8 'Cbe Conservative * The Conservative READ ABROAD , has just received a letter from Mr. F. Giertsen , of Ohristiaua , Norway , rela tive to au article which appeared in its issue of July 25 , 1901 , respecting Pro fessor Giertsen and a monument which ho had just erected to the memory of his grandfather , because that ancestor had planted , one hundred years before , a splendid forest of spruce and Norway pine as a legacy and inheritance of great value to his descendants. The tree planter who labors for other genera tions than his own is a benefactor to all mankind. Arbor Day was JANUARY 4th 1872. brought into being thirty years ago on the 4th day of next January. The fol lowing is from the official proceedings of the Nebraska State Board of Agri culture : "At the annual meeting of the Ne braska State Board of Agriculture , held in the city of Lincoln , January 4th. 1872 , J. Sterling Morton introduced the following resolution , which was unani mously adopted , after some little de bate as to the name , some present con tending for the term "Sylvan" instead of Arbor. Resolved , That Wednesday , the 10th day of April , 1872 , be and the same is hereby especially set apart and consecrated crated for tree-planting in the state of Nebraska , and the State Board of Ag riculture hereby name it Arbor Day ; and to urge upon the people of the state the vital importance of tree-planting , hereby offer a special premium of one hundred dollars to the Agricultural So ciety of that county in Nebraska which shall , upon that day , plant properly the largest number of trees , and a farm library of twenty-five dollars worth of books to that person who , on that day shall properly plant in Nebraska the greatest number of trees. " BOASTING. "This know also , that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own solves , covetous , boasters. ' ' 2. Tim. 3:1-2. : "Because thoii sayest , I am rich , and increased with goods , and have need of nothing ; and knowest not that tliou art wretched , and miserable , and poor , and blind , and naked. " Rev. 3:1(5. : ( "As braggarts the American people have no siiperiors. For gem-rations national vanity and eonoeitedness have found'ovorflow in Fourth of July orations. Each year we have vaunted our education , our Christian ity , our charity and our morals.'as the perfection of concrete character with a massive unanimity of ego tism. ' ' The Conservative. However , The Conservative and the Bible may be at war upon the subject of the value of praying for rain , they are perfectly agreed upon the value of r" ; "rt > , 'L- , > . X self-vaunting , boasting as the above texts show. I have been in the active work of the gospel ministry for more than a quarter of a century , and would be now , did my health permit ; in com mon with thousands of others I have been praying for a great revival to move this nation as aforetime. And I believe that God will do it , but there are hindrances , some of them it may be in myself. Hindrances to God. First , this spirit of pride and self-vaunting , boasting. Go into any of the big church conventions , and how often do you hear about "the great Methodist church"or the "great Presbyterian church" or whatever clmreh the speaker happens to repre sent. And then an egotistical speech on what the church has done ; and thus it goes through press and pulpit. How can God lift up a people who are al ready by far too high ? ( Is God not omnipotent ? Editor. ) Said Jesus : "Whosoever shalt exalt himself , shall be abased : and he that shall humble himself , shall be exalted. " Second , the anxiety of the minis try , at least such u number of them , to be known as "doctors , " to have pom pous titles to their names as D. D . , LL. D. , etc. ; their failure to "preach the word , " the very thing God sent us to do , the anxiety of ministers to be known as star performers 011 lecture platforms , while their flocks are perishing for lack of a tender shepherd's care , the restless ambi tion of the clergy to get "calls" to greater fields of labor and churches , the willingness to leave the ministry , if fields be poor , to go into other call ings where salary is better these things must be changed or God can not revive his work. Exekiel says : 1' The word of the Lord came unto mo saying , 'Son of man , prophesy against the prophets of Israel. ' ' ' The 23d of Matthew is filled with the bitterest denunciations of the false teachers of that day in which Christ , Ho of the great heart , likens them to "serpents and vipers" and asks : 1' How can ye escape the damnation of hell ? " We doubtless have many true ministers today ; and also with many there is urgent need of repentance and reformation. They Only Profess Religion. The disposition shown almost every where to count men as' ' converted" who have given no evidence of such change , is a very grievous sin. Third , the lack of Bible study on the part of the laity , the absence of home religion , the feeble prayer meet ings , the lack of disposition to do per sonal work , the worldliness of the laity , their , willingness to have their ministers lecture upon popular themes , instead of preach the gospel. Here arc some of the sins of the laity , and they must be. repented of and forsaken , or , Mr. Editor , how can the good Lord use us in converting sinners ? Old Style Revivals. Now I expect I have grumbled enough for once , but when you and I were boys things were often as bad , I presume , as now ; but , brother , you will remember that now and then we had an old-fashioned pentecostal re vival that seemed to shake heaven and earth ; sinners instead of signing a card or holding up their hands to signify a desire to "go to heaven , ' ' came weeping to an altar , and often for hours together they prayed and were prayed for , imtil after a while they " got through , " and then , Mr. Editor , you remember the shouts of victory. I want to see these old times , at least in substance , repeated. And we will see it if we keep praying and at work. I am not stickling , sir , for the form in which this thing comes , so that we get the substance of it. More Prayers. I wish all editors and preachers were Christian men , who would begin the day with prayer and end it with thanksgiving ; what a beginning this would be to a great revival that would shake all Nebraska. Now I propose that you do all that you can down at Nebraska City , your end of the line , speak to Dr. Shepherd the Methodist minister ; he is like Barnabas , ' ' A good man full of faith and the Holy Ghost ; " get him to stir things up , and if you can get him go ing on the right line he is a power. You thunder the truth at them through a column of The Conserv ative , while up here at Lincoln I will pray for the work , and then see Brother Bryan and Doc Bixby and Rev. Hindman and others , and some thing will happen. You know the promise , I am going to keep quoting it , "If my people , which are called by _ my name , shall humble themselves and pray , and seek my face , and turn from their wicked ways ; then will I hear from heaven , and will forgive their sins , and will heal their land. ' ' BYRON BEALL. Few residences in America have been built from the proceeds of crops of wind and words fertilized with cheek. "Any attempt to broaden the scope of reciprocity treaties must bo along lines laid down by the Dingloy bill , or the result will be an abandonment of protection , " argues the Milwaukee Sentinel ( Rep. ) . "If protection is to be abandoned , it should bo done witli a distinct understanding that , the time has como for the adoption of practical free trade. ' '