The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 31, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' V
The Conservative *
Editor Conservative :
It affords me pleasure to comply
with your request to write'you what I
know of Judge Samuel H. Sedgwick ,
candidate for supreme judge ; I believe
I know him as thoroughly as any man
Our acquaintance extends back al
most a quarter of a century , and for
more than twenty years he lias been
my nearest neighbor. During all this
time we have done business side by
side and have been constantly brought
together. Our business relations have
been close , and our interests some
times mutual. In early years , as a
young attorney , he practiced in my
court , and I have had opportunities to
study him as a lawyer , a citizen and
a business man , which few , if any ,
other men have enjoyed. This state
ment I make that your many readers
may know with what authority I speak
on this subject , which is so important
to every citizen of Nebraska.
Judge Sedgwick came well equipped
for his chosen profession. He is a
graduate from the classical course of