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"If President Roosevelt steadfastly holds to the determination to regard merit as the real test , ho will place his country under obligations to him , " says the Philadelphia Ledger ( Rep. ) , "and at the same time will adopt such a wise course politically that he will become one of the most popular chief magistrates in our his tory. " < 'We have simply to do for the ocean-carrying trade as the German government has done by the Ham burg-American line give it freedom and let it alone , ' ' counsels the Indian apolis News ( Ind. ) . "American en terprise needs no subsidy. It requires simply an oven chance a fair field and no favor. The people ought to bet their faces as flint against sub sidies. ' ' "If in the past the Massachusetts democracy has been twitted by its re publican opponents as simply oppos ing republican action and offering nothing resembling constructive legis lation oirits own account , " promises the Boston Herald ( Ind. ) , "it can now wholly clear its skirts from such crit icism , as the platform laid down for .state work furnishes enough new sug gestions to keep the legislature busy for several years to come. ' ' The Philadelphia Press ( Rep. ) sees ' ' indications of an increasing disposi tion to keep partisanship out of the judiciary elections. There are still some districts in the state where the jndgeships are treated as a matter of political spoil , " it says , "and where i the judges themselves treat their high offices as political places , ' ' but ' ' no loss than nine of the whole number of nineteen common pleas judges to be elected in different districts of the state this year will be chosen without partisan opposition. " ' ' ' The only apparent possibility of uniting and reviving the democracy in several important commonwealths lies in utilizing local domestic ques tions as campaign issues , ' ' says the Philadelphia Evening Bxilletin ( Rep. ) ' ' There is a chance that a fair degree of party harmony and co-operation may bo secured in this manner , and that the eastern democracy may again become a compact and effective organ ization , strong enough to impose a wholesome check on the republicans in such states as New Jersey and Pennsylvania. ' ' "To exhaust ingenuity in devising ways to spend the surplus , instead of in discovering how to prevent its accumulating would be like enlarg ing the bung of a wine barrel to keep it from overflowing , instead of shut ting off the inflow , " argues the St. Paul Pioneer Press ( Rep. ) . "It is practically to tax the people of the country for comparatively useless ob jects , and to depend upon expendi tures variable and uncertain to pre vent a dangerous congestion of the treasury , instead of ridding the coun try once for all of the burden of tax ation and of the danger. ' ' "The obstructionists who have suc ceeded hitherto in defeating all reci procity treaties in the senate have not come from this part of the country , ' ' says the Chicago Tribune ( Rep. ) . "They hail from" the eastern states , noticeably from New England , whore there is a cabal of protectionists who pretend to favor reciprocity as a theory , but who always oppose put ting it into practice. It is this same cabal which is now obstructing the reciprocity treaty with France and trying to smother it in committee. This is trickery , not legislation. " "It would unquestionably bo better for the South if the partios'woro more equally divided in the matter of both respectability and numbers , ' ' reasons the Nashville American ( Dem. ) . 1' Siich a condition would demand strong loadersthe best men to fill the offices and a wise administration of affairs. It would serve to make the South moro influential in national affairs , in the selection of candidates , the framing of platforms , the shaping of policies , and in the distribution of federal patronage and public expendi tures. President Roosevelt has a splendid oppotunity to contribute to this change of conditions. " "With respect to Cuban annexation the attitude of the United States should bo that of ' absolute nonintervention vention and non-iiiterference , ' ' coun sels the Philadelphia Ledger ( Rep. ) . "It is possible for the United States to make the commercial conditions in the island intolerable by a narrow , il liberal , and oppressive policy , condi tions from which there could bo no es cape save through annexation. The United States is bound by the highest sanctions of honor not to force annex ation by this or any other course. ' '