The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 24, 1901, Page 12, Image 12
ra-T F1 * ' ' * ' i3$3fc ! ! 3' . .1 .1I I 12 13be Conservative * READ PROPHECIES OF THE PEER LESS IN 1896 AND 1900. The Western fanners in 1901 , regardless - loss of the prophet , know that their wheat crop is worth more than last yiur's by 150 millions of dollars. Other grains represent as large a total value this year as last , the shortage in yield of corn being made up by advance in price. Potatoes are so high that the short crop will probably return more money to the farmer than over before. Live stock represents a value of nearly 250 millions of dollars over last year. Applea and other fruits arc extraor dinarily high. The farm products of the United States this year are doubtless worth 400 million dollars more than last year's outturn. The cereals ( wheat , corn , oats , rye and barlej' ) raised ii the United States during the past five years represent a value to the farmer of (5250 ( millions of dollars , or an increase of nearly 1000 millions over the preceding five years. Cotton growers have netted 400 mil lion dollars more for the the past live crops (1901 ( crop estimated ) than for the previous five. Taking 1896 as a fair basis of values during the late agricultural depression , nine staple crops for this year represent an increase in value of over 700 millions of dollars. Live stock is worth 1000 millions more now than then. During the past five years , agricul tural exports have been 988 millions of dollars greater in value than for the preceding five years , a gain of 80 per cent , while exports of manufactures have almost doubled in value. The ex cess of exports over imports is nearly three-fold that of 1890-97. Whereas in the former period the United States lost 220 millions of dollars in gold , during the past five years it gained 192 millions , or a net addition to the nation's gold supply of 412 millions. The total stock of gold in the United States now (1125 ( millions ) is double what it was five years ago , and the per capita circulation of money ( $28) ) is 33 per cent greater now than then. With a keen foreign demand for our surplus , the American farmer certainly rejoices in a glorious prospect for profits , prosperity and happiness. Or ange Judd Farmer. The democrats of Scott county , la. , which includes Davenport , have re newed their declaration of last year that "the money question has been settled and is no longer an issue be fore the people. ' ' In 1892 , with an honest money platform , Scott county gave ! 5,200 democratic majority. In 189(5 ( , on the free silver platform , Scott county gave 1200 republican ma jority. I. O. 8. Trxtbookd , specially written for busy people , iimkottpjisy formcnnml v omen ut work to learn Hy Mull. Courses In bnglnrrring ; . Archl. leclurr , Ornsmfnlnl IlfKlgn , Stenography , Ucraan , Spanlth , French , clc. Circular Free. Intcrnntlonnl Corrcupoinli'iiro School * , Ho\lSOO , Kcrnnton , I'n. , ' ARTHUR R. JONES & CO. Members Chicago and Duluth Board of Trade. Private Wires to No\v York , Boston and Prin cipal Western Cities. 226-228 LA SALLE STREET , CHICAGO. Your Correspondence and Busine&s Solicited. WEARE COMMISSION. 00. GRAINS , PROVISIONS , STOCKS AND BONDS. < OLD COLONY BUIIDIHO. CHICAGO. STOCKS , BONDS , GRAIN , PROVISIONS , II 9 AN OFFER That should be accepted without delay. \V H A I ; Why you can get FARH , STOCK AND ! HOflE , Minneapolis , flinn. , free for one year (24 ( numbers ) by paying one year in advance for THE CONSERVATIVE. FARM , STQCK AND HONE is not a cheaply gotten up , catch penny affair. It is an old established journal with a re putation for reliability and value second to none , with a - circulation of nearly 60,000. Should be in the hands of every farmer , and we make it easy to get it there. Do your part and you will not regret it. Farming to-day is a learned profession , and the best informed man is the one whose crops are most bountiful in years of plenty , and fair in years of general failure. SEND THREE HAIRS FOR FREE MICROSCOPIC i EXAMINATION. Take three fallen hairs from the morning combings and mail them to Prof. J. H. Austin , the celebrated scalp and skin specialist of years standing and national reputation , who will send you absolutely FREE a Diagnosis of your special case after making a minute examination of your hairs under his specially constructed and powerful microscope. There is no charge whatsoever , and in addition he will send a special prescription for your case put up in a little box , also absolutely FREE. When you are cured of DANDRUFF , which is the forerunner of bald ness , and grow NEW HAIR Prof. Austin asks that you tell your friends about it. SEND NO MONEY. If you are already partly or totally bald write and find the cure , SEND 2c FOR POSTAGE. WRITE TO-DAY TO PROF'J , H , AUSTIN , * o. Wicker's ' Theater Building , Chicago , III ,