The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 31, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' H.l ' < *
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'W . ' .O , ' '
* Cbe Conservative
If there nre any
PROTEST NOW ! citizens in N e-
brnska Oity , in
Otoe County , in the whole common
wealth of Nebrnslta who are opposed to
the possible and quite probable organ
ization of a new company , with large
capital in cash , skilled labor and en
viable character , for the purpose of
here putting up a new manufacturing
plant let them protest against such in
coming NOW. There is no better way
to protest against more money and more
manufacture here than to vote for
Bryanarchists for state and county offi
cers. Every man who voted for the
vagaries and illusions of Bryan in 1900
ought to bo voted against in 1901 by all
good citizens who believe in the mater
ial betterment of the state by means of
strong , rich , wages-paying and raw-
products-bnying factories and by all
those who wish more industrial plants in
our midst. Every candidate who
cheered the malicious and untruthful
assaults of Bryan & Co. upon the in
dustries of this city and vicinity last
year ought now to be voted against no
matter what ticket he defaces with his
name by every tax-paying property
Protest now ! !
Some of our
COLORED Southern friends
TROUBLE. are in paroxysms
because President
Roosevelt invited a learned and useful
negro , Booker T. Washington , to accept
the hospitalities of the White House.
But the following telegram shows that
the thing complained of was not origin
al with Roosevelt nor an innovation :
Washington , Oct. 22. The flurry over
the action of President Roosevelt in
asking Booker T. Washington to dine
with him has brought out in Washing
ton the fact that Thomas Jefferson en
tertained a negro at dinner at the White
House and went so far as to invite him
to visit Monticello. This negro was
Benjamin Banneker , who was remark
able for his attainments in mathematics ,
especially in astronomy , besides being a
linguist of note. Banneker's mother
married a full-blooded African slave.
Fred Douglas had frequently attended
receptions at the White House and
many black and brown people , includ
ing Jamaicans , Chinese , Indians and
Africans , have been officially received
and honored as guests at the White
House during the last one hundred
Mark Hauna re-
INERT. fuses republicans of
Nebraska any aid ,
comfort or assistance during the present
campaign. Mark may be inert , because
he wishes Bryauarohy to carry this state
and thus again furnish a peerless pres
idential candidate for him to sandbag ,
pulverize and scatter , in dusty particles ,
to the four winds ?
* , . >
The editor of the
RAZOR BACK Consorvative.agree-
HOGS. ing with Gov. Rob
ert W. Furnas that
the swine of Nebraska , and in fact of
the whole country , had been bred too
long for the one object of getting hogs
that would fatten the quickest , and geoff
off to the packer at the heaviest weights ,
at eight to ten months of age , deter
mined to make a cross of the Florida
razor back on the Poland China. Thus
a renewal jof vital force , constitutional
vigor and self helpfulness which latter
is as essential to a hog as to a human
being was to be brought about among
the swine herds of this immediate vi
More than four years have elapsed
since the Florida shadows arrived at
Arbor Lodge. The infusion of that
wild blood has proved a beneficial ex
periment. The vigor of the herd has
been improved. It is more prolific.
The young pigs get out and rustle for
food. The general health of the ani
mals is remarkably strong. After the
first cross with the untamed wind-
splitters , or razor backs from the Ever
glades of Florida , that progeny was
crossed on the Berkshire and that upon
the Duroc , or Jersey Red , and then
again upon the large-boned Berkshire ,
and the results are entirely satisfactory.
It is said that a negro taking a razor
backed " " to the
"stag" Morton-Gregson
Packing House was informed after
"the buyer" had looked him. over that
though he was not half fattened the
animal would be taken at the usual
dockage" of "eighty pounds off for
stags. " The colored brother accepted ,
and weighing the animated shadow
found him to tip the beam at seventy-
five pounds , whereupon , to moke things
oven , he was requested to hand over a
sucking pig of five pounds weight.
But the infusion of the blood of the
bristling razor back and the trausinis-
sal of his self-supporting energies and
enormous rustling ability into the over-
pampered and too closely bred swine of
the United States is a rational improve
ment of the American Hog , as repre
sented by those animals which have
been bred exclusively for early maturity
and quick fattening qualities.
The voters of
OTOE COUNTY. Otoe County ought
to remember their
own best interests. No man should re
ceive their suffrages who has been iden
tified with the populist leaders that in
augurated malicious and expensive liti
gation to close up the National Starch
Works at Nebraska City. No wage-
earner in auy plant here can afford to
vote for those who have tried and are
still trying tfl silence the music of steam
by the decrees of a partisan court.
If you wish a
A POPULIST Supreme CvO u r t
COURT. whose duty in mak
ing decisions will
bo to formulate the fallacies of Bryau
arohy into decrees , vote for Hollenbeok.
His election will make that tribune a
: ertain quick-action destroyer of cor
porate capital in Nebraska. Its duty
will be to carry out threats made here
in Nebraska City by Bryan & Co. , Sep
tember 26 , 1900 , and to shut up the Na
tional Starch Works. A vote for Sedg-
wick is a vote to continue present in
dustrial plants in this state and this
town and to call in and establish new
The former At-
RESULT. toruey General of
Nebraska who was
leoted by Bryanarohy , inspired and di
rected by Bryauarchy , and who rejoiced
in calling himself Smyth instead of
Smith , began the malicious and partisan
litigation against the Standard Oil
Company and the National Starch Com
pany. The result is , so far , annoyance ,
expense , and a hindrance of further
similar investments by other incorpora
tions. A vote for Hollenbeck is a vote
endorsing the driying out of all incor
porated manufacturing plants from this
state. A vote for Sedgwick is a call for
capital to come in and build more fac
There ought to
TREES. be an autumnal , as
there is a vernal ,
Arbor Day. The people of Nebraska
ought to insist upon planting a row of
black walnuts or catalpas on each sec
tion line in- this state running east and
west. Such rows , one mile apart , north
and south , stretched from the Missouri
river to the foot hills of the Rooky
Mountains , would mitigate the rigors of
winter and abolish the drouths of sum
mer. An autumnal Arbor Day should
be celebrated in 1901 for the purpose of
beginning this great and beantsful bet
terment of our climatic conditions.
Because the Con-
WROTH. servative copied the
statement of a
stately statesman describing a house he
contemplated constructing and headed
the same "The House that Gab Built , "
the distinguished missionary and editor
of the Independent Populist at Lincoln
waxes wroth. Any allusion to the pro
priety of gab , blab , blat or bluster as
foundations of the fortune of the peer
less one , is resented as insulting and
personal. But his words at a' cent
apiece would rebuild Athens , Rome ,
Babylon and the lunacy of 16 to 1.