The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 24, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Conservative.
The statement emanating from Wash
ington that President Roosevelt's first
message will outline a systematic plan
of reforestation nncl ask for an ap
propriation therefor , is of especial
interest at this time because of Pres
ident McKinloy's well-known love for
trees and his utterances in respect to
the same on that last Friday of his
In this connection it is of interest
to know that several of the state ad
ministration , as well as the national
administrations , are likely to advocate
through Arbor Day proclamations or
otherwise , the planting of trees in
honor of the late President's memory.
It is Orlin M. Sanford , of this city ,
who is responsible for this latter sug
gestion and who has communicated
with quite a number of the governors
and some of the national officials in
respect to adopting this scheme.
From the replies received it is likely
that the state of Ohio will lead off in
its forth coming Arbor Day pro
clamation , as the governor writes
that he thinks it an excellent idea ,
and will be pleased to consider it
in his Arbor Day proclamation.
Governor McLean , of Connecticut ,
has referred the matter to the
local press and he is also likely
to take action. Favorable replies have
also been received from other govern
ors , including New York , Kansas ,
North Dakota , and others are expected
soon. A letter just received from
Secretary to the President , George B.
Cortelyou , indicates that the matter
has been laid before the President for
his consideration , which is likely to
be favorable in view of his attitude
in reforestation. The New York In
dependent thinks the suggestion a good
one and writes that the matter has
been put before the proper editor for
a forthcoming editorial on the sub
ject. The governors of Colorado and
Wyoming are likely , it is thought , to
entertain the idea favorably , especially
as their attention was called to dis
patches from Denver recently , stating
that over 50 miles of forest in the
mountains between Colorado and Wy
oming were burning.
It is stated on good authority that
the available forest area of Pennsyl
vania is equal to a strip of 17 miles
wide across the state north and south ,
but this area by the same authority
is said to be diminishing at the rate
of about a mile a year , so that at the
present rate of progress , or rather de
struction , which is likely to be in
creased rather than diminished , this
supply will be exhausted in 17 years.
Some idea of the various agencies
which are using up our timber may
be obtained through the simple state
ment that the wood pulp manufac
turers of this country are using up 25
acres of forest a day. The arguments
for reforestation are many and pass-
ng , and it is to be hoped that both
state and national administrations
will promptly recommend immediate
measures to this end. Pittsburg , Pa. ,
'Leader , " Sept. 80 , 1001.
Pittsburg , Oct. 7 , 1001.
J. Sterling Morton , Editor The Con
servative , Nebraska City , Neb. Dear
Sir : The enclosed editorials and
newspaper clippings , relative to a re
cent suggestion of mine that on Arbor
Day trees bo planted in honor of our
late President's life and love and
death , especially in view of those last
dying utterances of his , will , I trust ,
prove self-explanatory.
I take the liberty of sending them
to you as the "father , author and or
iginator of Arbor Day , "doing so at the
special suggestion of your State Super
intendent of Public Instruction , Wil
liam K. Fowler , to whose attention , as
well as that of your governor , I have
recently also called the matter.
Knowing your living interest in all
that pertains to forestry , and extended
influence , may I not take the liberty
of calling your attention to this sub
ject and bespeaking' your cooperation
ation iu advancing the good cause ? I
should highly appreciate whatever you
can do.
My attention lias been called to
quite a number of editorials , com
menting favorably upon the idea and a
few of these I enclose to you.
In the last few days I have heard
favorably from about 20 of our govern
ors : and the governors of Ohio , In
diana , Minnesota , Michigan and Colorado
rado have written me definitely that
they will incorporate the idea in
Arbor Day proclamations. Governor
S. R. Van Sant , of Minnesota , after
writing very warmly in the matter ,
says : " I will bear the matter in mind
and will call the attention of our legis
lature thereto so that the Arbor Day
law may be amended to meet youi
suggestions. " I do not think that ,
save in exceptional cases , existing
laws will have to be changed. I am
calling the attention of the superin
tendents of public instruction in
many of the states to this idea. Hop
ing I have not trespassed unduly up
on your time , and that you will kindly
advise me of any action in the matter
I have the honor to remain ,
Yours very sincerely ,
Even with no other guide than the
beauty of his domestic life , it would
be a safe inference that President Mc-
Kinley's relations with the refine
ments of his earthly environment
were true and right. It is said of him
that upon the morning of the last day
of his life , when the nurses sought to
screen his eyes from the light , he
dissented , saying : "No , I want to
see the trees , they are so beautiful. ' '
It is easy perhaps to dismiss that
tribute as the pathetic sentiment of a
nan who was considering the liar- f
mony and beauty of nature for the last * *
time , butf bettor course is to make *
some , practical use of it. Mr. O. M.
Sanforcl , geifferal agent of the Equit
able Llf o Assurance Company at Pitts
burg , suggests jii the Dispatch of that
city "that municipalities and
schools a7id 'citizens , should perpetu
ate our x late v 'President's dying
love for thebejuitiful trees by
planting menfpjial JoKinloy trees in
lionor of his lifoVamVToVo and death.
In those last wo ds of his , expressing
liis dying wish to gaze upon the beaxi-
tiful trees , did he not plant the seed
of thought in our hearts and should
we not forthwith carry out that
thought to a legitimate and loving
fruition by planting the trees he loved
so well ? " We certainly cannot have
too many incentives for the stimula
tion of tree-plan ting. The plea of
utility is all sufficient were its force
adequately estimated. But sentiment
is frequently an even more powerful *
influence. ' We can hardly see how a
love of country can bo complete with
out a love of trees and a desire to pre
serve and multiply them. The last
words spoken to his country have
been considered among the late presi
dent's best words , and what he said
of the trees , which he regarded with
eyes more of the spirit than of the
flesh , should not be permitted to pass
unheeded. Boston "Evening Tran
script. ' ' i
To the Editor of The Dispatch :
Sir It was on the morning of Presi
dent McKinley's last day ( Friday )
upon this earth , when the nurses
sought to adjust the pillow so as to
screen his eyes and shut off the too
direct rays of light , that the dying
sufferer quietly objected , adding in
explanation , "No , I want to see the
trees ; they are so beautiful. ' '
May wo not think that' ' their green
tops stole over him , and bowed his
spirit with the thought of the bound
less power and majesty" and good
ness of his and their creator ? Pos
sibly they may have so appealed to
him with peculiar force in that
moment ; the poetic characterization
of them as a "creation of property so
clean of tears , of crime , even of care , " - |
practically growing "at nobody's cost i
and for everybody's comfort , "that his
great wounded heart went out to them
and found rest. It has been well said
by Emerson that "Nature is loved by
what is best in us , " and it was our .
gentle Washington Irving who wrote :
"There is something noble , simple
and pure in a taste for trees , ' ' and
Ruskiu who still further emphasized
this by declaring that such a love is a
"sign of goodness of heart and just-
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