. , Troy , N. Y. , Boston , Mass. , Davenport , la. , CincinnatiO. , Swinburne Island , N. Y. , Chicago , 111. , Waterville , N.Y. , Buffalo.N. Y. , Pasadena , Cal.Los Angeles , Cal.Fort Wayne , Ind. , Portland , Oregon. The cost of incineration , urn , and niche in the urn hall ( or columbar ium ) is far cheaper than earth burial. An incineration costs about $30 to $45. The best way for Freethinkers who believe in this scientific disposal of the body is to arrange matters when living this can bo done by the pur chase of a ' ' Cremation Certificate' ' for $30 15 cash and balance in monthly payments of one or more dollars ; these certificates are transferable and will bo honored by nearly all the crema tion associations in the world. Cremation appeals to radical , inde pendent thinkers ; it is a clean , rapid method. For those who have taken the trouble to investigate , there is no choice between the sunset glow of a furnace and the foulness and corrup tion of the earth. Cremation statistics indicate a steady annual advance in all countries , and this is particularly the case here. In 1879 , 4 ; 1899 , about 260 ; 1899 , about 1,000 ; 1900 , about 1,200. r. If the 22 cremation societies would keep a standing advertisement in the Liberal papers it would be sound busi ness policy , as nearly all Freethinkers are inclined to favor cremation. Re spectfully submitted , WALTER BREBN.