The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 31, 1901, Page 13, Image 13

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    Cbe Conservative * 13
Worlds nnd one Globe ; 10 Enterprises ,
two Advances , two Progresses and one
Excelsior , and on the other hand six
Posts ; six Eagles , three Bees of all
kinds and one Wasp ; one Primitive
Christian nnd one Hoof and Horn ;
three Mirrors and one Looking Glass.
For patriotism , we have two straight
Patriots , six Citizens , one Statesman ,
two Unions , one Republic and one Na-
tibu. For vocation , five Farmers , one
Granger , one Yeoman , one Workman ,
one Worker , one Laborer and one Stock
man. There are three Eras , two New
Eras-and a Coming New Era ; two
Homesteads , an Inter Ocean , a Frontier ,
six Pioneers and a Pioneer Grip , what
ever that may be ; three Breezes , a
Blizzard and two Waves ; a Loco
motive and a Hub ; a Mercury , which
perhaps should be listed with the clip
pers and rustlers ; and a Grit and a
Editor Conservative :
I am one of the latest arrivals in the
Conservative family , in fact , my first
tooth is yet to come. Like all infants
of similar age , I have an urging impulse
to make my presence known. The few
copies of The Conservative received have
bestowed much gratification upon me ,
and the sensible manner in which the
issues of the day are treated is worthy
of the highest commendation.
During the last five years I have been
undergoing conversion to the doctrine
of the "initiative and referendum. " It
is a slow process , owing to the scarcity
of information and practical demonstra
tion. I have also been deviating from
"party fealty" during this period.
Would government by referendum be
a hindrance to economic progression in
our country ?
The evils and shortcomings of the
times are to be rectified , I believe , by
evolution , rather than by revolution
by the developing and perfecting of
present systems and conditions. And
educational science ( which , by the way ,
is wofully lagging behind industrial
science , etc. , ) is to be the responsible
factor in bettering men and affairs.
Then , if this is so , government by the
initiative and referendum should give
education a great boost , for when the
people have to deal directly with prob
lems of governing , they would begin to
study up on the same. Under the pres
ent condition , where the making and
executing of the laws are kept out of
reach of the individuals , indifference
and disgust are to be expected. If the
minds of the people had this exercise ,
mental development would result and
the devil's work shop idle minds
would be closed.
If you deem this subject of sufficient
moment and interest , might we not
hear from yon regarding it ?
Yours truly ,
ClevelandfOhio , Oct. 15 , 1901.
The herd at Ar-
HOG CHOLERA , bor Lodge number
ing about 200 head ,
remains vigorous and has always before
it within snout-reach a box of "Guaran
tee Hog Cholera Cure , " made at 502
Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Dur
ing three years of the use of this remedy
our pigs have been given immunity from
the swine cholera.
It is one argument in favor of the
plan of letting professional butchers
kill our food-animals , that they very
seldom go off and kill people uninten
tionally. Those who prefer to go out
with guns on these fine fall days and
do their own slaughtering , always run
a certain amount of risk in this regard.
Day before yesterday two Nebraska
girls lost their lives as victims to the
desire of their male relatives to be
sportsmen. A North Platte man
killed his twenty-year-old daughter
instantly by shooting her in the back
of the head with a shotgun , and at '
Pawnee City a little girl of thirteen
was shot in the temple by her younger
brother with a rifle. These are unfor-
tuuato occurrences , but they seem to i , ' <
be an indispensable part of the sys-
States Depository.
Capital 'and Surplui
HERMAN KOUNTZE , President. F. H. DAVIS , Cashier.
J. A. CREIGHTON , Vice Prest. C. T. KOUNTZE , Ass't Cashier.
is a terrible affliction. The most , common cause of it is
some form of indigestion. Ripans Tabules positively
cure indigestion. They do not act like opiates , producing
an unnatural , immediate effect , but gradually exert an
influence over the nervous system , which results in
ready sleep , sound and refreshing.
"I am glad to give my testimonial in regard to the
great worth of Ripans Tabules , " writes a middle-aged
lady , living in Philadelphia , Pa. "I slowly recovered
from a severe illness and was getting along very well ,
only I could not sleep , which kept me from gaining
strength. A friend advised me to take Ripans Tabules
which acted like a charm , giving me refreshing slumber
and also renewing my strength. I was also troubled
with dyspepsia , and iound to my great surprise that as
my strength returned I was cured of this dise.ase also. "
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