The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 31, 1901, Image 1

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    Che Conservative
, „
One dollar and a half per year in advance ,
postpaid to any part of the United States or
Canada. Remittances made payable to The
Morton Printing Company.
Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska
City , Nebraska.
Advertising rates made known npon appli
Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City ,
Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 29 , 1898.
Theodore Roose-
HONESTY IN velt is an honest
GOVERNMENT , man. As the Pres
ident of the United
States he will sincerely strive to bring
efficient , experienced , qualified , honest
men into every branch of the ' public
service. Largely the United States
Civil Service Commission of which
President Roosevelt was himself the
chairman in 1898 will aid the Presi
dent in securing the best types of citi
zenship for public places.
No honest man will permit extrava
gance in a Department over which he
has control. Ex-
Economy , travagance is gild
ed dishonesty ,
sugarcoatedtrascality. . The govern
ment officer who will retain uu-needed
clerks , employ as laborers , men and
women who have no work to do except
to draw their stipends from the Nation
al Treasury , is not honest.
The head of a Department who know
ingly pays out , as wages , money belong
ing to the Govern-
Altruistic ment , to men and
Larceny. women whom he
knows are not need
ed and whom he knows do not earn the
money , is guilty of altruistic larceny.
He could have stolen for himself and
put in his own pocket all the money
thus paid out , just as honestly. Ego
tistic larceny , auto-thievery is no worse
and no better than larceny permitted
by , or made for , others.
How many unnecessary employees
are there at Washington in each De
partnient of the Government ? Is it no
a duty of the President of the United
States to cut down extravagance in
every branch of the Government ? As
an honest man , he can not be otherwise
than a vigorous , strenuous enemy to
wastefulness and extravagance.
During the sec-
CORTELYOU. oud administration
0 of Grove'r Oleve-
aud , through the classified service ,
ihere was in the Post Office De
partment a very efficient and eminently
'aithful ' clerk named George B. Cortel-
you. His abilities and merits were
irouounced , and thus he came to the
notice of President Cleveland , who
drafted him into the service of the
Executive of the United States and in
stalled him among the Secretaries at the
White House , where he has made a
most remarkable record for doing the
right thing rightly at the right time ,
under all sorts of judgment-testing
Mr. Cortelyou is a splendid demon
stration of the enormous value to the
people of the United States of a Civil
Service based upon merit , fitness and
adaptation. He honors the system and
reflects credit upon the position which
he now holds under a civil service re
forming President the former Chair
man of the Civil Service Commission of
the United States Theodore Roosevelt.
Mr. Webster , al-
DANIEL though he graduat-
WEBSTER. ed from Dartmouth
without having
achieved distinction as a foot-ballist , a
lawn tennist or quartet singer , was by
some enlightened and worthy folk re
garded as a man of commanding force
in oratory and logic. In 1824 Mr. Web
ster as one may find by looking on
page 861 of State Papers , by F. W.
Taussig made an anti-protective tar
iff speech in which he declared :
"Some other gentlemen in the course
of the debate have spoken of the price
paid for every foreign manufactured
article as so much given for the encour
agement of foreign labor to the preju
dice of our own. But is not every such
article the product of our own labor as
truly as if we had manufactured it our
selves ? Our labor has earned it and
paid the price for it. It is so much
added to the stock of national wealth
If the commodity were dollars nobody
would doubt the truth of this remark
and it is precisely as correct in its ap
plication to any other commodity as to
silver. One man makes a yard of clotl
at home , another raises agricultural
products and buys a yard of imported
cloth. Both these are eqtfally the earn
ings of domestic industry , and the only
questions that arise in the case are two.
Phe firat is , which is the best mode
under all the circumstances of obtain-
ug the article ; the second is , how'far
this question is proper to be decided by
government , and how far it is proper to
> e left to individual discretion. There
is no foundation for the distinction
which attributes to certain employments
the peculiar appellation of American in
dustry , and it is , in my judgment , ex-
; remely unwise to attempt such dis-
criminations. "
The lucidity of statement and the
cogency of the foregoing cannot , of
course , have much weight with ponderous
derous protectionists like Allison and
Dolliver , of Iowa , and yet Mr. Webster
is by many men respected as a patriotic
statesman. His mental powers were , to
t > e sure , not just like those of the great
Grosvenor and other Ohio teachers of
protection , and yet he has his place in
history and in the esteem of quite a
number of intelligent Americans.
Loie Fuller in
SHADOW her enchanting
POSTURES. skirt dances amidst
the fleeting , change
ful and coruscating colorings of stage-
made "shadows" achieved an interna
tional fame. But Willie Bryan only
once announced himself an expert
prophet in "a shadow , " and that was
at Nebraska City , September 26,1900 ,
when he mellifluently murmured "I
am not afraid to speak in the shadow of
the Starch Works. " Since that mem
orable revelation made by the peerless
prophet of the Platte , the Starch Works
"shadow" has been expanded , at a cost
of | 50,000 , to meet the necessities of
Willie Bryan's increased political personality -
sonality and he is welcome to come
once more , vieing with Loie Fuller ,
and posture in that "shadow. "
The sensible oiti-
MORE NOT LESS. . zenship of Nebraska -
ka wants more , not
less , capital to come into the state , es
tablish manufactories , pay out wages
and convert raw products into commodi
ties. That citizenship ought therefore
to vote against Holleubeck and all the
other nominees on the populist ticket
a ticket supported by every Bryanarch-
ist , communist , socialist and anarchist
in Nebraska. Nebraska needs more ,
not less , incorporated capital engaged in
manufacture. Call it in by voting
against those who would .drive , it out.